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// AsmJit - Machine code generation for C++
// * Official AsmJit Home Page:
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// Copyright (c) 2008-2020 The AsmJit Authors
// This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
// warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
// arising from the use of this software.
// Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
// including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
// freely, subject to the following restrictions:
// 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
// claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
// in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
// appreciated but is not required.
// 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
// misrepresented as being the original software.
// 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
#include "../core/archcommons.h"
#include "../core/support.h"
// ============================================================================
// [Macros]
// ============================================================================
//! Adds a template specialization for `REG_TYPE` into the local `RegTraits`.
template<> \
struct RegTraits<REG_TYPE> { \
typedef REG RegT; \
static constexpr uint32_t kValid = 1; \
static constexpr uint32_t kCount = COUNT; \
static constexpr uint32_t kTypeId = TYPE_ID; \
static constexpr uint32_t kType = REG_TYPE; \
static constexpr uint32_t kGroup = GROUP; \
static constexpr uint32_t kSize = SIZE; \
static constexpr uint32_t kSignature = \
(Operand::kOpReg << Operand::kSignatureOpTypeShift ) | \
(kType << Operand::kSignatureRegTypeShift ) | \
(kGroup << Operand::kSignatureRegGroupShift) | \
(kSize << Operand::kSignatureSizeShift ) ; \
//! Adds constructors and member functions to a class that implements abstract
//! register. Abstract register is register that doesn't have type or signature
//! yet, it's a base class like `x86::Reg` or `arm::Reg`.
public: \
/*! Default constructor that only setups basics. */ \
constexpr REG() noexcept \
: BASE(SignatureAndId(kSignature, kIdBad)) {} \
/*! Makes a copy of the `other` register operand. */ \
constexpr REG(const REG& other) noexcept \
: BASE(other) {} \
/*! Makes a copy of the `other` register having id set to `rId` */ \
constexpr REG(const BaseReg& other, uint32_t rId) noexcept \
: BASE(other, rId) {} \
/*! Creates a register based on `signature` and `rId`. */ \
constexpr explicit REG(const SignatureAndId& sid) noexcept \
: BASE(sid) {} \
/*! Creates a completely uninitialized REG register operand (garbage). */ \
inline explicit REG(Globals::NoInit_) noexcept \
: BASE(Globals::NoInit) {} \
/*! Creates a new register from register type and id. */ \
static inline REG fromTypeAndId(uint32_t rType, uint32_t rId) noexcept { \
return REG(SignatureAndId(signatureOf(rType), rId)); \
} \
/*! Creates a new register from register signature and id. */ \
static inline REG fromSignatureAndId(uint32_t rSgn, uint32_t rId) noexcept {\
return REG(SignatureAndId(rSgn, rId)); \
} \
/*! Clones the register operand. */ \
constexpr REG clone() const noexcept { return REG(*this); } \
inline REG& operator=(const REG& other) noexcept = default;
//! Adds constructors and member functions to a class that implements final
//! register. Final registers MUST HAVE a valid signature.
public: \
static constexpr uint32_t kThisType = TRAITS::kType; \
static constexpr uint32_t kThisGroup = TRAITS::kGroup; \
static constexpr uint32_t kThisSize = TRAITS::kSize; \
static constexpr uint32_t kSignature = TRAITS::kSignature; \
/*! Creates a register operand having its id set to `rId`. */ \
constexpr explicit REG(uint32_t rId) noexcept \
: BASE(SignatureAndId(kSignature, rId)) {}
//! \addtogroup asmjit_assembler
//! \{
// ============================================================================
// [asmjit::Operand_]
// ============================================================================
//! Constructor-less `Operand`.
//! Contains no initialization code and can be used safely to define an array
//! of operands that won't be initialized. This is an `Operand` compatible
//! data structure designed to be statically initialized, static const, or to
//! be used by the user to define an array of operands without having them
//! default initialized.
//! The key difference between `Operand` and `Operand_`:
//! ```
//! Operand_ xArray[10]; // Not initialized, contains garbage.
//! Operand yArray[10]; // All operands initialized to none.
//! ```
struct Operand_ {
//! Operand's signature that provides operand type and additional information.
uint32_t _signature;
//! Either base id as used by memory operand or any id as used by others.
uint32_t _baseId;
//! Data specific to the operand type.
//! The reason we don't use union is that we have `constexpr` constructors that
//! construct operands and other `constexpr` functions that return wither another
//! Operand or something else. These cannot generally work with unions so we also
//! cannot use `union` if we want to be standard compliant.
uint32_t _data[2];
//! Indexes to `_data` array.
enum DataIndex : uint32_t {
kDataMemIndexId = 0,
kDataMemOffsetLo = 1,
kDataImmValueLo = ASMJIT_ARCH_LE ? 0 : 1,
kDataImmValueHi = ASMJIT_ARCH_LE ? 1 : 0
//! Operand types that can be encoded in `Operand`.
enum OpType : uint32_t {
//! Not an operand or not initialized.
kOpNone = 0,
//! Operand is a register.
kOpReg = 1,
//! Operand is a memory.
kOpMem = 2,
//! Operand is an immediate value.
kOpImm = 3,
//! Operand is a label.
kOpLabel = 4
static_assert(kOpMem == kOpReg + 1, "asmjit::Operand requires `kOpMem` to be `kOpReg+1`.");
//! Label tag.
enum LabelTag {
//! Label tag is used as a sub-type, forming a unique signature across all
//! operand types as 0x1 is never associated with any register type. This
//! means that a memory operand's BASE register can be constructed from
//! virtually any operand (register vs. label) by just assigning its type
//! (register type or label-tag) and operand id.
kLabelTag = 0x1
// \cond INTERNAL
enum SignatureBits : uint32_t {
// Operand type (3 least significant bits).
// |........|........|........|.....XXX|
kSignatureOpTypeShift = 0,
kSignatureOpTypeMask = 0x07u << kSignatureOpTypeShift,
// Register type (5 bits).
// |........|........|........|XXXXX...|
kSignatureRegTypeShift = 3,
kSignatureRegTypeMask = 0x1Fu << kSignatureRegTypeShift,
// Register group (4 bits).
// |........|........|....XXXX|........|
kSignatureRegGroupShift = 8,
kSignatureRegGroupMask = 0x0Fu << kSignatureRegGroupShift,
// Memory base type (5 bits).
// |........|........|........|XXXXX...|
kSignatureMemBaseTypeShift = 3,
kSignatureMemBaseTypeMask = 0x1Fu << kSignatureMemBaseTypeShift,
// Memory index type (5 bits).
// |........|........|...XXXXX|........|
kSignatureMemIndexTypeShift = 8,
kSignatureMemIndexTypeMask = 0x1Fu << kSignatureMemIndexTypeShift,
// Memory base+index combined (10 bits).
// |........|........|...XXXXX|XXXXX...|
kSignatureMemBaseIndexShift = 3,
kSignatureMemBaseIndexMask = 0x3FFu << kSignatureMemBaseIndexShift,
// This memory operand represents a home-slot or stack (Compiler) (1 bit).
// |........|........|..X.....|........|
kSignatureMemRegHomeShift = 13,
kSignatureMemRegHomeFlag = 0x01u << kSignatureMemRegHomeShift,
// Immediate type (1 bit).
