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// AsmJit - Machine code generation for C++
// * Official AsmJit Home Page:
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// Copyright (c) 2008-2020 The AsmJit Authors
// This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
// warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
// arising from the use of this software.
// Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
// including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
// freely, subject to the following restrictions:
// 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
// claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
// in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
// appreciated but is not required.
// 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
// misrepresented as being the original software.
// 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
#include "../core/api-config.h"
#include "../core/compiler.h"
#include "../core/emithelper_p.h"
#include "../core/raassignment_p.h"
#include "../core/radefs_p.h"
#include "../core/rastack_p.h"
#include "../core/support.h"
//! \cond INTERNAL
//! \addtogroup asmjit_ra
//! \{
// ============================================================================
// [asmjit::RABlock]
// ============================================================================
//! Basic block used by register allocator pass.
class RABlock {
typedef RAAssignment::PhysToWorkMap PhysToWorkMap;
typedef RAAssignment::WorkToPhysMap WorkToPhysMap;
enum Id : uint32_t {
kUnassignedId = 0xFFFFFFFFu
//! Basic block flags.
enum Flags : uint32_t {
//! Block has been constructed from nodes.
kFlagIsConstructed = 0x00000001u,
//! Block is reachable (set by `buildViews()`).
kFlagIsReachable = 0x00000002u,
//! Block is a target (has an associated label or multiple labels).
kFlagIsTargetable = 0x00000004u,
//! Block has been allocated.
kFlagIsAllocated = 0x00000008u,
//! Block is a function-exit.
kFlagIsFuncExit = 0x00000010u,
//! Block has a terminator (jump, conditional jump, ret).
kFlagHasTerminator = 0x00000100u,
//! Block naturally flows to the next block.
kFlagHasConsecutive = 0x00000200u,
//! Block has a jump to a jump-table at the end.
kFlagHasJumpTable = 0x00000400u,
//! Block contains fixed registers (precolored).
kFlagHasFixedRegs = 0x00000800u,
//! Block contains function calls.
kFlagHasFuncCalls = 0x00001000u
//! Register allocator pass.
BaseRAPass* _ra;
//! Block id (indexed from zero).
uint32_t _blockId = kUnassignedId;
//! Block flags, see `Flags`.
uint32_t _flags = 0;
//! First `BaseNode` of this block (inclusive).
BaseNode* _first = nullptr;
//! Last `BaseNode` of this block (inclusive).
BaseNode* _last = nullptr;
//! Initial position of this block (inclusive).
uint32_t _firstPosition = 0;
//! End position of this block (exclusive).
uint32_t _endPosition = 0;
//! Weight of this block (default 0, each loop adds one).
uint32_t _weight = 0;
//! Post-order view order, used during POV construction.
uint32_t _povOrder = 0;
//! Basic statistics about registers.
RARegsStats _regsStats = RARegsStats();
//! Maximum live-count per register group.
RALiveCount _maxLiveCount = RALiveCount();
//! Timestamp (used by block visitors).
mutable uint64_t _timestamp = 0;
//! Immediate dominator of this block.
RABlock* _idom = nullptr;
//! Block predecessors.
RABlocks _predecessors {};
//! Block successors.
RABlocks _successors {};
enum LiveType : uint32_t {
kLiveIn = 0,
kLiveOut = 1,
kLiveGen = 2,
kLiveKill = 3,
kLiveCount = 4
//! Liveness in/out/use/kill.
ZoneBitVector _liveBits[kLiveCount] {};
//! Shared assignment it or `Globals::kInvalidId` if this block doesn't
//! have shared assignment. See `RASharedAssignment` for more details.
uint32_t _sharedAssignmentId = Globals::kInvalidId;
//! Scratch registers that cannot be allocated upon block entry.
uint32_t _entryScratchGpRegs = 0;
//! Scratch registers used at exit, by a terminator instruction.
uint32_t _exitScratchGpRegs = 0;
//! Register assignment (PhysToWork) on entry.
PhysToWorkMap* _entryPhysToWorkMap = nullptr;
//! Register assignment (WorkToPhys) on entry.
