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#pragma once
#include <fltKernel.h>
typedef struct _EX_PUSH_LOCK_17763
struct /* bitfield */
/* 0x0000 */ unsigned __int64 Locked : 1; /* bit position: 0 */
/* 0x0000 */ unsigned __int64 Waiting : 1; /* bit position: 1 */
/* 0x0000 */ unsigned __int64 Waking : 1; /* bit position: 2 */
/* 0x0000 */ unsigned __int64 MultipleShared : 1; /* bit position: 3 */
/* 0x0000 */ unsigned __int64 Shared : 60; /* bit position: 4 */
}; /* bitfield */
/* 0x0000 */ unsigned __int64 Value;
/* 0x0000 */ void *Ptr;
}; /* size: 0x0008 */
} EX_PUSH_LOCK_17763, *PEX_PUSH_LOCK_17763; /* size: 0x0008 */
typedef struct _MMVAD_FLAGS_17763
struct /* bitfield */
/* 0x0000 */ unsigned long VadType : 3; /* bit position: 0 */
/* 0x0000 */ unsigned long Protection : 5; /* bit position: 3 */
/* 0x0000 */ unsigned long PreferredNode : 6; /* bit position: 8 */
/* 0x0000 */ unsigned long PrivateMemory : 1; /* bit position: 14 */
/* 0x0000 */ unsigned long PrivateFixup : 1; /* bit position: 15 */
/* 0x0000 */ unsigned long Graphics : 1; /* bit position: 16 */
/* 0x0000 */ unsigned long Enclave : 1; /* bit position: 17 */
/* 0x0000 */ unsigned long PageSize64K : 1; /* bit position: 18 */
/* 0x0000 */ unsigned long ShadowStack : 1; /* bit position: 19 */
/* 0x0000 */ unsigned long Spare : 6; /* bit position: 20 */
/* 0x0000 */ unsigned long HotPatchAllowed : 1; /* bit position: 26 */
/* 0x0000 */ unsigned long NoChange : 1; /* bit position: 27 */
/* 0x0000 */ unsigned long ManySubsections : 1; /* bit position: 28 */
/* 0x0000 */ unsigned long DeleteInProgress : 1; /* bit position: 29 */
/* 0x0000 */ unsigned long LockContended : 1; /* bit position: 30 */
/* 0x0000 */ unsigned long Lock : 1; /* bit position: 31 */
}; /* bitfield */
} MMVAD_FLAGS_17763, *PMMVAD_FLAGS_17763; /* size: 0x0004 */
typedef struct _MMVAD_SHORT_17763
/* 0x0000 */ struct _MMVAD_SHORT *NextVad;
/* 0x0008 */ void *ExtraCreateInfo;
}; /* size: 0x0010 */
/* 0x0000 */ struct _RTL_BALANCED_NODE VadNode;
}; /* size: 0x0018 */
/* 0x0018 */ unsigned long StartingVpn;
/* 0x001c */ unsigned long EndingVpn;
/* 0x0020 */ unsigned char StartingVpnHigh;
/* 0x0021 */ unsigned char EndingVpnHigh;
/* 0x0022 */ unsigned char CommitChargeHigh;
/* 0x0023 */ unsigned char SpareNT64VadUChar;
/* 0x0024 */ long ReferenceCount;
/* 0x0028 */ struct _EX_PUSH_LOCK_17763 PushLock;
/* 0x0030 */ unsigned long LongFlags;
/* 0x0030 */ struct _MMVAD_FLAGS_17763 VadFlags;
/* 0x0030 */ volatile unsigned long VolatileVadLong;
}; /* size: 0x0004 */
} /* size: 0x0004 */ u;
/* 0x0034 */ unsigned long LongFlags1;
///* 0x0034 */ struct _MMVAD_FLAGS1 VadFlags1;
}; /* size: 0x0004 */
} /* size: 0x0004 */ u1;
/* 0x0038 */ struct _MI_VAD_EVENT_BLOCK *EventList;
} MMVAD_SHORT_17763, *PMMVAD_SHORT_17763; /* size: 0x0040 */
#define SpecialApcDisable_17763_OFFSET (0x01e6)