// |........|........|........|....X...|
kSignatureImmTypeShift = 4,
kSignatureImmTypeMask = 0x01u << kSignatureImmTypeShift,
// Predicate used by either registers or immediate values (4 bits).
// |........|XXXX....|........|........|
kSignaturePredicateShift = 20,
kSignaturePredicateMask = 0x0Fu << kSignaturePredicateShift,
// Operand size (8 most significant bits).
// |XXXXXXXX|........|........|........|
kSignatureSizeShift = 24,
kSignatureSizeMask = 0xFFu << kSignatureSizeShift
//! \endcond
//! Constants useful for VirtId <-> Index translation.
enum VirtIdConstants : uint32_t {
//! Minimum valid packed-id.
kVirtIdMin = 256,
//! Maximum valid packed-id, excludes Globals::kInvalidId.
kVirtIdMax = Globals::kInvalidId - 1,
//! Count of valid packed-ids.
kVirtIdCount = uint32_t(kVirtIdMax - kVirtIdMin + 1)
//! Tests whether the given `id` is a valid virtual register id. Since AsmJit
//! supports both physical and virtual registers it must be able to distinguish
//! between these two. The idea is that physical registers are always limited
//! in size, so virtual identifiers start from `kVirtIdMin` and end at `kVirtIdMax`.
static ASMJIT_INLINE bool isVirtId(uint32_t id) noexcept { return id - kVirtIdMin < uint32_t(kVirtIdCount); }
//! Converts a real-id into a packed-id that can be stored in Operand.
static ASMJIT_INLINE uint32_t indexToVirtId(uint32_t id) noexcept { return id + kVirtIdMin; }
//! Converts a packed-id back to real-id.
static ASMJIT_INLINE uint32_t virtIdToIndex(uint32_t id) noexcept { return id - kVirtIdMin; }
//! \name Construction & Destruction
//! \{
//! \cond INTERNAL
//! Initializes a `BaseReg` operand from `signature` and register `id`.
inline void _initReg(uint32_t signature, uint32_t id) noexcept {
_signature = signature;
_baseId = id;
_data[0] = 0;
_data[1] = 0;
//! \endcond
//! Initializes the operand from `other` operand (used by operator overloads).
inline void copyFrom(const Operand_& other) noexcept { memcpy(this, &other, sizeof(Operand_)); }
//! Resets the `Operand` to none.
//! None operand is defined the following way:
//! - Its signature is zero (kOpNone, and the rest zero as well).
//! - Its id is `0`.
//! - The reserved8_4 field is set to `0`.
//! - The reserved12_4 field is set to zero.
//! In other words, reset operands have all members set to zero. Reset operand
//! must match the Operand state right after its construction. Alternatively,
//! if you have an array of operands, you can simply use `memset()`.
//! ```
//! using namespace asmjit;
//! Operand a;
//! Operand b;
//! assert(a == b);
//! b = x86::eax;
//! assert(a != b);
//! b.reset();
//! assert(a == b);
//! memset(&b, 0, sizeof(Operand));
//! assert(a == b);
//! ```
inline void reset() noexcept {
_signature = 0;
_baseId = 0;
_data[0] = 0;
_data[1] = 0;
//! \}
//! \name Operator Overloads
//! \{
//! Tests whether this operand is the same as `other`.
constexpr bool operator==(const Operand_& other) const noexcept { return equals(other); }
//! Tests whether this operand is not the same as `other`.
constexpr bool operator!=(const Operand_& other) const noexcept { return !equals(other); }
//! \}
//! \name Cast
//! \{
//! Casts this operand to `T` type.
template<typename T>
inline T& as() noexcept { return static_cast<T&>(*this); }
//! Casts this operand to `T` type (const).
template<typename T>
inline const T& as() const noexcept { return static_cast<const T&>(*this); }
//! \}
//! \name Accessors
//! \{
//! Tests whether the operand's signature matches the given signature `sign`.
constexpr bool hasSignature(uint32_t signature) const noexcept { return _signature == signature; }
//! Tests whether the operand's signature matches the signature of the `other` operand.
constexpr bool hasSignature(const Operand_& other) const noexcept { return _signature == other.signature(); }
//! Returns operand signature as unsigned 32-bit integer.
//! Signature is first 4 bytes of the operand data. It's used mostly for
//! operand checking as it's much faster to check 4 bytes at once than having
//! to check these bytes individually.
constexpr uint32_t signature() const noexcept { return _signature; }
//! Sets the operand signature, see `signature()`.
//! \note Improper use of `setSignature()` can lead to hard-to-debug errors.
inline void setSignature(uint32_t signature) noexcept { _signature = signature; }
//! \cond INTERNAL
template<uint32_t mask>
constexpr bool _hasSignaturePart() const noexcept {
return (_signature & mask) != 0;
template<uint32_t mask>
constexpr bool _hasSignaturePart(uint32_t signature) const noexcept {
return (_signature & mask) == signature;
template<uint32_t mask>
constexpr uint32_t _getSignaturePart() const noexcept {
return (_signature >> Support::constCtz(mask)) & (mask >> Support::constCtz(mask));
template<uint32_t mask>
inline void _setSignaturePart(uint32_t value) noexcept {
ASMJIT_ASSERT((value & ~(mask >> Support::constCtz(mask))) == 0);
_signature = (_signature & ~mask) | (value << Support::constCtz(mask));
//! \endcond
//! Returns the type of the operand, see `OpType`.
constexpr uint32_t opType() const noexcept { return _getSignaturePart<kSignatureOpTypeMask>(); }
//! Tests whether the operand is none (`kOpNone`).
constexpr bool isNone() const noexcept { return _signature == 0; }
//! Tests whether the operand is a register (`kOpReg`).
constexpr bool isReg() const noexcept { return opType() == kOpReg; }
//! Tests whether the operand is a memory location (`kOpMem`).
constexpr bool isMem() const noexcept { return opType() == kOpMem; }
//! Tests whether the operand is an immediate (`kOpImm`).
constexpr bool isImm() const noexcept { return opType() == kOpImm; }
//! Tests whether the operand is a label (`kOpLabel`).
constexpr bool isLabel() const noexcept { return opType() == kOpLabel; }
//! Tests whether the operand is a physical register.
constexpr bool isPhysReg() const noexcept { return isReg() && _baseId < 0xFFu; }
//! Tests whether the operand is a virtual register.
constexpr bool isVirtReg() const noexcept { return isReg() && _baseId > 0xFFu; }
//! Tests whether the operand specifies a size (i.e. the size is not zero).
constexpr bool hasSize() const noexcept { return _hasSignaturePart<kSignatureSizeMask>(); }
//! Tests whether the size of the operand matches `size`.
constexpr bool hasSize(uint32_t s) const noexcept { return size() == s; }
//! Returns the size of the operand in bytes.
//! The value returned depends on the operand type:
//! * None - Should always return zero size.
//! * Reg - Should always return the size of the register. If the register
//! size depends on architecture (like `x86::CReg` and `x86::DReg`)
//! the size returned should be the greatest possible (so it should
//! return 64-bit size in such case).
//! * Mem - Size is optional and will be in most cases zero.
//! * Imm - Should always return zero size.