WorkToPhysMap* _entryWorkToPhysMap = nullptr;
//! \name Construction & Destruction
//! \{
inline RABlock(BaseRAPass* ra) noexcept
: _ra(ra) {}
//! \}
//! \name Accessors
//! \{
inline BaseRAPass* pass() const noexcept { return _ra; }
inline ZoneAllocator* allocator() const noexcept;
inline uint32_t blockId() const noexcept { return _blockId; }
inline uint32_t flags() const noexcept { return _flags; }
inline bool hasFlag(uint32_t flag) const noexcept { return (_flags & flag) != 0; }
inline void addFlags(uint32_t flags) noexcept { _flags |= flags; }
inline bool isAssigned() const noexcept { return _blockId != kUnassignedId; }
inline bool isConstructed() const noexcept { return hasFlag(kFlagIsConstructed); }
inline bool isReachable() const noexcept { return hasFlag(kFlagIsReachable); }
inline bool isTargetable() const noexcept { return hasFlag(kFlagIsTargetable); }
inline bool isAllocated() const noexcept { return hasFlag(kFlagIsAllocated); }
inline bool isFuncExit() const noexcept { return hasFlag(kFlagIsFuncExit); }
inline void makeConstructed(const RARegsStats& regStats) noexcept {
_flags |= kFlagIsConstructed;
inline void makeReachable() noexcept { _flags |= kFlagIsReachable; }
inline void makeTargetable() noexcept { _flags |= kFlagIsTargetable; }
inline void makeAllocated() noexcept { _flags |= kFlagIsAllocated; }
inline const RARegsStats& regsStats() const noexcept { return _regsStats; }
inline bool hasTerminator() const noexcept { return hasFlag(kFlagHasTerminator); }
inline bool hasConsecutive() const noexcept { return hasFlag(kFlagHasConsecutive); }
inline bool hasJumpTable() const noexcept { return hasFlag(kFlagHasJumpTable); }
inline bool hasPredecessors() const noexcept { return !_predecessors.empty(); }
inline bool hasSuccessors() const noexcept { return !_successors.empty(); }
inline const RABlocks& predecessors() const noexcept { return _predecessors; }
inline const RABlocks& successors() const noexcept { return _successors; }
inline BaseNode* first() const noexcept { return _first; }
inline BaseNode* last() const noexcept { return _last; }
inline void setFirst(BaseNode* node) noexcept { _first = node; }
inline void setLast(BaseNode* node) noexcept { _last = node; }
inline uint32_t firstPosition() const noexcept { return _firstPosition; }
inline void setFirstPosition(uint32_t position) noexcept { _firstPosition = position; }
inline uint32_t endPosition() const noexcept { return _endPosition; }
inline void setEndPosition(uint32_t position) noexcept { _endPosition = position; }
inline uint32_t povOrder() const noexcept { return _povOrder; }
inline uint32_t entryScratchGpRegs() const noexcept;
inline uint32_t exitScratchGpRegs() const noexcept { return _exitScratchGpRegs; }
inline void addEntryScratchGpRegs(uint32_t regMask) noexcept { _entryScratchGpRegs |= regMask; }
inline void addExitScratchGpRegs(uint32_t regMask) noexcept { _exitScratchGpRegs |= regMask; }
inline bool hasSharedAssignmentId() const noexcept { return _sharedAssignmentId != Globals::kInvalidId; }
inline uint32_t sharedAssignmentId() const noexcept { return _sharedAssignmentId; }
inline void setSharedAssignmentId(uint32_t id) noexcept { _sharedAssignmentId = id; }
inline uint64_t timestamp() const noexcept { return _timestamp; }
inline bool hasTimestamp(uint64_t ts) const noexcept { return _timestamp == ts; }
inline void setTimestamp(uint64_t ts) const noexcept { _timestamp = ts; }
inline void resetTimestamp() const noexcept { _timestamp = 0; }
inline RABlock* consecutive() const noexcept { return hasConsecutive() ? _successors[0] : nullptr; }
inline RABlock* iDom() noexcept { return _idom; }
inline const RABlock* iDom() const noexcept { return _idom; }
inline void setIDom(RABlock* block) noexcept { _idom = block; }
inline ZoneBitVector& liveIn() noexcept { return _liveBits[kLiveIn]; }
inline const ZoneBitVector& liveIn() const noexcept { return _liveBits[kLiveIn]; }
inline ZoneBitVector& liveOut() noexcept { return _liveBits[kLiveOut]; }
inline const ZoneBitVector& liveOut() const noexcept { return _liveBits[kLiveOut]; }
inline ZoneBitVector& gen() noexcept { return _liveBits[kLiveGen]; }
inline const ZoneBitVector& gen() const noexcept { return _liveBits[kLiveGen]; }
inline ZoneBitVector& kill() noexcept { return _liveBits[kLiveKill]; }
inline const ZoneBitVector& kill() const noexcept { return _liveBits[kLiveKill]; }
inline Error resizeLiveBits(uint32_t size) noexcept {
ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(_liveBits[kLiveIn ].resize(allocator(), size));
ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(_liveBits[kLiveOut ].resize(allocator(), size));
ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(_liveBits[kLiveGen ].resize(allocator(), size));
ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(_liveBits[kLiveKill].resize(allocator(), size));
return kErrorOk;
inline bool hasEntryAssignment() const noexcept { return _entryPhysToWorkMap != nullptr; }
inline WorkToPhysMap* entryWorkToPhysMap() const noexcept { return _entryWorkToPhysMap; }
inline PhysToWorkMap* entryPhysToWorkMap() const noexcept { return _entryPhysToWorkMap; }
inline void setEntryAssignment(PhysToWorkMap* physToWorkMap, WorkToPhysMap* workToPhysMap) noexcept {
_entryPhysToWorkMap = physToWorkMap;
_entryWorkToPhysMap = workToPhysMap;
//! \}
//! \name Utilities
//! \{
//! Adds a successor to this block, and predecessor to `successor`, making
//! connection on both sides.
//! This API must be used to manage successors and predecessors, never manage
//! it manually.
Error appendSuccessor(RABlock* successor) noexcept;
//! Similar to `appendSuccessor()`, but does prepend instead append.
//! This function is used to add a natural flow (always first) to the block.
