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3 years ago
var keystone = require('.') // Or: require('keystone') if you have installed it
console.log('Using keystone ' + keystone.version.major + '.' + keystone.version.minor)
var ks, assembly, result
// Check if architecture is supported
if (! keystone.is_arch_supported(keystone.ARCH_X86)) {
throw 'Warning: X86 architecture not supported by keystone.'
// Create a new Keystone instance for X86 64bit
ks = new keystone.Ks(keystone.ARCH_X86, keystone.MODE_64)
// Assemble some instructions
assembly = 'inc rcx; dec rbx'
result = ks.asm(assembly)
console.log('"' + assembly + '"', ':', result.encoding)
// Change syntax, assemble some more instructions
assembly = 'lea rax, [label1]\nnop\nnop\nlabel1:'
ks.syntax = keystone.OPT_SYNTAX_NASM
result = ks.asm(assembly)
console.log('"' + assembly.replace(/\n/g, '; ') + '"', ':', result.encoding)
// Close Keystone instance to free resources