//! * Label - Should always return zero size.
constexpr uint32_t size() const noexcept { return _getSignaturePart<kSignatureSizeMask>(); }
//! Returns the operand id.
//! The value returned should be interpreted accordingly to the operand type:
//! * None - Should be `0`.
//! * Reg - Physical or virtual register id.
//! * Mem - Multiple meanings - BASE address (register or label id), or
//! high value of a 64-bit absolute address.
//! * Imm - Should be `0`.
//! * Label - Label id if it was created by using `newLabel()` or
//! `Globals::kInvalidId` if the label is invalid or not
//! initialized.
constexpr uint32_t id() const noexcept { return _baseId; }
//! Tests whether the operand is 100% equal to `other` operand.
//! \note This basically performs a binary comparison, if aby bit is
//! different the operands are not equal.
constexpr bool equals(const Operand_& other) const noexcept {
return (_signature == other._signature) &
(_baseId == other._baseId ) &
(_data[0] == other._data[0] ) &
(_data[1] == other._data[1] ) ;
ASMJIT_DEPRECATED("Use equals() instead")
constexpr bool isEqual(const Operand_& other) const noexcept { return equals(other); }
//! Tests whether the operand is a register matching `rType`.
constexpr bool isReg(uint32_t rType) const noexcept {
return (_signature & (kSignatureOpTypeMask | kSignatureRegTypeMask)) ==
((kOpReg << kSignatureOpTypeShift) | (rType << kSignatureRegTypeShift));
//! Tests whether the operand is register and of `rType` and `rId`.
constexpr bool isReg(uint32_t rType, uint32_t rId) const noexcept {
return isReg(rType) && id() == rId;
//! Tests whether the operand is a register or memory.
constexpr bool isRegOrMem() const noexcept {
return Support::isBetween<uint32_t>(opType(), kOpReg, kOpMem);
//! \}
// ============================================================================
// [asmjit::Operand]
// ============================================================================
//! Operand can contain register, memory location, immediate, or label.
class Operand : public Operand_ {
//! \name Construction & Destruction
//! \{
//! Creates `kOpNone` operand having all members initialized to zero.
constexpr Operand() noexcept
: Operand_{ kOpNone, 0u, { 0u, 0u }} {}
//! Creates a cloned `other` operand.
constexpr Operand(const Operand& other) noexcept = default;
//! Creates a cloned `other` operand.
constexpr explicit Operand(const Operand_& other)
: Operand_(other) {}
//! Creates an operand initialized to raw `[u0, u1, u2, u3]` values.
constexpr Operand(Globals::Init_, uint32_t u0, uint32_t u1, uint32_t u2, uint32_t u3) noexcept
: Operand_{ u0, u1, { u2, u3 }} {}
//! Creates an uninitialized operand (dangerous).
inline explicit Operand(Globals::NoInit_) noexcept {}
//! \}
//! \name Operator Overloads
//! \{
inline Operand& operator=(const Operand& other) noexcept = default;
inline Operand& operator=(const Operand_& other) noexcept { return operator=(static_cast<const Operand&>(other)); }
//! \}
//! \name Utilities
//! \{
//! Clones this operand and returns its copy.
constexpr Operand clone() const noexcept { return Operand(*this); }
//! \}
static_assert(sizeof(Operand) == 16, "asmjit::Operand must be exactly 16 bytes long");
// ============================================================================
// [asmjit::Label]
// ============================================================================
//! Label (jump target or data location).
//! Label represents a location in code typically used as a jump target, but
//! may be also a reference to some data or a static variable. Label has to be
//! explicitly created by BaseEmitter.
//! Example of using labels:
//! ```
//! // Create some emitter (for example x86::Assembler).
//! x86::Assembler a;
//! // Create Label instance.
//! Label L1 = a.newLabel();
//! // ... your code ...
//! // Using label.
//! a.jump(L1);
//! // ... your code ...
//! // Bind label to the current position, see `BaseEmitter::bind()`.
//! a.bind(L1);
//! ```
class Label : public Operand {
//! Type of the Label.
enum LabelType : uint32_t {
//! Anonymous (unnamed) label.
kTypeAnonymous = 0,
//! Local label (always has parentId).
kTypeLocal = 1,
//! Global label (never has parentId).
kTypeGlobal = 2,
//! External label (references an external symbol).
kTypeExternal = 3,
//! Number of label types.
kTypeCount = 4
//! \name Construction & Destruction
//! \{
//! Creates a label operand without ID (you must set the ID to make it valid).
constexpr Label() noexcept
: Operand(Globals::Init, kOpLabel, Globals::kInvalidId, 0, 0) {}
//! Creates a cloned label operand of `other`.
constexpr Label(const Label& other) noexcept
: Operand(other) {}
//! Creates a label operand of the given `id`.
constexpr explicit Label(uint32_t id) noexcept
: Operand(Globals::Init, kOpLabel, id, 0, 0) {}
inline explicit Label(Globals::NoInit_) noexcept
: Operand(Globals::NoInit) {}
//! Resets the label, will reset all properties and set its ID to `Globals::kInvalidId`.
inline void reset() noexcept {
_signature = kOpLabel;
_baseId = Globals::kInvalidId;
_data[0] = 0;
_data[1] = 0;
//! \}
//! \name Overloaded Operators
//! \{
inline Label& operator=(const Label& other) noexcept = default;
//! \}
//! \name Accessors
//! \{
//! Tests whether the label was created by CodeHolder and/or an attached emitter.
constexpr bool isValid() const noexcept { return _baseId != Globals::kInvalidId; }
//! Sets the label `id`.
inline void setId(uint32_t id) noexcept { _baseId = id; }
//! \}
// ============================================================================
// [asmjit::BaseRegTraits]
// ============================================================================
//! \cond INTERNAL
//! Default register traits.
struct BaseRegTraits {
//! RegType is not valid by default.
static constexpr uint32_t kValid = 0;
//! Count of registers (0 if none).
static constexpr uint32_t kCount = 0;
//! Everything is void by default.
static constexpr uint32_t kTypeId = 0;
//! Zero type by default.
static constexpr uint32_t kType = 0;
//! Zero group by default.
static constexpr uint32_t kGroup = 0;
//! No size by default.
static constexpr uint32_t kSize = 0;
//! Empty signature by default (not even having operand type set to register).
static constexpr uint32_t kSignature = 0;
//! \endcond
// ============================================================================
// [asmjit::BaseReg]
// ============================================================================
//! Structure that allows to extract a register information based on the signature.
//! This information is compatible with operand's signature (32-bit integer)
//! and `RegInfo` just provides easy way to access it.
struct RegInfo {
inline void reset(uint32_t signature = 0) noexcept { _signature = signature; }
inline void setSignature(uint32_t signature) noexcept { _signature = signature; }
template<uint32_t mask>
constexpr uint32_t _getSignaturePart() const noexcept {
return (_signature >> Support::constCtz(mask)) & (mask >> Support::constCtz(mask));
constexpr bool isValid() const noexcept { return _signature != 0; }
constexpr uint32_t signature() const noexcept { return _signature; }
constexpr uint32_t opType() const noexcept { return _getSignaturePart<Operand::kSignatureOpTypeMask>(); }
constexpr uint32_t group() const noexcept { return _getSignaturePart<Operand::kSignatureRegGroupMask>(); }
constexpr uint32_t type() const noexcept { return _getSignaturePart<Operand::kSignatureRegTypeMask>(); }
constexpr uint32_t size() const noexcept { return _getSignaturePart<Operand::kSignatureSizeMask>(); }
uint32_t _signature;
//! Physical or virtual register operand.
class BaseReg : public Operand {
static constexpr uint32_t kBaseSignature =
kSignatureOpTypeMask |
kSignatureRegTypeMask |
kSignatureRegGroupMask |
kSignatureSizeMask ;
//! Architecture neutral register types.