Error prependSuccessor(RABlock* successor) noexcept;
//! \}
// ============================================================================
// [asmjit::RAInst]
// ============================================================================
//! Register allocator's data associated with each `InstNode`.
class RAInst {
//! Parent block.
RABlock* _block;
//! Instruction flags.
uint32_t _flags;
//! Total count of RATiedReg's.
uint32_t _tiedTotal;
//! Index of RATiedReg's per register group.
RARegIndex _tiedIndex;
//! Count of RATiedReg's per register group.
RARegCount _tiedCount;
//! Number of live, and thus interfering VirtReg's at this point.
RALiveCount _liveCount;
//! Fixed physical registers used.
RARegMask _usedRegs;
//! Clobbered registers (by a function call).
RARegMask _clobberedRegs;
//! Tied registers.
RATiedReg _tiedRegs[1];
enum Flags : uint32_t {
kFlagIsTerminator = 0x00000001u
//! \name Construction & Destruction
//! \{
ASMJIT_INLINE RAInst(RABlock* block, uint32_t flags, uint32_t tiedTotal, const RARegMask& clobberedRegs) noexcept {
_block = block;
_flags = flags;
_tiedTotal = tiedTotal;
_clobberedRegs = clobberedRegs;
//! \}
//! \name Accessors
//! \{
//! Returns the instruction flags.
inline uint32_t flags() const noexcept { return _flags; }
//! Tests whether the instruction has flag `flag`.
inline bool hasFlag(uint32_t flag) const noexcept { return (_flags & flag) != 0; }
//! Replaces the existing instruction flags with `flags`.
inline void setFlags(uint32_t flags) noexcept { _flags = flags; }
//! Adds instruction `flags` to this RAInst.
inline void addFlags(uint32_t flags) noexcept { _flags |= flags; }
//! Clears instruction `flags` from this RAInst.
inline void clearFlags(uint32_t flags) noexcept { _flags &= ~flags; }
//! Returns whether the RAInst represents an instruction that terminates this basic block.
inline bool isTerminator() const noexcept { return hasFlag(kFlagIsTerminator); }
//! Returns the associated block with this RAInst.
inline RABlock* block() const noexcept { return _block; }
//! Returns tied registers (all).
inline RATiedReg* tiedRegs() const noexcept { return const_cast<RATiedReg*>(_tiedRegs); }
//! Returns tied registers for a given `group`.
inline RATiedReg* tiedRegs(uint32_t group) const noexcept { return const_cast<RATiedReg*>(_tiedRegs) + _tiedIndex.get(group); }
//! Returns count of all tied registers.
inline uint32_t tiedCount() const noexcept { return _tiedTotal; }
//! Returns count of tied registers of a given `group`.
inline uint32_t tiedCount(uint32_t group) const noexcept { return _tiedCount[group]; }
//! Returns `RATiedReg` at the given `index`.
inline RATiedReg* tiedAt(uint32_t index) const noexcept {
ASMJIT_ASSERT(index < _tiedTotal);
return tiedRegs() + index;
//! Returns `RATiedReg` at the given `index` of the given register `group`.
inline RATiedReg* tiedOf(uint32_t group, uint32_t index) const noexcept {
ASMJIT_ASSERT(index < _tiedCount._regs[group]);
return tiedRegs(group) + index;
inline void setTiedAt(uint32_t index, RATiedReg& tied) noexcept {
ASMJIT_ASSERT(index < _tiedTotal);
_tiedRegs[index] = tied;
//! \name Static Functions
//! \{
static inline size_t sizeOf(uint32_t tiedRegCount) noexcept {
return sizeof(RAInst) - sizeof(RATiedReg) + tiedRegCount * sizeof(RATiedReg);
//! \}
// ============================================================================
// [asmjit::RAInstBuilder]
// ============================================================================
//! A helper class that is used to build an array of RATiedReg items that are
//! then copied to `RAInst`.
class RAInstBuilder {
//! Flags combined from all RATiedReg's.
uint32_t _aggregatedFlags;
//! Flags that will be cleared before storing the aggregated flags to `RAInst`.
uint32_t _forbiddenFlags;
RARegCount _count;
RARegsStats _stats;
RARegMask _used;
RARegMask _clobbered;
//! Current tied register in `_tiedRegs`.
RATiedReg* _cur;
//! Array of temporary tied registers.
RATiedReg _tiedRegs[128];
//! \name Construction & Destruction
//! \{
inline RAInstBuilder() noexcept { reset(); }
inline void init() noexcept { reset(); }
inline void reset() noexcept {
_aggregatedFlags = 0;
_forbiddenFlags = 0;
_cur = _tiedRegs;
//! \}
//! \name Accessors
//! \{
inline uint32_t aggregatedFlags() const noexcept { return _aggregatedFlags; }
inline uint32_t forbiddenFlags() const noexcept { return _forbiddenFlags; }
inline void addAggregatedFlags(uint32_t flags) noexcept { _aggregatedFlags |= flags; }
inline void addForbiddenFlags(uint32_t flags) noexcept { _forbiddenFlags |= flags; }
//! Returns the number of tied registers added to the builder.
