fixed small mistakes

xerox 4 years ago
parent fbce69c77e
commit 089984b0f2

@ -17,50 +17,15 @@ typedef struct _GIOMAP
#pragma pack ( pop )
static const char* driver_name = "gdrv";
static const char* driver_path = (std::filesystem::current_path().string() + "\\driver\\gdrv.sys").c_str();
constexpr char[] driver_name = "gdrv";
const char* driver_path = (std::filesystem::current_path().string() + "\\driver\\gdrv.sys").c_str();
namespace physmeme
//--- ranges of physical memory
static std::map<std::uintptr_t, std::size_t> pmem_ranges;
//--- validates the address
static bool is_valid(std::uintptr_t addr)
for (auto range : pmem_ranges)
if (addr >= range.first && addr <= range.first + range.second)
return true;
return false;
// Author: Remy Lebeau
// taken from here:
static const auto init_ranges = ([&]() -> bool
HKEY h_key;
DWORD type, size;
LPBYTE data;
RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "HARDWARE\\RESOURCEMAP\\System Resources\\Physical Memory", 0, KEY_READ, &h_key);
RegQueryValueEx(h_key, ".Translated", NULL, &type, NULL, &size); //get size
data = new BYTE[size];
RegQueryValueEx(h_key, ".Translated", NULL, &type, data, &size);
DWORD count = *(DWORD*)(data + 16);
auto pmi = data + 24;
for (int dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < count; dwIndex++)
pmem_ranges.emplace(*(uint64_t*)(pmi + 0), *(uint64_t*)(pmi + 8));
pmi += 20;
delete[] data;
return true;
please code this function depending on your method of physical read/write.
static HANDLE load_drv()
please code this function depending on your method of physical read/write.
inline HANDLE load_drv()
const SC_HANDLE manager = OpenSCManager(nullptr, nullptr, SC_MANAGER_CREATE_SERVICE);
@ -102,7 +67,7 @@ namespace physmeme
please code this function depending on your method of physical read/write.
static bool unload_drv()
inline bool unload_drv()
const SC_HANDLE manager = OpenSCManager(nullptr, nullptr, SC_MANAGER_CREATE_SERVICE);
@ -128,7 +93,7 @@ namespace physmeme
please code this function depending on your method of physical read/write.
static std::uintptr_t map_phys(
inline std::uintptr_t map_phys(
std::uintptr_t addr,
std::size_t size
@ -144,7 +109,7 @@ namespace physmeme
please code this function depending on your method of physical read/write.
static bool unmap_phys(
inline bool unmap_phys(
std::uintptr_t addr,
std::size_t size