//! These must be reused by any platform that contains that types. All GP
//! and VEC registers are also allowed by design to be part of a BASE|INDEX
//! of a memory operand.
enum RegType : uint32_t {
//! No register - unused, invalid, multiple meanings.
kTypeNone = 0,
// (1 is used as a LabelTag)
//! 8-bit low general purpose register (X86).
kTypeGp8Lo = 2,
//! 8-bit high general purpose register (X86).
kTypeGp8Hi = 3,
//! 16-bit general purpose register (X86).
kTypeGp16 = 4,
//! 32-bit general purpose register (X86|ARM).
kTypeGp32 = 5,
//! 64-bit general purpose register (X86|ARM).
kTypeGp64 = 6,
//! 8-bit view of a vector register (ARM).
kTypeVec8 = 7,
//! 16-bit view of a vector register (ARM).
kTypeVec16 = 8,
//! 32-bit view of a vector register (ARM).
kTypeVec32 = 9,
//! 64-bit view of a vector register (ARM).
kTypeVec64 = 10,
//! 128-bit view of a vector register (X86|ARM).
kTypeVec128 = 11,
//! 256-bit view of a vector register (X86).
kTypeVec256 = 12,
//! 512-bit view of a vector register (X86).
kTypeVec512 = 13,
//! 1024-bit view of a vector register (future).
kTypeVec1024 = 14,
//! Other0 register, should match `kOther0` group.
kTypeOther0 = 15,
//! Other1 register, should match `kOther1` group.
kTypeOther1 = 16,
//! Universal id of IP/PC register (if separate).
kTypeIP = 17,
//! Start of platform dependent register types.
kTypeCustom = 18,
//! Maximum possible register type value.
kTypeMax = 31
//! Register group (architecture neutral), and some limits.
enum RegGroup : uint32_t {
//! General purpose register group compatible with all backends.
kGroupGp = 0,
//! Vector register group compatible with all backends.
kGroupVec = 1,
//! Group that is architecture dependent.
kGroupOther0 = 2,
//! Group that is architecture dependent.
kGroupOther1 = 3,
//! Count of register groups used by physical and virtual registers.
kGroupVirt = 4,
//! Count of register groups used by physical registers only.
kGroupCount = 16
enum Id : uint32_t {
//! None or any register (mostly internal).
kIdBad = 0xFFu
//! A helper used by constructors.
struct SignatureAndId {
uint32_t _signature;
uint32_t _id;
inline SignatureAndId() noexcept = default;
constexpr SignatureAndId(const SignatureAndId& other) noexcept = default;
constexpr explicit SignatureAndId(uint32_t signature, uint32_t id) noexcept
: _signature(signature),
_id(id) {}
constexpr uint32_t signature() const noexcept { return _signature; }
constexpr uint32_t id() const noexcept { return _id; }
static constexpr uint32_t kSignature = kOpReg;
//! \name Construction & Destruction
//! \{
//! Creates a dummy register operand.
constexpr BaseReg() noexcept
: Operand(Globals::Init, kSignature, kIdBad, 0, 0) {}
//! Creates a new register operand which is the same as `other` .
constexpr BaseReg(const BaseReg& other) noexcept
: Operand(other) {}
//! Creates a new register operand compatible with `other`, but with a different `rId`.
constexpr BaseReg(const BaseReg& other, uint32_t rId) noexcept
: Operand(Globals::Init, other._signature, rId, 0, 0) {}
//! Creates a register initialized to `signature` and `rId`.
constexpr explicit BaseReg(const SignatureAndId& sid) noexcept
: Operand(Globals::Init, sid._signature, sid._id, 0, 0) {}
inline explicit BaseReg(Globals::NoInit_) noexcept
: Operand(Globals::NoInit) {}
/*! Creates a new register from register signature `rSgn` and id. */
static inline BaseReg fromSignatureAndId(uint32_t rSgn, uint32_t rId) noexcept {
return BaseReg(SignatureAndId(rSgn, rId));
//! \}
//! \name Overloaded Operators
//! \{
inline BaseReg& operator=(const BaseReg& other) noexcept = default;
//! \}
//! \name Accessors
//! \{
//! Returns base signature of the register associated with each register type.
//! Base signature only contains the operand type, register type, register
//! group, and register size. It doesn't contain element type, predicate, or
//! other architecture-specific data. Base signature is a signature that is
//! provided by architecture-specific `RegTraits`, like \ref x86::RegTraits.
constexpr uint32_t baseSignature() const noexcept {
return _signature & (kBaseSignature);
//! Tests whether the operand's base signature matches the given signature `sign`.
constexpr bool hasBaseSignature(uint32_t signature) const noexcept { return baseSignature() == signature; }
//! Tests whether the operand's base signature matches the base signature of the `other` operand.
constexpr bool hasBaseSignature(const BaseReg& other) const noexcept { return baseSignature() == other.baseSignature(); }
//! Tests whether this register is the same as `other`.
//! This is just an optimization. Registers by default only use the first
//! 8 bytes of Operand data, so this method takes advantage of this knowledge
//! and only compares these 8 bytes. If both operands were created correctly
//! both \ref equals() and \ref isSame() should give the same answer, however,
//! if any of these two contains garbage or other metadata in the upper 8
//! bytes then \ref isSame() may return `true` in cases in which \ref equals()
//! returns false.
constexpr bool isSame(const BaseReg& other) const noexcept {
return (_signature == other._signature) & (_baseId == other._baseId);
//! Tests whether the register is valid (either virtual or physical).
constexpr bool isValid() const noexcept { return (_signature != 0) & (_baseId != kIdBad); }
//! Tests whether this is a physical register.
constexpr bool isPhysReg() const noexcept { return _baseId < kIdBad; }
//! Tests whether this is a virtual register.
constexpr bool isVirtReg() const noexcept { return _baseId > kIdBad; }
//! Tests whether the register type matches `type` - same as `isReg(type)`, provided for convenience.
constexpr bool isType(uint32_t type) const noexcept { return (_signature & kSignatureRegTypeMask) == (type << kSignatureRegTypeShift); }
//! Tests whether the register group matches `group`.
constexpr bool isGroup(uint32_t group) const noexcept { return (_signature & kSignatureRegGroupMask) == (group << kSignatureRegGroupShift); }
//! Tests whether the register is a general purpose register (any size).
constexpr bool isGp() const noexcept { return isGroup(kGroupGp); }
//! Tests whether the register is a vector register.
constexpr bool isVec() const noexcept { return isGroup(kGroupVec); }
using Operand_::isReg;
//! Same as `isType()`, provided for convenience.
constexpr bool isReg(uint32_t rType) const noexcept { return isType(rType); }
//! Tests whether the register type matches `type` and register id matches `rId`.
constexpr bool isReg(uint32_t rType, uint32_t rId) const noexcept { return isType(rType) && id() == rId; }
//! Returns the type of the register.
constexpr uint32_t type() const noexcept { return _getSignaturePart<kSignatureRegTypeMask>(); }
//! Returns the register group.
constexpr uint32_t group() const noexcept { return _getSignaturePart<kSignatureRegGroupMask>(); }
//! Returns operation predicate of the register (ARM/AArch64).
