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3 years ago
\hypertarget{classtheo_1_1theo__t}{}\doxysection{theo\+::theo\+\_\+t Class Reference}
the main class which encapsulates a symbol table, decomp, and recomp objects. This class is a bridge that connects all three\+: decomp, obf, recomp.
{\ttfamily \#include $<$theo.\+hpp$>$}
\doxysubsection*{Public Member Functions}
\mbox{\hyperlink{classtheo_1_1theo__t_a0a9ae3322261b97cf1dc47c908ef3c6d}{theo\+\_\+t}} (std\+::vector$<$ std\+::uint8\+\_\+t $>$ \&lib, \mbox{\hyperlink{namespacetheo_a66efe2c63e06764fb2d9a378c688c680}{lnk\+\_\+fns\+\_\+t}} lnkr\+\_\+fns, const std\+::string \&\&entry\+\_\+sym)
\begin{DoxyCompactList}\small\item\em explicit constructor for theo class. \end{DoxyCompactList}\item
std\+::optional$<$ std\+::uint32\+\_\+t $>$ \mbox{\hyperlink{classtheo_1_1theo__t_a66257ff5d9825483d85e58384a12760a}{decompose}} ()
\begin{DoxyCompactList}\small\item\em decomposes the lib file and return the number of symbols that are used. \end{DoxyCompactList}\item
std\+::uintptr\+\_\+t \mbox{\hyperlink{classtheo_1_1theo__t_a39e067dd71f82b437c6a418d41e38b27}{compose}} ()
\begin{DoxyCompactList}\small\item\em compose the decomposed module. This will run obfuscation passes, the map and resolve symbols to each other. \end{DoxyCompactList}\item
std\+::uintptr\+\_\+t \mbox{\hyperlink{classtheo_1_1theo__t_a97c52bda4b07a456ff1ea6f3c1cdbe24}{resolve}} (const std\+::string \&\&sym)
\begin{DoxyCompactList}\small\item\em given the name of a symbol, it returns the address of where its mapped. \end{DoxyCompactList}\end{DoxyCompactItemize}
\doxysubsection{Detailed Description}
the main class which encapsulates a symbol table, decomp, and recomp objects. This class is a bridge that connects all three\+: decomp, obf, recomp.
You will create an object of this type when using theo.
\doxysubsection{Constructor \& Destructor Documentation}
{\footnotesize\ttfamily theo\+::theo\+\_\+t\+::theo\+\_\+t (\begin{DoxyParamCaption}\item[{std\+::vector$<$ std\+::uint8\+\_\+t $>$ \&}]{lib, }\item[{\mbox{\hyperlink{namespacetheo_a66efe2c63e06764fb2d9a378c688c680}{lnk\+\_\+fns\+\_\+t}}}]{lnkr\+\_\+fns, }\item[{const std\+::string \&\&}]{entry\+\_\+sym }\end{DoxyParamCaption})\hspace{0.3cm}{\ttfamily [explicit]}}
explicit constructor for theo class.
{\em lib} & a vector of bytes consisting of a lib\\
{\em lnkr\+\_\+fns} & \\
{\em entry\+\_\+sym} & the name of the function which will be used as the entry point\\
\doxysubsection{Member Function Documentation}
{\footnotesize\ttfamily std\+::uintptr\+\_\+t theo\+::theo\+\_\+t\+::compose (\begin{DoxyParamCaption}{ }\end{DoxyParamCaption})}
compose the decomposed module. This will run obfuscation passes, the map and resolve symbols to each other.
returns the address of the entry point symbol
{\footnotesize\ttfamily std\+::optional$<$ std\+::uint32\+\_\+t $>$ theo\+::theo\+\_\+t\+::decompose (\begin{DoxyParamCaption}{ }\end{DoxyParamCaption})}
decomposes the lib file and return the number of symbols that are used.
optional amount of symbols that are used. no value if decomposition fails.
{\footnotesize\ttfamily std\+::uintptr\+\_\+t theo\+::theo\+\_\+t\+::resolve (\begin{DoxyParamCaption}\item[{const std\+::string \&\&}]{sym }\end{DoxyParamCaption})}
given the name of a symbol, it returns the address of where its mapped.
{\em sym} & the name of the symbol\\
the address of the symbol
The documentation for this class was generated from the following files\+:\begin{DoxyCompactItemize}