inline uint32_t tiedRegCount() const noexcept { return uint32_t((size_t)(_cur - _tiedRegs)); }
inline RATiedReg* begin() noexcept { return _tiedRegs; }
inline RATiedReg* end() noexcept { return _cur; }
inline const RATiedReg* begin() const noexcept { return _tiedRegs; }
inline const RATiedReg* end() const noexcept { return _cur; }
//! Returns `RATiedReg` at the given `index`.
inline RATiedReg* operator[](uint32_t index) noexcept {
ASMJIT_ASSERT(index < tiedRegCount());
return &_tiedRegs[index];
//! Returns `RATiedReg` at the given `index`. (const).
inline const RATiedReg* operator[](uint32_t index) const noexcept {
ASMJIT_ASSERT(index < tiedRegCount());
return &_tiedRegs[index];
//! \}
//! \name Utilities
//! \{
Error add(RAWorkReg* workReg, uint32_t flags, uint32_t allocable, uint32_t useId, uint32_t useRewriteMask, uint32_t outId, uint32_t outRewriteMask, uint32_t rmSize = 0) noexcept {
uint32_t group = workReg->group();
RATiedReg* tiedReg = workReg->tiedReg();
if (useId != BaseReg::kIdBad) {
_used[group] |= Support::bitMask(useId);
flags |= RATiedReg::kUseFixed;
if (outId != BaseReg::kIdBad) {
_clobbered[group] |= Support::bitMask(outId);
flags |= RATiedReg::kOutFixed;
_aggregatedFlags |= flags;
if (!tiedReg) {
// Could happen when the builder is not reset properly after each instruction.
ASMJIT_ASSERT(tiedRegCount() < ASMJIT_ARRAY_SIZE(_tiedRegs));
tiedReg = _cur++;
tiedReg->init(workReg->workId(), flags, allocable, useId, useRewriteMask, outId, outRewriteMask, rmSize);
return kErrorOk;
else {
if (useId != BaseReg::kIdBad) {
if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY(tiedReg->hasUseId()))
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorOverlappedRegs);
if (outId != BaseReg::kIdBad) {
if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY(tiedReg->hasOutId()))
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorOverlappedRegs);
tiedReg->_allocableRegs &= allocable;
tiedReg->_useRewriteMask |= useRewriteMask;
tiedReg->_outRewriteMask |= outRewriteMask;
tiedReg->_rmSize = uint8_t(Support::max<uint32_t>(tiedReg->rmSize(), rmSize));
return kErrorOk;
Error addCallArg(RAWorkReg* workReg, uint32_t useId) noexcept {
ASMJIT_ASSERT(useId != BaseReg::kIdBad);
uint32_t flags = RATiedReg::kUse | RATiedReg::kRead | RATiedReg::kUseFixed;
uint32_t group = workReg->group();
uint32_t allocable = Support::bitMask(useId);
_aggregatedFlags |= flags;
_used[group] |= allocable;
RATiedReg* tiedReg = workReg->tiedReg();
if (!tiedReg) {
// Could happen when the builder is not reset properly after each instruction.
ASMJIT_ASSERT(tiedRegCount() < ASMJIT_ARRAY_SIZE(_tiedRegs));
tiedReg = _cur++;
tiedReg->init(workReg->workId(), flags, allocable, useId, 0, BaseReg::kIdBad, 0);
return kErrorOk;
else {
if (tiedReg->hasUseId()) {
flags |= RATiedReg::kDuplicate;
tiedReg->_allocableRegs |= allocable;
else {
tiedReg->_allocableRegs &= allocable;
return kErrorOk;
Error addCallRet(RAWorkReg* workReg, uint32_t outId) noexcept {
ASMJIT_ASSERT(outId != BaseReg::kIdBad);
uint32_t flags = RATiedReg::kOut | RATiedReg::kWrite | RATiedReg::kOutFixed;
uint32_t group = workReg->group();
uint32_t allocable = Support::bitMask(outId);
_aggregatedFlags |= flags;
_used[group] |= allocable;
RATiedReg* tiedReg = workReg->tiedReg();
if (!tiedReg) {
// Could happen when the builder is not reset properly after each instruction.
ASMJIT_ASSERT(tiedRegCount() < ASMJIT_ARRAY_SIZE(_tiedRegs));
tiedReg = _cur++;
tiedReg->init(workReg->workId(), flags, allocable, BaseReg::kIdBad, 0, outId, 0);
return kErrorOk;
else {
if (tiedReg->hasOutId())
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorOverlappedRegs);
return kErrorOk;
//! \}
// ============================================================================
// [asmjit::RASharedAssignment]
// ============================================================================
class RASharedAssignment {
typedef RAAssignment::PhysToWorkMap PhysToWorkMap;
typedef RAAssignment::WorkToPhysMap WorkToPhysMap;
//! Bit-mask of registers that cannot be used upon a block entry, for each
//! block that has this shared assignment. Scratch registers can come from
//! ISA limits (like jecx/loop instructions on x86) or because the registers
//! are used by jump/branch instruction that uses registers to perform an
//! indirect jump.
uint32_t _entryScratchGpRegs = 0;
//! Union of all live-in registers.
