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3 years ago
#include <iostream>
#include <filesystem>
#include "xtils.hpp"
int __cdecl main(int argc, const char** argv)
auto utils = xtils::um_t::get_instance();
const auto explorer_pid =
const auto explorer_module_base =
std::printf("> explorer pid = 0x%x, module base = 0x%p\n",
explorer_pid, explorer_module_base);
std::map<std::wstring, std::uintptr_t> modules;
if (!utils->get_modules(explorer_pid, modules))
std::printf("[!] failed to get modules...\n");
return -1;
std::printf("> user32.dll base = 0x%p\n",
const auto [notepad_handle, notepad_pid, notepad_base] =
std::printf("> notepad handle = 0x%x, notepad pid = 0x%x, notepad_base = 0x%p\n",
notepad_handle, notepad_pid, notepad_base);
const auto module_base = utils->load_lib(notepad_handle,
.string() + "\\hello-world-x64.dll").c_str());
std::printf("> module base = 0x%p\n", module_base);
auto km_utils = xtils::km_t::get_instance();
[](PRTL_PROCESS_MODULE_INFORMATION kmodule_info, const char* module_name) -> bool
std::printf("> module name = %s, module base = 0x%p\n",
module_name, kmodule_info->ImageBase);
return true;
std::printf("> ntoskrnl base = 0x%p\n", km_utils->get_base("ntoskrnl.exe"));