//! The meaning depends on architecture, for example on ARM hardware this
//! describes \ref arm::Predicate::ShiftOp of the register.
constexpr uint32_t predicate() const noexcept { return _getSignaturePart<kSignaturePredicateMask>(); }
//! Sets operation predicate of the register to `predicate` (ARM/AArch64).
//! The meaning depends on architecture, for example on ARM hardware this
//! describes \ref arm::Predicate::ShiftOp of the register.
inline void setPredicate(uint32_t predicate) noexcept { _setSignaturePart<kSignaturePredicateMask>(predicate); }
//! Resets shift operation type of the register to the default value (ARM/AArch64).
inline void resetPredicate() noexcept { _setSignaturePart<kSignaturePredicateMask>(0); }
//! Clones the register operand.
constexpr BaseReg clone() const noexcept { return BaseReg(*this); }
//! Casts this register to `RegT` by also changing its signature.
//! \note Improper use of `cloneAs()` can lead to hard-to-debug errors.
template<typename RegT>
constexpr RegT cloneAs() const noexcept { return RegT(RegT::kSignature, id()); }
//! Casts this register to `other` by also changing its signature.
//! \note Improper use of `cloneAs()` can lead to hard-to-debug errors.
template<typename RegT>
constexpr RegT cloneAs(const RegT& other) const noexcept { return RegT(SignatureAndId(other.signature(), id())); }
//! Sets the register id to `rId`.
inline void setId(uint32_t rId) noexcept { _baseId = rId; }
//! Sets a 32-bit operand signature based on traits of `RegT`.
template<typename RegT>
inline void setSignatureT() noexcept { _signature = RegT::kSignature; }
//! Sets the register `signature` and `rId`.
inline void setSignatureAndId(uint32_t signature, uint32_t rId) noexcept {
_signature = signature;
_baseId = rId;
//! \}
//! \name Static Functions
//! \{
//! Tests whether the `op` operand is a general purpose register.
static inline bool isGp(const Operand_& op) noexcept {
// Check operand type and register group. Not interested in register type and size.
const uint32_t kSgn = (kOpReg << kSignatureOpTypeShift ) |
(kGroupGp << kSignatureRegGroupShift) ;
return (op.signature() & (kSignatureOpTypeMask | kSignatureRegGroupMask)) == kSgn;
//! Tests whether the `op` operand is a vector register.
static inline bool isVec(const Operand_& op) noexcept {
// Check operand type and register group. Not interested in register type and size.
const uint32_t kSgn = (kOpReg << kSignatureOpTypeShift ) |
(kGroupVec << kSignatureRegGroupShift) ;
return (op.signature() & (kSignatureOpTypeMask | kSignatureRegGroupMask)) == kSgn;
//! Tests whether the `op` is a general purpose register of the given `rId`.
static inline bool isGp(const Operand_& op, uint32_t rId) noexcept { return isGp(op) & ( == rId); }
//! Tests whether the `op` is a vector register of the given `rId`.
static inline bool isVec(const Operand_& op, uint32_t rId) noexcept { return isVec(op) & ( == rId); }
//! \}
// ============================================================================
// [asmjit::RegOnly]
// ============================================================================
//! RegOnly is 8-byte version of `BaseReg` that allows to store either register
//! or nothing.
//! This class was designed to decrease the space consumed by each extra "operand"
//! in `BaseEmitter` and `InstNode` classes.
struct RegOnly {
//! Type of the operand, either `kOpNone` or `kOpReg`.
uint32_t _signature;
//! Physical or virtual register id.
uint32_t _id;
//! \name Construction & Destruction
//! \{
//! Initializes the `RegOnly` instance to hold register `signature` and `id`.
inline void init(uint32_t signature, uint32_t id) noexcept {
_signature = signature;
_id = id;
inline void init(const BaseReg& reg) noexcept { init(reg.signature(),; }
inline void init(const RegOnly& reg) noexcept { init(reg.signature(),; }
//! Resets the `RegOnly` members to zeros (none).
inline void reset() noexcept { init(0, 0); }
//! \}
//! \name Accessors
//! \{
//! Tests whether this ExtraReg is none (same as calling `Operand_::isNone()`).
constexpr bool isNone() const noexcept { return _signature == 0; }
//! Tests whether the register is valid (either virtual or physical).
constexpr bool isReg() const noexcept { return _signature != 0; }
//! Tests whether this is a physical register.
constexpr bool isPhysReg() const noexcept { return _id < BaseReg::kIdBad; }
//! Tests whether this is a virtual register (used by `BaseCompiler`).
constexpr bool isVirtReg() const noexcept { return _id > BaseReg::kIdBad; }
//! Returns the register signature or 0 if no register is assigned.
constexpr uint32_t signature() const noexcept { return _signature; }
//! Returns the register id.
//! \note Always check whether the register is assigned before using the
//! returned identifier as non-assigned `RegOnly` instance would return
//! zero id, which is still a valid register id.
constexpr uint32_t id() const noexcept { return _id; }
//! Sets the register id.
inline void setId(uint32_t id) noexcept { _id = id; }
//! \cond INTERNAL
//! Extracts information from operand's signature.
template<uint32_t mask>
constexpr uint32_t _getSignaturePart() const noexcept {
return (_signature >> Support::constCtz(mask)) & (mask >> Support::constCtz(mask));
//! \endcond
//! Returns the type of the register.
constexpr uint32_t type() const noexcept { return _getSignaturePart<Operand::kSignatureRegTypeMask>(); }
//! Returns the register group.
constexpr uint32_t group() const noexcept { return _getSignaturePart<Operand::kSignatureRegGroupMask>(); }
//! \}
//! \name Utilities
//! \{
//! Converts this ExtraReg to a real `RegT` operand.
template<typename RegT>
constexpr RegT toReg() const noexcept { return RegT(BaseReg::SignatureAndId(_signature, _id)); }
//! \}
// ============================================================================
// [asmjit::BaseMem]
// ============================================================================
//! Base class for all memory operands.
//! \note It's tricky to pack all possible cases that define a memory operand
//! into just 16 bytes. The `BaseMem` splits data into the following parts:
//! - BASE - Base register or label - requires 36 bits total. 4 bits are used
//! to encode the type of the BASE operand (label vs. register type) and the
//! remaining 32 bits define the BASE id, which can be a physical or virtual
//! register index. If BASE type is zero, which is never used as a register
//! type and label doesn't use it as well then BASE field contains a high
//! DWORD of a possible 64-bit absolute address, which is possible on X64.
//! - INDEX - Index register (or theoretically Label, which doesn't make sense).
//! Encoding is similar to BASE - it also requires 36 bits and splits the
//! encoding to INDEX type (4 bits defining the register type) and id (32-bits).
