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#pragma once
#include <unicorn/unicorn.h>
#include <atomic>
#include <functional>
#include <nt/image.hpp>
#include <numeric>
#include <string>
#include <vmctx.hpp>
#include <vmprofiler.hpp>
#define PAGE_4KB 0x1000
#define STACK_SIZE PAGE_4KB * 512
#define STACK_BASE 0xFFFF000000000000
namespace vm {
class emu_t {
explicit emu_t(vm::vmctx_t* vm_ctx);
bool init();
bool emulate(std::uint32_t vmenter_rva, vm::instrs::vrtn_t& vrtn);
uc_engine* uc;
const vm::vmctx_t* m_vm;
/// <summary>
/// used in branch_pred_spec_exec to count legit SREG virtual instructions...
/// </summary>
std::uint8_t m_sreg_cnt;
/// <summary>
/// current code trace...
/// </summary>
vm::instrs::hndlr_trace_t cc_trace;
/// <summary>
/// current virtual code block...
/// block...
/// </summary>
vm::instrs::vblk_t* cc_blk;
/// <summary>
/// current code virtual routine...
/// </summary>
vm::instrs::vrtn_t* cc_vrtn;
/// <summary>
/// unicorn engine hook
/// </summary>
uc_hook code_exec_hook, invalid_mem_hook, int_hook, branch_pred_hook;
/// <summary>
/// code execution callback for executable memory ranges of the vmprotect'ed
/// module... essentially used to single step the processor over virtual
/// handlers...
/// </summary>
/// <param name="uc"></param>
/// <param name="address"></param>
/// <param name="size"></param>
/// <param name="obj"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
static bool code_exec_callback(uc_engine* uc,
uint64_t address,
uint32_t size,
emu_t* obj);
/// <summary>
/// branch predicition with speculative execution (emulation)... this callback
/// ensures there are at least 10 SREG's and that all of the imm values are
/// legit...
/// </summary>
/// <param name="uc"></param>
/// <param name="address"></param>
/// <param name="size"></param>
/// <param name="obj"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
static bool branch_pred_spec_exec(uc_engine* uc,
uint64_t address,
uint32_t size,
emu_t* obj);
/// <summary>
/// invalid memory access handler. no runtime values can possibly effect the
/// decryption of virtual instructions. thus invalid memory accesses can be
/// ignored entirely...
/// </summary>
/// <param name="uc">uc engine context pointer...</param>
/// <param name="type">type of memory access...</param>
/// <param name="address">address of the memory access...</param>
/// <param name="size">size of the memory access...</param>
/// <param name="value">value being read...</param>
/// <param name="obj">emu_t object pointer...</param>
static void invalid_mem(uc_engine* uc,
uc_mem_type type,
uint64_t address,
int size,
int64_t value,
emu_t* obj);
/// <summary>
/// interrupt callback for unicorn engine. this is used to advance rip over
/// division instructions which div by 0...
/// </summary>
/// <param name="uc">the uc engine pointer...</param>
/// <param name="intno">interrupt number...</param>
/// <param name="obj">emu_t object...</param>
static void int_callback(uc_engine* uc, std::uint32_t intno, emu_t* obj);
/// <summary>
/// determines if there *could* be a JCC in the virtual code block... its not
/// 100%... speculative execution is required to ensure that both branches
/// discovered are legit...
/// </summary>
/// <param name="vinstrs"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
std::optional<std::pair<std::uintptr_t, std::uintptr_t>> could_have_jcc(
std::vector<vm::instrs::vinstr_t>& vinstrs);
/// <summary>
/// determines if a branch is legit or not...
/// </summary>
/// <param name="vblk"></param>
/// <param name="branch_addr"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
bool legit_branch(vm::instrs::vblk_t& vblk, std::uintptr_t branch_addr);
} // namespace vm