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#pragma once
namespace perses
struct instruction_t
bool isMnemonic(ZydisMnemonic mnem) const;
bool isOperandType(size_t index, ZydisOperandType type) const;
const ZydisDecodedOperand* getOperand(size_t index) const;
size_t getFirstSegmentOffset(ZydisInstructionSegment type);
uintptr_t address{ };
ZydisDecodedInstruction decoded{ };
ZydisDecodedOperand operands[ZYDIS_MAX_OPERAND_COUNT_VISIBLE]{ };
std::vector<uint8_t> raw{ };
class Disassembler
static Disassembler* instance();
static void create(ZydisMachineMode mode);
bool decode(void* buf, instruction_t* instr);
bool decode(void* buf, ZydisDecodedInstruction* instr, ZydisDecodedOperand* op);
u64 calcAbsolute(instruction_t* intr);
u64 calcAbsolute(ZydisDecodedInstruction* instr, ZydisDecodedOperand* op, u64 address);
ZydisRegister enclosingReg(ZydisRegister);
bool getSegments(instruction_t* intr, ZydisInstructionSegments* segments);
bool isJmp(instruction_t* instr);
bool isBbTerminatorInstruction(instruction_t* instr);
std::string format(address addr, ZydisDecodedInstruction* instr, ZydisDecodedOperand* op);
ZydisDecoder _decoder;
ZydisFormatter _formatter;
ZydisMachineMode _mode;
class Routine : public std::vector<instruction_t>
Routine() = default;
void buildFromCode(address buf);
void printAssembly(uint32_t numInstructions = -1);
void addFlag(int flag) { _flag |= flag; }
void stripFlag(int flag) { _flag &= ~flag; }
int getFlag() const { return _flag; }
size_t codeSize() const;
uptr getAddress() const { return empty() ? 0 : at(0).address; }
int _flag { };