//! - OFFSET - A relative offset of the address. Basically if BASE is specified
//! the relative displacement adjusts BASE and an optional INDEX. if BASE is
//! not specified then the OFFSET should be considered as ABSOLUTE address (at
//! least on X86). In that case its low 32 bits are stored in DISPLACEMENT
//! field and the remaining high 32 bits are stored in BASE.
//! - OTHER - There is rest 8 bits that can be used for whatever purpose. For
//! example \ref x86::Mem operand uses these bits to store segment override
//! prefix and index shift (or scale).
class BaseMem : public Operand {
//! \cond INTERNAL
//! Used internally to construct `BaseMem` operand from decomposed data.
struct Decomposed {
uint32_t baseType;
uint32_t baseId;
uint32_t indexType;
uint32_t indexId;
int32_t offset;
uint32_t size;
uint32_t flags;
//! \endcond
//! \name Construction & Destruction
//! \{
//! Creates a default `BaseMem` operand, that points to [0].
constexpr BaseMem() noexcept
: Operand(Globals::Init, kOpMem, 0, 0, 0) {}
//! Creates a `BaseMem` operand that is a clone of `other`.
constexpr BaseMem(const BaseMem& other) noexcept
: Operand(other) {}
//! Creates a `BaseMem` operand from `baseReg` and `offset`.
//! \note This is an architecture independent constructor that can be used to
//! create an architecture independent memory operand to be used in portable
//! code that can handle multiple architectures.
constexpr explicit BaseMem(const BaseReg& baseReg, int32_t offset = 0) noexcept
: Operand(Globals::Init,
kOpMem | (baseReg.type() << kSignatureMemBaseTypeShift),
uint32_t(offset)) {}
//! \cond INTERNAL
//! Creates a `BaseMem` operand from 4 integers as used by `Operand_` struct.
constexpr BaseMem(Globals::Init_, uint32_t u0, uint32_t u1, uint32_t u2, uint32_t u3) noexcept
: Operand(Globals::Init, u0, u1, u2, u3) {}
constexpr BaseMem(const Decomposed& d) noexcept
: Operand(Globals::Init,
kOpMem | (d.baseType << kSignatureMemBaseTypeShift )
| (d.indexType << kSignatureMemIndexTypeShift)
| (d.size << kSignatureSizeShift )
| d.flags,
uint32_t(d.offset)) {}
//! \endcond
//! Creates a completely uninitialized `BaseMem` operand.
inline explicit BaseMem(Globals::NoInit_) noexcept
: Operand(Globals::NoInit) {}
//! Resets the memory operand - after the reset the memory points to [0].
inline void reset() noexcept {
_signature = kOpMem;
_baseId = 0;
_data[0] = 0;
_data[1] = 0;
//! \}
//! \name Overloaded Operators
//! \{
inline BaseMem& operator=(const BaseMem& other) noexcept { copyFrom(other); return *this; }
//! \}
//! \name Accessors
//! \{
//! Clones the memory operand.
constexpr BaseMem clone() const noexcept { return BaseMem(*this); }
//! Creates a new copy of this memory operand adjusted by `off`.
inline BaseMem cloneAdjusted(int64_t off) const noexcept {
BaseMem result(*this);
return result;
//! Tests whether this memory operand is a register home (only used by \ref asmjit_compiler)
constexpr bool isRegHome() const noexcept { return _hasSignaturePart<kSignatureMemRegHomeFlag>(); }
//! Mark this memory operand as register home (only used by \ref asmjit_compiler).
inline void setRegHome() noexcept { _signature |= kSignatureMemRegHomeFlag; }
//! Marks this operand to not be a register home (only used by \ref asmjit_compiler).
inline void clearRegHome() noexcept { _signature &= ~kSignatureMemRegHomeFlag; }
//! Tests whether the memory operand has a BASE register or label specified.
constexpr bool hasBase() const noexcept { return (_signature & kSignatureMemBaseTypeMask) != 0; }
//! Tests whether the memory operand has an INDEX register specified.
constexpr bool hasIndex() const noexcept { return (_signature & kSignatureMemIndexTypeMask) != 0; }
//! Tests whether the memory operand has BASE or INDEX register.
constexpr bool hasBaseOrIndex() const noexcept { return (_signature & kSignatureMemBaseIndexMask) != 0; }
//! Tests whether the memory operand has BASE and INDEX register.
constexpr bool hasBaseAndIndex() const noexcept { return (_signature & kSignatureMemBaseTypeMask) != 0 && (_signature & kSignatureMemIndexTypeMask) != 0; }
//! Tests whether the BASE operand is a register (registers start after `kLabelTag`).
constexpr bool hasBaseReg() const noexcept { return (_signature & kSignatureMemBaseTypeMask) > (Label::kLabelTag << kSignatureMemBaseTypeShift); }
//! Tests whether the BASE operand is a label.
constexpr bool hasBaseLabel() const noexcept { return (_signature & kSignatureMemBaseTypeMask) == (Label::kLabelTag << kSignatureMemBaseTypeShift); }
//! Tests whether the INDEX operand is a register (registers start after `kLabelTag`).
constexpr bool hasIndexReg() const noexcept { return (_signature & kSignatureMemIndexTypeMask) > (Label::kLabelTag << kSignatureMemIndexTypeShift); }
//! Returns the type of the BASE register (0 if this memory operand doesn't
//! use the BASE register).
//! \note If the returned type is one (a value never associated to a register
//! type) the BASE is not register, but it's a label. One equals to `kLabelTag`.
//! You should always check `hasBaseLabel()` before using `baseId()` result.
constexpr uint32_t baseType() const noexcept { return _getSignaturePart<kSignatureMemBaseTypeMask>(); }
//! Returns the type of an INDEX register (0 if this memory operand doesn't
//! use the INDEX register).
constexpr uint32_t indexType() const noexcept { return _getSignaturePart<kSignatureMemIndexTypeMask>(); }
//! This is used internally for BASE+INDEX validation.
constexpr uint32_t baseAndIndexTypes() const noexcept { return _getSignaturePart<kSignatureMemBaseIndexMask>(); }
//! Returns both BASE (4:0 bits) and INDEX (9:5 bits) types combined into a
//! single value.
//! \remarks Returns id of the BASE register or label (if the BASE was
//! specified as label).
constexpr uint32_t baseId() const noexcept { return _baseId; }
//! Returns the id of the INDEX register.
constexpr uint32_t indexId() const noexcept { return _data[kDataMemIndexId]; }
//! Sets the id of the BASE register (without modifying its type).
inline void setBaseId(uint32_t rId) noexcept { _baseId = rId; }
//! Sets the id of the INDEX register (without modifying its type).
inline void setIndexId(uint32_t rId) noexcept { _data[kDataMemIndexId] = rId; }
//! Sets the base register to type and id of the given `base` operand.
inline void setBase(const BaseReg& base) noexcept { return _setBase(base.type(),; }
//! Sets the index register to type and id of the given `index` operand.
inline void setIndex(const BaseReg& index) noexcept { return _setIndex(index.type(),; }
//! \cond INTERNAL
inline void _setBase(uint32_t rType, uint32_t rId) noexcept {
_baseId = rId;
inline void _setIndex(uint32_t rType, uint32_t rId) noexcept {
_data[kDataMemIndexId] = rId;
//! \endcond
//! Resets the memory operand's BASE register or label.
inline void resetBase() noexcept { _setBase(0, 0); }
//! Resets the memory operand's INDEX register.
inline void resetIndex() noexcept { _setIndex(0, 0); }
//! Sets the memory operand size (in bytes).
inline void setSize(uint32_t size) noexcept { _setSignaturePart<kSignatureSizeMask>(size); }
//! Tests whether the memory operand has a 64-bit offset or absolute address.
