You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1262 lines
32 KiB

#include "perses.hpp"
using namespace perses;
// TODO: Make pepp lib. work without using templates to acknowledge PE architecture.
// Explicit templates.
template class X86BinaryApplication<PERSES_32BIT>;
template class X86BinaryApplication<PERSES_64BIT>;
#define X86BA_TEMPLATE \
template<int BitSize>
X86BA_TEMPLATE X86BinaryApplication<BitSize>::X86BinaryApplication(std::string_view filePath)
X86BA_TEMPLATE X86BinaryApplication<BitSize>::~X86BinaryApplication()
X86BA_TEMPLATE void X86BinaryApplication<BitSize>::loadFromFile(std::string_view filePath)
PERSES_THROWIFN(_peFile.setFromFilePath(filePath), "Unabled to parse the filePath, ensure this is a PE file!");
logger()->info("Loading file in {}-bit mode: {}", BitSize,;
// Initialize the disassembler
if constexpr (BitSize == PERSES_64BIT)
// Update path for compile time output.
_filePath = filePath;
[this](pe::BlockEntry const& entry)
// printf("* - Number of relocations: 0x%x\n", _originalRelocs.size());
X86BA_TEMPLATE SharedProtectionSchema X86BinaryApplication<BitSize>::buildSchema(int flag)
SharedProtectionSchema schema = nullptr;
switch (flag)
schema = ProtectionSchema::create<MutationLightSchema<BitSize>>();
PERSES_THROW("Unknown flag passed into BinaryApplication::buildSchema.");
if (schema)
return schema;
X86BA_TEMPLATE bool X86BinaryApplication<BitSize>::scanForMarkers()
logger()->debug("Scanning for markers in all executable sections..");
uptr imageBase = _peFile.getImageBase();
for (int i = 0; i < _peFile.getNumberOfSections(); ++i)
pe::SectionHeader* sec = &_peFile.getSectionHdr(i);
// Look for mutation macros only in executable sections
if (sec->getCharacteristics() & pe::SCN_MEM_EXECUTE)
// Search for the known begin macro.
for (auto& markers : MarkerTags)
if (auto matches = _peFile.findBinarySequence(sec, std::get<1>(markers)); !matches.empty())
for (u32 match : matches)
Routine rtn{ };
u32 codeBeginOffset = match + 5;
u32 codeSize = 0;
u8* codeData = &_peFile.buffer()[codeBeginOffset];
u32 codeEnd = sec->getPtrToRawData() + sec->getSizeOfRawData();
// Continue iterating until we hit the end macro.
while ((*(u64*)codeData & 0xffffffffffull) != std::get<2>(markers))
// Sanity check
if ((codeBeginOffset + codeSize) >= codeEnd)
logger()->critical("Unable to find end MACRO for routine @ rva 0x{:X}",
return false;
instruction_t insn{ };
if (!Disassembler::instance()->decode(codeData, &insn))
logger()->critical("Error decoding instruction @ rva 0x{:X}",
_peFile.getPEHdr().offsetToRva(codeBeginOffset + codeSize));
return false;
// Set the address
insn.address = imageBase + _peFile.getPEHdr().offsetToRva(codeBeginOffset + codeSize);
codeSize += insn.decoded.length;
codeData += insn.decoded.length;
// Add to the routine stream.
// We need to ensure that the size of the code to be mutated
// is enough to allow a JMP encoding
if (rtn.codeSize() >= 10)
// printf("** ORIGINAL CODE SIZE: 0x%x **\n", rtn.codeSize());
// Wipe out the existing code
_peFile.scrambleVaData(rtn.getAddress() - imageBase - 5, rtn.codeSize() + 10);
// Assign the flag to the routine (whether to mutate, virtualize, etc..)
