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// note: these vm handler indexes are for EasyAntiCheat.sys 6/23/2021...
// when the driver gets re-vmprotected these vm handler indexes need to be updated...
// EAC_VM_HANDLE_OFFSET contains the offset from the module base to the vm handler table,
// as of right now EAC only uses a single virtual machine in their VMProtect config so there
// is only a single vm handler table...
// EAC_SHA1_OFFSET contains the offset from the module base to the sha1 function...
// you can locate this function by searching for SHA1 magic numbers: 0x67452301, 0xEFCDAB89
// 0x98BADCFE, 0x10325476, 0xC3D2E1F0...
// EAC_IMAGE_BASE contains the "ImageBase" value inside of the OptionalHeaders field of the NT
// headers... This value gets updated with the actual module base of the driver once loaded into
// memory... I didnt want to read it off disk so I just made it a macro here...
#include <scn.hpp>
#include <sha1.hpp>
#include <shithook.hpp>
// game cheat offset flash backs...
#define EAC_SHA1_OFFSET 0x4C00
#define EAC_IMAGE_BASE 0x140000000
#define DBG_PRINT( format, ... ) \
DbgPrintEx( DPFLTR_SYSTEM_ID, DPFLTR_ERROR_LEVEL, "[vmhook-eac [core number = %d]]" format, \
KeGetCurrentProcessorNumber(), __VA_ARGS__ )
// vm handler indexes for READQ...
inline u8 g_readq_idxs[] = { 247, 215, 169, 159, 71, 60, 55, 43, 23 };
// vm handler indexes for READDW
inline u8 g_readdw_idxs[] = { 218, 180, 179, 178, 163, 137, 92, 22, 12 };
// vm handler indexes for READB
inline u8 g_readb_idxs[] = { 249, 231, 184, 160, 88, 85, 48, 9, 2 };
inline vm::hook_t *g_vmhook = nullptr;
inline vm::handler::table_t *g_vm_table = nullptr;
inline u64 g_image_base = 0u, g_image_size = 0u, g_image_clone = 0u;
inline inline_hook_t g_sha1_hook;