#include #include #include #include #include "vmemu_t.hpp" #define NUM_THREADS 20 int __cdecl main(int argc, const char* argv[]) { argparse::argument_parser_t parser("VMEmu", "VMProtect 3 VM Handler Emulator"); parser.add_argument() .name("--vmentry") .description("relative virtual address to a vm entry..."); parser.add_argument() .name("--bin") .description("path to unpacked virtualized binary...") .required(true); parser.add_argument() .name("--out") .description("output file name...") .required(true); parser.add_argument().name("--unpack").description("unpack a vmp2 binary..."); parser.add_argument() .names({"-f", "--force"}) .description("force emulation of unknown vm handlers..."); parser.add_argument() .name("--emuall") .description( "scan for all vm enters and trace all of them... this may take a few " "minutes..."); parser.enable_help(); auto result = parser.parse(argc, argv); if (result) { std::printf("[!] error parsing commandline arguments... reason = %s\n", result.what().c_str()); return -1; } if (parser.exists("help")) { parser.print_help(); return 0; } vm::util::init(); std::vector module_data, tmp, unpacked_bin; if (!vm::util::open_binary_file(parser.get("bin"), module_data)) { std::printf("[!] failed to open binary file...\n"); return -1; } auto img = reinterpret_cast*>(module_data.data()); auto image_size = img->get_nt_headers()->optional_header.size_image; const auto image_base = img->get_nt_headers()->optional_header.image_base; // page align the vector allocation so that unicorn-engine is happy girl... tmp.resize(image_size + PAGE_4KB); const std::uintptr_t module_base = reinterpret_cast(tmp.data()) + (PAGE_4KB - (reinterpret_cast(tmp.data()) & 0xFFFull)); std::memcpy((void*)module_base, module_data.data(), 0x1000); std::for_each(img->get_nt_headers()->get_sections(), img->get_nt_headers()->get_sections() + img->get_nt_headers()->file_header.num_sections, [&](const auto& section_header) { std::memcpy( (void*)(module_base + section_header.virtual_address), module_data.data() + section_header.ptr_raw_data, section_header.size_raw_data); }); auto win_img = reinterpret_cast*>(module_base); auto basereloc_dir = win_img->get_directory(win::directory_id::directory_entry_basereloc); auto reloc_dir = reinterpret_cast( basereloc_dir->rva + module_base); win::reloc_block_t* reloc_block = &reloc_dir->first_block; // apply relocations to all sections... while (reloc_block->base_rva && reloc_block->size_block) { std::for_each(reloc_block->begin(), reloc_block->end(), [&](win::reloc_entry_t& entry) { switch (entry.type) { case win::reloc_type_id::rel_based_dir64: { auto reloc_at = reinterpret_cast( entry.offset + reloc_block->base_rva + module_base); *reloc_at = module_base + ((*reloc_at) - image_base); break; } default: break; } }); reloc_block = reloc_block->next(); } std::printf("> image base = %p, image size = %p, module base = %p\n", image_base, image_size, module_base); if (!image_base || !image_size || !module_base) { std::printf("[!] failed to open binary on disk...\n"); return -1; } if (parser.exists("vmentry")) { const auto vm_entry_rva = std::strtoull(parser.get("vmentry").c_str(), nullptr, 16); std::vector code_blocks; vm::ctx_t vmctx(module_base, image_base, image_size, vm_entry_rva); if (!vmctx.init()) { std::printf( "[!] failed to init vmctx... this can be for many reasons..." " try validating your vm entry rva... make sure the binary is " "unpacked and is" "protected with VMProtect 2...\n"); return -1; } vm::util::print(vmctx.vm_entry); } }