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#pragma once
#include <ntifs.h>
#include <intrin.h>
#include <vmhook.hpp>
#define IMAGE_SCN_MEM_DISCARDABLE 0x02000000
#define IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE 0x80000000
namespace scn
typedef struct _IMAGE_DOS_HEADER
/* 0x0000 */ unsigned short e_magic;
/* 0x0002 */ unsigned short e_cblp;
/* 0x0004 */ unsigned short e_cp;
/* 0x0006 */ unsigned short e_crlc;
/* 0x0008 */ unsigned short e_cparhdr;
/* 0x000a */ unsigned short e_minalloc;
/* 0x000c */ unsigned short e_maxalloc;
/* 0x000e */ unsigned short e_ss;
/* 0x0010 */ unsigned short e_sp;
/* 0x0012 */ unsigned short e_csum;
/* 0x0014 */ unsigned short e_ip;
/* 0x0016 */ unsigned short e_cs;
/* 0x0018 */ unsigned short e_lfarlc;
/* 0x001a */ unsigned short e_ovno;
/* 0x001c */ unsigned short e_res[4];
/* 0x0024 */ unsigned short e_oemid;
/* 0x0026 */ unsigned short e_oeminfo;
/* 0x0028 */ unsigned short e_res2[10];
/* 0x003c */ long e_lfanew;
} IMAGE_DOS_HEADER, * PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER; /* size: 0x0040 */
typedef struct _IMAGE_FILE_HEADER
/* 0x0000 */ unsigned short Machine;
/* 0x0002 */ unsigned short NumberOfSections;
/* 0x0004 */ unsigned long TimeDateStamp;
/* 0x0008 */ unsigned long PointerToSymbolTable;
/* 0x000c */ unsigned long NumberOfSymbols;
/* 0x0010 */ unsigned short SizeOfOptionalHeader;
/* 0x0012 */ unsigned short Characteristics;
typedef struct _IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY
/* 0x0000 */ unsigned long VirtualAddress;
/* 0x0004 */ unsigned long Size;
typedef struct _IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64
/* 0x0000 */ unsigned short Magic;
/* 0x0002 */ unsigned char MajorLinkerVersion;
/* 0x0003 */ unsigned char MinorLinkerVersion;
/* 0x0004 */ unsigned long SizeOfCode;
/* 0x0008 */ unsigned long SizeOfInitializedData;
/* 0x000c */ unsigned long SizeOfUninitializedData;
/* 0x0010 */ unsigned long AddressOfEntryPoint;
/* 0x0014 */ unsigned long BaseOfCode;
/* 0x0018 */ unsigned __int64 ImageBase;
/* 0x0020 */ unsigned long SectionAlignment;
/* 0x0024 */ unsigned long FileAlignment;
/* 0x0028 */ unsigned short MajorOperatingSystemVersion;
/* 0x002a */ unsigned short MinorOperatingSystemVersion;
/* 0x002c */ unsigned short MajorImageVersion;
/* 0x002e */ unsigned short MinorImageVersion;
/* 0x0030 */ unsigned short MajorSubsystemVersion;
/* 0x0032 */ unsigned short MinorSubsystemVersion;
/* 0x0034 */ unsigned long Win32VersionValue;
/* 0x0038 */ unsigned long SizeOfImage;
/* 0x003c */ unsigned long SizeOfHeaders;
/* 0x0040 */ unsigned long CheckSum;
/* 0x0044 */ unsigned short Subsystem;
/* 0x0046 */ unsigned short DllCharacteristics;
/* 0x0048 */ unsigned __int64 SizeOfStackReserve;
/* 0x0050 */ unsigned __int64 SizeOfStackCommit;
/* 0x0058 */ unsigned __int64 SizeOfHeapReserve;
/* 0x0060 */ unsigned __int64 SizeOfHeapCommit;
/* 0x0068 */ unsigned long LoaderFlags;
/* 0x006c */ unsigned long NumberOfRvaAndSizes;
/* 0x0070 */ struct _IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY DataDirectory[16];
typedef struct _IMAGE_NT_HEADERS64
/* 0x0000 */ unsigned long Signature;
/* 0x0004 */ struct _IMAGE_FILE_HEADER FileHeader;
/* 0x0018 */ struct _IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 OptionalHeader;
} IMAGE_NT_HEADERS64, * PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS64; /* size: 0x0108 */
typedef struct _IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER
/* 0x0000 */ unsigned char Name[8];
/* 0x0008 */ unsigned long PhysicalAddress;
/* 0x0008 */ unsigned long VirtualSize;
}; /* size: 0x0004 */
} /* size: 0x0004 */ Misc;
/* 0x000c */ unsigned long VirtualAddress;
/* 0x0010 */ unsigned long SizeOfRawData;
/* 0x0014 */ unsigned long PointerToRawData;
/* 0x0018 */ unsigned long PointerToRelocations;
/* 0x001c */ unsigned long PointerToLinenumbers;
/* 0x0020 */ unsigned short NumberOfRelocations;
/* 0x0022 */ unsigned short NumberOfLinenumbers;
/* 0x0024 */ unsigned long Characteristics;
/// <summary>
/// returns true if the ptr pointers to something in a section
/// that is read only...
/// </summary>
/// <param name="image_base">module base of the driver...</param>
/// <param name="ptr">a valid pointer that lands inside of the driver...</param>
/// <returns>returns true if the ptr pointers to something in a section that is read only</returns>
bool read_only(u64 image_base, u64 ptr);