ZoneBitVector _liveIn {};
//! Register assignment (PhysToWork).
PhysToWorkMap* _physToWorkMap = nullptr;
//! Register assignment (WorkToPhys).
WorkToPhysMap* _workToPhysMap = nullptr;
//! Most likely never called as we initialize a vector of shared assignments to zero.
inline RASharedAssignment() noexcept {}
inline uint32_t entryScratchGpRegs() const noexcept { return _entryScratchGpRegs; }
inline void addEntryScratchGpRegs(uint32_t mask) noexcept { _entryScratchGpRegs |= mask; }
inline const ZoneBitVector& liveIn() const noexcept { return _liveIn; }
inline PhysToWorkMap* physToWorkMap() const noexcept { return _physToWorkMap; }
inline WorkToPhysMap* workToPhysMap() const noexcept { return _workToPhysMap; }
inline bool empty() const noexcept {
return _physToWorkMap == nullptr;
inline void assignMaps(PhysToWorkMap* physToWorkMap, WorkToPhysMap* workToPhysMap) noexcept {
_physToWorkMap = physToWorkMap;
_workToPhysMap = workToPhysMap;
// ============================================================================
// [asmjit::BaseRAPass]
// ============================================================================
//! Register allocation pass used by `BaseCompiler`.
class BaseRAPass : public FuncPass {
typedef FuncPass Base;
enum Weights : uint32_t {
kCallArgWeight = 80
typedef RAAssignment::PhysToWorkMap PhysToWorkMap;
typedef RAAssignment::WorkToPhysMap WorkToPhysMap;
//! Allocator that uses zone passed to `runOnFunction()`.
ZoneAllocator _allocator {};
//! Emit helper.
BaseEmitHelper* _iEmitHelper = nullptr;
//! Logger, disabled if null.
Logger* _logger = nullptr;
//! Debug logger, non-null only if `kOptionDebugPasses` option is set.
Logger* _debugLogger = nullptr;
//! Logger flags.
uint32_t _loggerFlags = 0;
//! Function being processed.
FuncNode* _func = nullptr;
//! Stop node.
BaseNode* _stop = nullptr;
//! Node that is used to insert extra code after the function body.
BaseNode* _extraBlock = nullptr;
//! Blocks (first block is the entry, always exists).
RABlocks _blocks {};
//! Function exit blocks (usually one, but can contain more).
RABlocks _exits {};
//! Post order view (POV).
RABlocks _pov {};
//! Number of instruction nodes.
uint32_t _instructionCount = 0;
//! Number of created blocks (internal).
uint32_t _createdBlockCount = 0;
//! SharedState blocks.
ZoneVector<RASharedAssignment> _sharedAssignments {};
//! Timestamp generator (incremental).
mutable uint64_t _lastTimestamp = 0;
//! Architecture traits.
const ArchTraits* _archTraits = nullptr;
//! Index to physical registers in `RAAssignment::PhysToWorkMap`.
RARegIndex _physRegIndex = RARegIndex();
//! Count of physical registers in `RAAssignment::PhysToWorkMap`.
RARegCount _physRegCount = RARegCount();
//! Total number of physical registers.
uint32_t _physRegTotal = 0;
//! Indexes of a possible scratch registers that can be selected if necessary.
uint8_t _scratchRegIndexes[2] {};
//! Registers available for allocation.
RARegMask _availableRegs = RARegMask();
//! Count of physical registers per group.
RARegCount _availableRegCount = RARegCount();
//! Registers clobbered by the function.
RARegMask _clobberedRegs = RARegMask();
//! Work registers (registers used by the function).
RAWorkRegs _workRegs;
//! Work registers per register group.
RAWorkRegs _workRegsOfGroup[BaseReg::kGroupVirt];
//! Register allocation strategy per register group.
RAStrategy _strategy[BaseReg::kGroupVirt];
//! Global max live-count (from all blocks) per register group.
RALiveCount _globalMaxLiveCount = RALiveCount();
//! Global live spans per register group.
LiveRegSpans* _globalLiveSpans[BaseReg::kGroupVirt] {};
//! Temporary stack slot.
Operand _temporaryMem = Operand();
//! Stack pointer.
BaseReg _sp = BaseReg();
//! Frame pointer.
BaseReg _fp = BaseReg();
//! Stack manager.
RAStackAllocator _stackAllocator {};
//! Function arguments assignment.
FuncArgsAssignment _argsAssignment {};
//! Some StackArgs have to be assigned to StackSlots.
uint32_t _numStackArgsToStackSlots = 0;
//! Maximum name-size computed from all WorkRegs.
uint32_t _maxWorkRegNameSize = 0;
//! Temporary string builder used to format comments.