// Write original code size for later use
_peFile.getPEHdr().rvaToOffset(_routines.back().getAddress() - getBaseAddress()) - 5) = _routines.back().codeSize();
logger()->critical("Routine 0x{:X} is too small to be mutated!", rtn.getAddress());
return !_routines.empty();
#include <algorithm>
#include <math.h>
X86BA_TEMPLATE bool X86BinaryApplication<BitSize>::addRoutineByAddress(uptr address, int marker)
// No duplicates
for (auto& rtn : _routines)
if (rtn.getAddress() == address)
return false;
u32 rva = address - getBaseAddress();
u32 offset = _peFile.getPEHdr().rvaToOffset(rva);
pe::SectionHeader* sec = &_peFile.getSectionHdrFromVa(rva);
if (!sec || !(sec->getCharacteristics() & pe::SCN_MEM_EXECUTE))
logger()->critical("Invalid address (0x{:X}) passed into X86BinaryApplication::addRoutineAddress!", address);
return false;
//printf("addRoutineByAddress: 0x%llx\n", address);
// Here, instead of making a new structure called `BasicBlock`, we just use `Routine`
// to list them all, so a vector<Routine>. We don't really need to know a block's parent/etc,
// since we just want to know which block ends at the highest address to get a rough calculation of the size.
std::vector<Routine> blocks { };
std::vector<size_t> codeOffsets { };
uptr cur_highest = 0ull;
uptr nextKnownAddress = 0ull;
uptr knownEndOfFunc = 0ull;
uint8_t* fileBuf = _peFile.base();
// Get the function subsequent to the target function if possible using mapped symbols.
if (!_mapSymbols.empty())
for (auto& sym : _mapSymbols)
if (_mapType == MapFileType::kIDAPro)
// GHETTO - Ignore locations!
if ("loc_") != std::string::npos ||"def_") != std::string::npos)
u64 addr = sym.address;
if (addr == 0ull && sym.sectionIndex != 0)
addr = sym.sectionOffset;
addr += _peFile.getSectionHdr(sym.sectionIndex - 1).getVirtualAddress();
addr += getBaseAddress();
if (addr > address)
nextKnownAddress = addr;
// How this works:
// - We use a vector of current code offsets and a vector of routines that symbolize our basic blocks.
// -- The last element in the `codeOffsets` vector will correspond to the last element in basic block list (`blocks`).
// - Once we hit a terminating instruction (jcc/ret..), we perform one of two actions
// *- On a JCC terminating instruction, we calculate the dst of the JCC and create a new basic block and corresponding
// -- offset. We keep going until a RET is hit.
// *- When a RET is hit, we add a dummy block, then pop off an element in codeOffsets. If `codeOffsets` becomes empty, it means
// -- we've visited all blocks.
while (true)
// Once codeOffsets is empty, we've observed all blocks.
if (codeOffsets.empty())
instruction_t insn { };
if (!Disassembler::instance()->decode(&fileBuf[offset + codeOffsets.back()], &insn))
logger()->error("Instruction decode failure: rva(0x{:X} + 0x{:X})", rva, codeOffsets.back());
// Really ghetto check.. but some functions end in calls (fastfails, MSVC generated, etc),
// this is an easy way to determine if an end of function is being
if (insn.decoded.opcode == 0x90 || insn.decoded.opcode == 0xCC)
int numInt3s = insn.decoded.opcode == 0x90 ? 1 : 0;
while (fileBuf[offset + codeOffsets.back() + numInt3s + 1] == 0xCC)
if (numInt3s >= 2)
// Set the address
insn.address = address + codeOffsets.back();
// Update the title, which we use for to print the cur. progress.
auto s = fmt::format("PERSES: Observing.. [0x{:X}]", insn.address);
if (insn.address > cur_highest)
cur_highest = insn.address;
// Integrity check, make sure we're not crossing into the next function
if (nextKnownAddress != 0ull)
if (insn.address >= nextKnownAddress)
printf("[ERROR]: Entering boundaries of another function - breaking out.\n");
if (insn.isMnemonic(ZYDIS_MNEMONIC_MOV) && insn.decoded.operand_count_visible == 2)
// Handle jump tables on x64.
if constexpr (BitSize == PERSES_64BIT)
if (insn.isOperandType(0, ZYDIS_OPERAND_TYPE_REGISTER) &&
insn.isOperandType(1, ZYDIS_OPERAND_TYPE_MEMORY))
// Add the new block
std::vector<JumpTableEntry> jtes;
if (inquireJumpTable(&insn, blocks.front().getAddress(), 0, 0, jtes))
// Update current offset
codeOffsets.back() += insn.decoded.length;
for (auto& entry : jtes)
u64 abs = entry.address;
u32 off = _peFile.getPEHdr().rvaToOffset((u32)abs) - offset;
// Add the new block
if (Disassembler::instance()->isBbTerminatorInstruction(&insn))
//printf("BB terminator: %s\n",
// Disassembler::instance()->format(address + codeOffsets.back(), &insn.decoded, insn.operands).c_str());
if (insn.isMnemonic(ZYDIS_MNEMONIC_RET))
// Add the new block
// Handle jump tables on x86.