//! If this is true then `hasBase()` must always report false.
constexpr bool isOffset64Bit() const noexcept { return baseType() == 0; }
//! Tests whether the memory operand has a non-zero offset or absolute address.
constexpr bool hasOffset() const noexcept {
return (_data[kDataMemOffsetLo] | uint32_t(_baseId & Support::bitMaskFromBool<uint32_t>(isOffset64Bit()))) != 0;
//! Returns either relative offset or absolute address as 64-bit integer.
constexpr int64_t offset() const noexcept {
return isOffset64Bit() ? int64_t(uint64_t(_data[kDataMemOffsetLo]) | (uint64_t(_baseId) << 32))
: int64_t(int32_t(_data[kDataMemOffsetLo])); // Sign extend 32-bit offset.
//! Returns a 32-bit low part of a 64-bit offset or absolute address.
constexpr int32_t offsetLo32() const noexcept { return int32_t(_data[kDataMemOffsetLo]); }
//! Returns a 32-but high part of a 64-bit offset or absolute address.
//! \note This function is UNSAFE and returns garbage if `isOffset64Bit()`
//! returns false. Never use it blindly without checking it first.
constexpr int32_t offsetHi32() const noexcept { return int32_t(_baseId); }
//! Sets a 64-bit offset or an absolute address to `offset`.
//! \note This functions attempts to set both high and low parts of a 64-bit
//! offset, however, if the operand has a BASE register it will store only the
//! low 32 bits of the offset / address as there is no way to store both BASE
//! and 64-bit offset, and there is currently no architecture that has such
//! capability targeted by AsmJit.
inline void setOffset(int64_t offset) noexcept {
uint32_t lo = uint32_t(uint64_t(offset) & 0xFFFFFFFFu);
uint32_t hi = uint32_t(uint64_t(offset) >> 32);
uint32_t hiMsk = Support::bitMaskFromBool<uint32_t>(isOffset64Bit());
_data[kDataMemOffsetLo] = lo;
_baseId = (hi & hiMsk) | (_baseId & ~hiMsk);
//! Sets a low 32-bit offset to `offset` (don't use without knowing how BaseMem works).
inline void setOffsetLo32(int32_t offset) noexcept { _data[kDataMemOffsetLo] = uint32_t(offset); }
//! Adjusts the offset by `offset`.
//! \note This is a fast function that doesn't use the HI 32-bits of a
//! 64-bit offset. Use it only if you know that there is a BASE register
//! and the offset is only 32 bits anyway.
//! Adjusts the memory operand offset by a `offset`.
inline void addOffset(int64_t offset) noexcept {
if (isOffset64Bit()) {
int64_t result = offset + int64_t(uint64_t(_data[kDataMemOffsetLo]) | (uint64_t(_baseId) << 32));
_data[kDataMemOffsetLo] = uint32_t(uint64_t(result) & 0xFFFFFFFFu);
_baseId = uint32_t(uint64_t(result) >> 32);
else {
_data[kDataMemOffsetLo] += uint32_t(uint64_t(offset) & 0xFFFFFFFFu);
//! Adds `offset` to a low 32-bit offset part (don't use without knowing how
//! BaseMem works).
inline void addOffsetLo32(int32_t offset) noexcept { _data[kDataMemOffsetLo] += uint32_t(offset); }
//! Resets the memory offset to zero.
inline void resetOffset() noexcept { setOffset(0); }
//! Resets the lo part of the memory offset to zero (don't use without knowing
//! how BaseMem works).
inline void resetOffsetLo32() noexcept { setOffsetLo32(0); }
//! \}
// ============================================================================
// [asmjit::Imm]
// ============================================================================
//! Immediate operand.
//! Immediate operand is usually part of instruction itself. It's inlined after
//! or before the instruction opcode. Immediates can be only signed or unsigned
//! integers.
//! To create an immediate operand use `asmjit::imm()` helper, which can be used
//! with any type, not just the default 64-bit int.
class Imm : public Operand {
//! Type of the immediate.
enum Type : uint32_t {
//! Immediate is integer.
kTypeInteger = 0,
//! Immediate is a floating point stored as double-precision.
kTypeDouble = 1
//! \name Construction & Destruction
//! \{
//! Creates a new immediate value (initial value is 0).
inline constexpr Imm() noexcept
: Operand(Globals::Init, kOpImm, 0, 0, 0) {}
//! Creates a new immediate value from `other`.
inline constexpr Imm(const Imm& other) noexcept
: Operand(other) {}
//! Creates a new immediate value from ARM/AArch64 specific `shift`.
inline constexpr Imm(const arm::Shift& shift) noexcept
: Operand(Globals::Init, kOpImm | (shift.op() << kSignaturePredicateShift),
Support::unpackU32At1(shift.value())) {}
//! Creates a new signed immediate value, assigning the value to `val` and
//! an architecture-specific predicate to `predicate`.
//! \note Predicate is currently only used by ARM architectures.
template<typename T>
inline constexpr Imm(const T& val, const uint32_t predicate = 0) noexcept
: Operand(Globals::Init, kOpImm | (predicate << kSignaturePredicateShift),
Support::unpackU32At1(int64_t(val))) {}
inline Imm(const float& val, const uint32_t predicate = 0) noexcept
: Operand(Globals::Init, kOpImm | (predicate << kSignaturePredicateShift), 0, 0, 0) { setValue(val); }
inline Imm(const double& val, const uint32_t predicate = 0) noexcept
: Operand(Globals::Init, kOpImm | (predicate << kSignaturePredicateShift), 0, 0, 0) { setValue(val); }
inline explicit Imm(Globals::NoInit_) noexcept
: Operand(Globals::NoInit) {}
//! \}
//! \name Overloaded Operators
//! \{
//! Assigns the value of the `other` operand to this immediate.
inline Imm& operator=(const Imm& other) noexcept { copyFrom(other); return *this; }
//! \}
//! \name Accessors
//! \{
//! Returns immediate type, see \ref Type.
constexpr uint32_t type() const noexcept { return _getSignaturePart<kSignatureImmTypeMask>(); }
//! Sets the immediate type to `type`, see \ref Type.
inline void setType(uint32_t type) noexcept { _setSignaturePart<kSignatureImmTypeMask>(type); }
//! Resets immediate type to `kTypeInteger`.
inline void resetType() noexcept { setType(kTypeInteger); }
//! Returns operation predicate of the immediate.
//! The meaning depends on architecture, for example on ARM hardware this
//! describes \ref arm::Predicate::ShiftOp of the immediate.
constexpr uint32_t predicate() const noexcept { return _getSignaturePart<kSignaturePredicateMask>(); }
//! Sets operation predicate of the immediate to `predicate`.