StringTmp<80> _tmpString;
//! \name Construction & Reset
//! \{
BaseRAPass() noexcept;
virtual ~BaseRAPass() noexcept;
//! \}
//! \name Accessors
//! \{
//! Returns \ref Logger passed to \ref runOnFunction().
inline Logger* logger() const noexcept { return _logger; }
//! Returns \ref Logger passed to \ref runOnFunction() or null if `kOptionDebugPasses` is not set.
inline Logger* debugLogger() const noexcept { return _debugLogger; }
//! Returns \ref Zone passed to \ref runOnFunction().
inline Zone* zone() const noexcept { return; }
//! Returns \ref ZoneAllocator used by the register allocator.
inline ZoneAllocator* allocator() const noexcept { return const_cast<ZoneAllocator*>(&_allocator); }
inline const ZoneVector<RASharedAssignment>& sharedAssignments() const { return _sharedAssignments; }
inline uint32_t sharedAssignmentCount() const noexcept { return _sharedAssignments.size(); }
//! Returns the current function node.
inline FuncNode* func() const noexcept { return _func; }
//! Returns the stop of the current function.
inline BaseNode* stop() const noexcept { return _stop; }
//! Returns an extra block used by the current function being processed.
inline BaseNode* extraBlock() const noexcept { return _extraBlock; }
//! Sets an extra block, see `extraBlock()`.
inline void setExtraBlock(BaseNode* node) noexcept { _extraBlock = node; }
inline uint32_t endPosition() const noexcept { return _instructionCount * 2; }
inline const RARegMask& availableRegs() const noexcept { return _availableRegs; }
inline const RARegMask& cloberredRegs() const noexcept { return _clobberedRegs; }
//! \}
//! \name Utilities
//! \{
inline void makeUnavailable(uint32_t group, uint32_t regId) noexcept {
_availableRegs[group] &= ~Support::bitMask(regId);
//! Runs the register allocator for the given `func`.
Error runOnFunction(Zone* zone, Logger* logger, FuncNode* func) override;
//! Performs all allocation steps sequentially, called by `runOnFunction()`.
Error onPerformAllSteps() noexcept;
//! \}
//! \name Events
//! \{
//! Called by \ref runOnFunction() before the register allocation to initialize
//! architecture-specific data and constraints.
virtual void onInit() noexcept = 0;
//! Called by \ref runOnFunction(` after register allocation to clean everything
//! up. Called even if the register allocation failed.
virtual void onDone() noexcept = 0;
//! \}
//! \name CFG - Basic-Block Management
//! \{
//! Returns the function's entry block.
inline RABlock* entryBlock() noexcept {
return _blocks[0];
//! \overload
inline const RABlock* entryBlock() const noexcept {
return _blocks[0];
//! Returns all basic blocks of this function.
inline RABlocks& blocks() noexcept { return _blocks; }
//! \overload
inline const RABlocks& blocks() const noexcept { return _blocks; }
//! Returns the count of basic blocks (returns size of `_blocks` array).
inline uint32_t blockCount() const noexcept { return _blocks.size(); }
//! Returns the count of reachable basic blocks (returns size of `_pov` array).
inline uint32_t reachableBlockCount() const noexcept { return _pov.size(); }
//! Tests whether the CFG has dangling blocks - these were created by `newBlock()`,
//! but not added to CFG through `addBlocks()`. If `true` is returned and the
//! CFG is constructed it means that something is missing and it's incomplete.
//! \note This is only used to check if the number of created blocks matches
//! the number of added blocks.
inline bool hasDanglingBlocks() const noexcept { return _createdBlockCount != blockCount(); }
//! Gest a next timestamp to be used to mark CFG blocks.
inline uint64_t nextTimestamp() const noexcept { return ++_lastTimestamp; }
//! Createss a new `RABlock` instance.
//! \note New blocks don't have ID assigned until they are added to the block
//! array by calling `addBlock()`.
RABlock* newBlock(BaseNode* initialNode = nullptr) noexcept;
//! Tries to find a neighboring LabelNode (without going through code) that is
//! already connected with `RABlock`. If no label is found then a new RABlock
//! is created and assigned to all possible labels in a backward direction.
RABlock* newBlockOrExistingAt(LabelNode* cbLabel, BaseNode** stoppedAt = nullptr) noexcept;
//! Adds the given `block` to the block list and assign it a unique block id.
Error addBlock(RABlock* block) noexcept;
inline Error addExitBlock(RABlock* block) noexcept {
return _exits.append(allocator(), block);
ASMJIT_INLINE RAInst* newRAInst(RABlock* block, uint32_t flags, uint32_t tiedRegCount, const RARegMask& clobberedRegs) noexcept {
void* p = zone()->alloc(RAInst::sizeOf(tiedRegCount));
return nullptr;
return new(p) RAInst(block, flags, tiedRegCount, clobberedRegs);
ASMJIT_INLINE Error assignRAInst(BaseNode* node, RABlock* block, RAInstBuilder& ib) noexcept {
uint32_t tiedRegCount = ib.tiedRegCount();
RAInst* raInst = newRAInst(block, ib.aggregatedFlags(), tiedRegCount, ib._clobbered);
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorOutOfMemory);
RARegIndex index;
uint32_t flagsFilter = ~ib.forbiddenFlags();
raInst->_tiedIndex = index;
raInst->_tiedCount = ib._count;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < tiedRegCount; i++) {
RATiedReg* tiedReg = ib[i];
RAWorkReg* workReg = workRegById(tiedReg->workId());
uint32_t group = workReg->group();
if (tiedReg->hasUseId()) {
raInst->_usedRegs[group] |= Support::bitMask(tiedReg->useId());
if (tiedReg->hasOutId()) {
RATiedReg& dst = raInst->_tiedRegs[index[group]++];
dst = *tiedReg;
dst._flags &= flagsFilter;
if (!tiedReg->isDuplicate())
dst._allocableRegs &= ~ib._used[group];
return kErrorOk;
//! \}
//! \name CFG - Build CFG
//! \{
//! Traverse the whole function and do the following:
//! 1. Construct CFG (represented by `RABlock`) by populating `_blocks` and
//! `_exits`. Blocks describe the control flow of the function and contain
//! some additional information that is used by the register allocator.
