#include "perses.hpp" #include template void createApplication(perses::X86BinaryApplication* app, argparse::ArgumentParser& args) { spdlog::stopwatch sw; int numSeconds = 0; float numMinutes = 0.f; if (args.is_used("--rets")) perses::buildKnownRetGadgets(app); if (auto param = args.present("--map")) { std::filesystem::path path = *param; if (!std::filesystem::exists(path)) { logger()->critical("Unable to parse map file, non existent!"); goto Delete; } if (path.extension().string() == ".ida") app->linkMapFile(perses::MapFileType::kIDAPro, *param); else app->linkMapFile(perses::MapFileType::kMSVC, *param); } if (auto param = args.present("--list")) { std::filesystem::path path = *param; if (!std::filesystem::exists(path)) { logger()->critical("Unable to parse list file, non existent!"); goto Delete; } app->parseFunctionList(*param); } if (auto param = args.present>("-a")) { for (auto& uaddr : *param) { perses::u64 addr = strtoull(uaddr.c_str(), nullptr, 16); if (addr > 0) app->addRoutineByAddress(addr, PERSES_MARKER_MUTATION); } } if (auto param = args.present>("-s")) { if (app->hasMapFile()) { for (auto& sym : *param) { app->addRoutineBySymbol(sym, PERSES_MARKER_MUTATION); } } else { logger()->critical("Unable to use symbols argument without a linked .MAP file!"); goto Delete; } } if (args.is_used("--scan")) app->scanForMarkers(); if (app->getRoutines().empty()) { logger()->critical("Unable to mutate: no routines in queue."); goto Delete; } app->transformRoutines(); app->compile(); logger()->info("Mutated {} routines.", app->getRoutines().size()); numSeconds = std::chrono::duration_cast(sw.elapsed()).count(); numMinutes = (float)numSeconds / 60.f; if (numSeconds > 60) logger()->info("It took {} minutes and {} seconds to complete this operation.", (int)(numSeconds / 60), (int)((float)(numMinutes - (int)numMinutes) * 60.f)); else logger()->info("It took {} seconds to complete this operation.", numSeconds); Delete: delete app; } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { argparse::ArgumentParser args("PERSES"); void* app = nullptr; args.add_argument("-f", "--file") .help("Input file path.") .required(); args.add_argument("-x64") .help("Required for X64 PE files.") .default_value(false) .implicit_value(true); args.add_argument("-a", "--address") .help("Address(es) to mutate") .remaining(); args.add_argument("-s", "--symbol") .help("Symbol(s) to mutate (requires .MAP)") .remaining(); args.add_argument("--list") .help("Parsable function list (NOTE: all entries in the list will be added)."); args.add_argument("--map") .help("Parsable map file (NOTE: IDA Pro .MAP files must have their extension named as \".ida\")."); args.add_argument("--rets") .help("Use RET gadgets.") .default_value(false) .implicit_value(true); args.add_argument("--scan") .help("Scan for protection markers.") .default_value(false) .implicit_value(true); if (argc <= 1) { args.print_help(); return 1; } try { args.parse_args(argc, argv); } catch (const std::runtime_error& err) { args.print_help(); return 1; } logger()->debug("PERSES Code Protection Engine"); std::string filepath = args.get("-f"); if (!std::filesystem::exists(filepath)) { logger()->critical("Unable to find file: {}.", filepath); return 0; } if (args.get("-x64")) { createApplication(new perses::X86BinaryApplication(filepath), args); } else { createApplication(new perses::X86BinaryApplication(filepath), args); } return 0; } std::shared_ptr logger() { static std::shared_ptr log = nullptr; if (!log) { log = spdlog::stdout_color_mt("console"); log->set_level(spdlog::level::debug); log->set_pattern("[%^PERSES%$] %v"); spdlog::set_error_handler([](const std::string& msg) { printf("*** LOG ERROR: %s ***\n", msg.c_str()); }); } return log; }