//! The meaning depends on architecture, for example on ARM hardware this
//! describes \ref arm::Predicate::ShiftOp of the immediate.
inline void setPredicate(uint32_t predicate) noexcept { _setSignaturePart<kSignaturePredicateMask>(predicate); }
//! Resets the shift operation type of the immediate to the default value (no operation).
inline void resetPredicate() noexcept { _setSignaturePart<kSignaturePredicateMask>(0); }
//! Returns the immediate value as `int64_t`, which is the internal format Imm uses.
constexpr int64_t value() const noexcept {
return int64_t((uint64_t(_data[kDataImmValueHi]) << 32) | _data[kDataImmValueLo]);
//! Tests whether this immediate value is integer of any size.
constexpr uint32_t isInteger() const noexcept { return type() == kTypeInteger; }
//! Tests whether this immediate value is a double precision floating point value.
constexpr uint32_t isDouble() const noexcept { return type() == kTypeDouble; }
//! Tests whether the immediate can be casted to 8-bit signed integer.
constexpr bool isInt8() const noexcept { return type() == kTypeInteger && Support::isInt8(value()); }
//! Tests whether the immediate can be casted to 8-bit unsigned integer.
constexpr bool isUInt8() const noexcept { return type() == kTypeInteger && Support::isUInt8(value()); }
//! Tests whether the immediate can be casted to 16-bit signed integer.
constexpr bool isInt16() const noexcept { return type() == kTypeInteger && Support::isInt16(value()); }
//! Tests whether the immediate can be casted to 16-bit unsigned integer.
constexpr bool isUInt16() const noexcept { return type() == kTypeInteger && Support::isUInt16(value()); }
//! Tests whether the immediate can be casted to 32-bit signed integer.
constexpr bool isInt32() const noexcept { return type() == kTypeInteger && Support::isInt32(value()); }
//! Tests whether the immediate can be casted to 32-bit unsigned integer.
constexpr bool isUInt32() const noexcept { return type() == kTypeInteger && _data[kDataImmValueHi] == 0; }
//! Returns the immediate value casted to `T`.
//! The value is masked before it's casted to `T` so the returned value is
//! simply the representation of `T` considering the original value's lowest
//! bits.
template<typename T>
inline T valueAs() const noexcept { return Support::immediateToT<T>(value()); }
//! Returns low 32-bit signed integer.
constexpr int32_t int32Lo() const noexcept { return int32_t(_data[kDataImmValueLo]); }
//! Returns high 32-bit signed integer.
constexpr int32_t int32Hi() const noexcept { return int32_t(_data[kDataImmValueHi]); }
//! Returns low 32-bit signed integer.
constexpr uint32_t uint32Lo() const noexcept { return _data[kDataImmValueLo]; }
//! Returns high 32-bit signed integer.
constexpr uint32_t uint32Hi() const noexcept { return _data[kDataImmValueHi]; }
//! Sets immediate value to `val`, the value is casted to a signed 64-bit integer.
template<typename T>
inline void setValue(const T& val) noexcept {
_setValueInternal(Support::immediateFromT(val), std::is_floating_point<T>::value ? kTypeDouble : kTypeInteger);
inline void _setValueInternal(int64_t val, uint32_t type) noexcept {
_data[kDataImmValueHi] = uint32_t(uint64_t(val) >> 32);
_data[kDataImmValueLo] = uint32_t(uint64_t(val) & 0xFFFFFFFFu);
//! \}
//! \name Utilities
//! \{
//! Clones the immediate operand.
constexpr Imm clone() const noexcept { return Imm(*this); }
inline void signExtend8Bits() noexcept { setValue(int64_t(valueAs<int8_t>())); }
inline void signExtend16Bits() noexcept { setValue(int64_t(valueAs<int16_t>())); }
inline void signExtend32Bits() noexcept { setValue(int64_t(valueAs<int32_t>())); }
inline void zeroExtend8Bits() noexcept { setValue(valueAs<uint8_t>()); }
inline void zeroExtend16Bits() noexcept { setValue(valueAs<uint16_t>()); }
inline void zeroExtend32Bits() noexcept { _data[kDataImmValueHi] = 0u; }
//! \}
ASMJIT_DEPRECATED("Use valueAs<int8_t>() instead")
inline int8_t i8() const noexcept { return valueAs<int8_t>(); }
ASMJIT_DEPRECATED("Use valueAs<uint8_t>() instead")
inline uint8_t u8() const noexcept { return valueAs<uint8_t>(); }
ASMJIT_DEPRECATED("Use valueAs<int16_t>() instead")
inline int16_t i16() const noexcept { return valueAs<int16_t>(); }
ASMJIT_DEPRECATED("Use valueAs<uint16_t>() instead")
inline uint16_t u16() const noexcept { return valueAs<uint16_t>(); }
ASMJIT_DEPRECATED("Use valueAs<int32_t>() instead")
inline int32_t i32() const noexcept { return valueAs<int32_t>(); }
ASMJIT_DEPRECATED("Use valueAs<uint32_t>() instead")
inline uint32_t u32() const noexcept { return valueAs<uint32_t>(); }
ASMJIT_DEPRECATED("Use value() instead")
inline int64_t i64() const noexcept { return value(); }
ASMJIT_DEPRECATED("Use valueAs<uint64_t>() instead")
inline uint64_t u64() const noexcept { return valueAs<uint64_t>(); }
ASMJIT_DEPRECATED("Use valueAs<intptr_t>() instead")
inline intptr_t iptr() const noexcept { return valueAs<intptr_t>(); }
ASMJIT_DEPRECATED("Use valueAs<uintptr_t>() instead")
inline uintptr_t uptr() const noexcept { return valueAs<uintptr_t>(); }
ASMJIT_DEPRECATED("Use int32Lo() instead")
inline int32_t i32Lo() const noexcept { return int32Lo(); }
ASMJIT_DEPRECATED("Use uint32Lo() instead")
inline uint32_t u32Lo() const noexcept { return uint32Lo(); }
ASMJIT_DEPRECATED("Use int32Hi() instead")
inline int32_t i32Hi() const noexcept { return int32Hi(); }
ASMJIT_DEPRECATED("Use uint32Hi() instead")
inline uint32_t u32Hi() const noexcept { return uint32Hi(); }
//! Creates a new immediate operand.
//! Using `imm(x)` is much nicer than using `Imm(x)` as this is a template
//! which can accept any integer including pointers and function pointers.
template<typename T>
static constexpr Imm imm(const T& val) noexcept { return Imm(val); }
//! \}
// ============================================================================
// [asmjit::Globals::none]
// ============================================================================
namespace Globals {
//! \ingroup asmjit_assembler
//! A default-constructed operand of `Operand_::kOpNone` type.
static constexpr const Operand none;
// ============================================================================
// [asmjit::Support::ForwardOp]
// ============================================================================
//! \cond INTERNAL
namespace Support {
template<typename T, bool IsIntegral>
struct ForwardOpImpl {
static ASMJIT_INLINE const T& forward(const T& value) noexcept { return value; }
template<typename T>
struct ForwardOpImpl<T, true> {
static ASMJIT_INLINE Imm forward(const T& value) noexcept { return Imm(value); }
//! Either forwards operand T or returns a new operand for T if T is a type
//! convertible to operand. At the moment this is only used to convert integers
//! to \ref Imm operands.
template<typename T>
struct ForwardOp : public ForwardOpImpl<T, std::is_integral<typename std::decay<T>::type>::value> {};
//! \endcond