//! 2. Remove unreachable code immediately. This is not strictly necessary
//! for BaseCompiler itself as the register allocator cannot reach such
//! nodes, but keeping instructions that use virtual registers would fail
//! during instruction encoding phase (Assembler).
//! 3. `RAInst` is created for each `InstNode` or compatible. It contains
//! information that is essential for further analysis and register
//! allocation.
//! Use `RACFGBuilderT` template that provides the necessary boilerplate.
virtual Error buildCFG() noexcept = 0;
//! Called after the CFG is built.
Error initSharedAssignments(const ZoneVector<uint32_t>& sharedAssignmentsMap) noexcept;
//! \}
//! \name CFG - Views Order
//! \{
//! Constructs CFG views (only POV at the moment).
Error buildViews() noexcept;
//! \}
//! \name CFG - Dominators
//! \{
// Terminology:
// - A node `X` dominates a node `Z` if any path from the entry point to
// `Z` has to go through `X`.
// - A node `Z` post-dominates a node `X` if any path from `X` to the end
// of the graph has to go through `Z`.
//! Constructs a dominator-tree from CFG.
Error buildDominators() noexcept;
bool _strictlyDominates(const RABlock* a, const RABlock* b) const noexcept;
const RABlock* _nearestCommonDominator(const RABlock* a, const RABlock* b) const noexcept;
//! Tests whether the basic block `a` dominates `b` - non-strict, returns true when `a == b`.
inline bool dominates(const RABlock* a, const RABlock* b) const noexcept { return a == b ? true : _strictlyDominates(a, b); }
//! Tests whether the basic block `a` dominates `b` - strict dominance check, returns false when `a == b`.
inline bool strictlyDominates(const RABlock* a, const RABlock* b) const noexcept { return a == b ? false : _strictlyDominates(a, b); }
//! Returns a nearest common dominator of `a` and `b`.
inline RABlock* nearestCommonDominator(RABlock* a, RABlock* b) const noexcept { return const_cast<RABlock*>(_nearestCommonDominator(a, b)); }
//! Returns a nearest common dominator of `a` and `b` (const).
inline const RABlock* nearestCommonDominator(const RABlock* a, const RABlock* b) const noexcept { return _nearestCommonDominator(a, b); }
//! \}
//! \name CFG - Utilities
//! \{
Error removeUnreachableBlocks() noexcept;
//! Returns `node` or some node after that is ideal for beginning a new block.
//! This function is mostly used after a conditional or unconditional jump to
//! select the successor node. In some cases the next node could be a label,
//! which means it could have assigned some block already.
BaseNode* findSuccessorStartingAt(BaseNode* node) noexcept;
//! Returns `true` of the `node` can flow to `target` without reaching code
//! nor data. It's used to eliminate jumps to labels that are next right to
//! them.
bool isNextTo(BaseNode* node, BaseNode* target) noexcept;
//! \}
//! \name Virtual Register Management
//! \{
//! Returns a native size of the general-purpose register of the target architecture.
inline uint32_t registerSize() const noexcept { return _sp.size(); }
inline uint32_t availableRegCount(uint32_t group) const noexcept { return _availableRegCount[group]; }
inline RAWorkReg* workRegById(uint32_t workId) const noexcept { return _workRegs[workId]; }
inline RAWorkRegs& workRegs() noexcept { return _workRegs; }
inline RAWorkRegs& workRegs(uint32_t group) noexcept { return _workRegsOfGroup[group]; }
inline const RAWorkRegs& workRegs() const noexcept { return _workRegs; }
inline const RAWorkRegs& workRegs(uint32_t group) const noexcept { return _workRegsOfGroup[group]; }
inline uint32_t workRegCount() const noexcept { return _workRegs.size(); }
inline uint32_t workRegCount(uint32_t group) const noexcept { return _workRegsOfGroup[group].size(); }
inline void _buildPhysIndex() noexcept {
_physRegTotal = uint32_t(_physRegIndex[BaseReg::kGroupVirt - 1]) +
uint32_t(_physRegCount[BaseReg::kGroupVirt - 1]) ;
inline uint32_t physRegIndex(uint32_t group) const noexcept { return _physRegIndex[group]; }
inline uint32_t physRegTotal() const noexcept { return _physRegTotal; }
Error _asWorkReg(VirtReg* vReg, RAWorkReg** out) noexcept;
//! Creates `RAWorkReg` data for the given `vReg`. The function does nothing
//! if `vReg` already contains link to `RAWorkReg`. Called by `constructBlocks()`.
inline Error asWorkReg(VirtReg* vReg, RAWorkReg** out) noexcept {
*out = vReg->workReg();
return *out ? kErrorOk : _asWorkReg(vReg, out);
inline Error virtIndexAsWorkReg(uint32_t vIndex, RAWorkReg** out) noexcept {
const ZoneVector<VirtReg*>& virtRegs = cc()->virtRegs();
if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY(vIndex >= virtRegs.size()))
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidVirtId);
return asWorkReg(virtRegs[vIndex], out);
inline RAStackSlot* getOrCreateStackSlot(RAWorkReg* workReg) noexcept {
RAStackSlot* slot = workReg->stackSlot();
if (slot)
return slot;
slot = _stackAllocator.newSlot(, workReg->virtReg()->virtSize(), workReg->virtReg()->alignment(), RAStackSlot::kFlagRegHome);
workReg->_stackSlot = slot;
return slot;
inline BaseMem workRegAsMem(RAWorkReg* workReg) noexcept {
return BaseMem(BaseMem::Decomposed { _sp.type(), workReg->virtId(), BaseReg::kTypeNone, 0, 0, 0, BaseMem::kSignatureMemRegHomeFlag });
WorkToPhysMap* newWorkToPhysMap() noexcept;
PhysToWorkMap* newPhysToWorkMap() noexcept;
inline PhysToWorkMap* clonePhysToWorkMap(const PhysToWorkMap* map) noexcept {
size_t size = PhysToWorkMap::sizeOf(_physRegTotal);
return static_cast<PhysToWorkMap*>(zone()->dupAligned(map, size, sizeof(uint32_t)));
inline WorkToPhysMap* cloneWorkToPhysMap(const WorkToPhysMap* map) noexcept {
size_t size = WorkToPhysMap::sizeOf(_workRegs.size());
if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY(size == 0))
return const_cast<WorkToPhysMap*>(map);
return static_cast<WorkToPhysMap*>(zone()->dup(map, size));
//! \name Liveness Analysis & Statistics
//! \{
//! 1. Calculates GEN/KILL/IN/OUT of each block.
//! 2. Calculates live spans and basic statistics of each work register.
Error buildLiveness() noexcept;
//! Assigns argIndex to WorkRegs. Must be called after the liveness analysis
//! finishes as it checks whether the argument is live upon entry.
Error assignArgIndexToWorkRegs() noexcept;
//! \}
//! \name Register Allocation - Global
//! \{
//! Runs a global register allocator.
Error runGlobalAllocator() noexcept;
//! Initializes data structures used for global live spans.
Error initGlobalLiveSpans() noexcept;
Error binPack(uint32_t group) noexcept;
//! \}
//! \name Register Allocation - Local
//! \{
//! Runs a local register allocator.
Error runLocalAllocator() noexcept;
Error setBlockEntryAssignment(RABlock* block, const RABlock* fromBlock, const RAAssignment& fromAssignment) noexcept;
Error setSharedAssignment(uint32_t sharedAssignmentId, const RAAssignment& fromAssignment) noexcept;
//! Called after the RA assignment has been assigned to a block.
//! This cannot change the assignment, but can examine it.
Error blockEntryAssigned(const RAAssignment& as) noexcept;
//! \}
//! \name Register Allocation Utilities
//! \{
Error useTemporaryMem(BaseMem& out, uint32_t size, uint32_t alignment) noexcept;
//! \}
//! \name Function Prolog & Epilog
//! \{
virtual Error updateStackFrame() noexcept;
Error _markStackArgsToKeep() noexcept;
Error _updateStackArgs() noexcept;
Error insertPrologEpilog() noexcept;
//! \}
//! \name Instruction Rewriter
//! \{
Error rewrite() noexcept;
Error _rewrite(BaseNode* first, BaseNode* stop) noexcept;
//! \}
//! \name Logging
//! \{
Error annotateCode() noexcept;
Error _dumpBlockIds(String& sb, const RABlocks& blocks) noexcept;
Error _dumpBlockLiveness(String& sb, const RABlock* block) noexcept;
Error _dumpLiveSpans(String& sb) noexcept;
//! \}
//! \name Emit
//! \{
virtual Error emitMove(uint32_t workId, uint32_t dstPhysId, uint32_t srcPhysId) noexcept = 0;
virtual Error emitSwap(uint32_t aWorkId, uint32_t aPhysId, uint32_t bWorkId, uint32_t bPhysId) noexcept = 0;
virtual Error emitLoad(uint32_t workId, uint32_t dstPhysId) noexcept = 0;
virtual Error emitSave(uint32_t workId, uint32_t srcPhysId) noexcept = 0;
virtual Error emitJump(const Label& label) noexcept = 0;
virtual Error emitPreCall(InvokeNode* invokeNode) noexcept = 0;
//! \}
inline ZoneAllocator* RABlock::allocator() const noexcept { return _ra->allocator(); }
inline uint32_t RABlock::entryScratchGpRegs() const noexcept {
uint32_t regs = _entryScratchGpRegs;
if (hasSharedAssignmentId())
regs = _ra->_sharedAssignments[_sharedAssignmentId].entryScratchGpRegs();
return regs;
//! \}
//! \endcond