if constexpr (BitSize == PERSES_32BIT)
if (insn.isMnemonic(ZYDIS_MNEMONIC_JMP) &&
insn.isOperandType(0, ZYDIS_OPERAND_TYPE_MEMORY))
// Add the new block
std::vector<JumpTableEntry> jtes;
if (inquireJumpTable(&insn, blocks.front().getAddress(), 0, 0, jtes))
// Assume end of function is just above the jump table.
if (knownEndOfFunc == 0ull || (insn.operands[0].mem.disp.value < knownEndOfFunc))
knownEndOfFunc = insn.operands[0].mem.disp.value;
// Update current offset
codeOffsets.back() += insn.decoded.length;
for (auto& entry : jtes)
u64 abs = entry.address;
abs -= getBaseAddress();
u32 off = _peFile.getPEHdr().rvaToOffset((u32)abs) - offset;
// Add the new block
if (!insn.decoded.operand_count_visible ||
// Add the new block
u64 abs = Disassembler::instance()->calcAbsolute(&insn);
// printf("Taking branch: 0x%llx\n", abs);
if (abs < address || abs > insn.address)
if (abs < address)
bool observed = false;
if (!_mapSymbols.empty())
for (auto& sym : _mapSymbols)
if (_mapType == MapFileType::kIDAPro)
// GHETTO - Ignore locations!
if ("loc_") != std::string::npos ||"def_") != std::string::npos)
u64 addr = sym.address;
if (addr == 0ull && sym.sectionIndex != 0)
addr = sym.sectionOffset;
addr += _peFile.getSectionHdr(sym.sectionIndex - 1).getVirtualAddress();
addr += getBaseAddress();
if (abs == addr)
// printf("Breaking out due to known symbol: %s\n",;
observed = true;
for (auto& rtn : _routines)
if (rtn.getAddress() == abs)
observed = true;
// TODO: Figure out if the JMP goes into another function without symbols.
if (observed)
// printf("OBSERVED! 0x%llx\n", insn.address);
// Avoid infinite loop by breaking out when a block has already been observed.
if (!blocks.empty())
bool skip = false;
for (auto& blk : blocks)
if (!blk.empty() && blk.front().address == abs)
skip = true;
if (skip)
codeOffsets.back() += insn.decoded.length;
abs -= getBaseAddress();
u32 off = _peFile.getPEHdr().rvaToOffset((u32)abs);
off -= offset;
// Update current offset
codeOffsets.back() += insn.decoded.length;
// Add the new block
codeOffsets.back() += insn.decoded.length;
u64 end = 0ull;
u64 size = 0ull;
u64 lastInsnLen = 0ull;
//logger()->info("** Built a routine from address [0x{:X}] **", address);
for (auto& block : blocks)
if (block.empty())
if (knownEndOfFunc)
end = knownEndOfFunc - 1;
for (auto& block : blocks)
if (block.empty())
auto& terminating = block.back();
// printf("Terminating address: 0x%llx\n", terminating.address);
if (terminating.address > end)
end = terminating.address;
lastInsnLen = terminating.decoded.length;
// Make VA
if (end == 0)
return false;
logger()->debug("Identified routine: [0x{:x} - 0x{:x}] ({} bytes in size)", address, end, (end + lastInsnLen) - address);
size = end - address;
if ((end + lastInsnLen) - address < ((BitSize == PERSES_64BIT) ? 14 : 25))
printf("- Routine too small.\n");
return false;
// We *should* just pull the blocks in and build a routine from that but since
// we only observe blocks to determine end address, and dont sync them to a parent block,
// we can't ensure the order of blocks.
if (!knownEndOfFunc)
size += lastInsnLen;
Routine rtn{};
u32 so = 0;
while (so < size)
instruction_t insn{ };
if (!Disassembler::instance()->decode(&fileBuf[offset + so], &insn))
logger()->error("Instruction decode failure 2: rva(0x{:X} + 0x{:X})", rva, codeOffsets.back());
// Set the address
insn.address = address + so;
so += insn.decoded.length;
// Wipe out the existing code
_peFile.scrambleVaData(rva, size);
// Assign the flag to the routine (whether to mutate, virtualize, etc..)
// Signal to the linker that we write a detour and don't jump back at all.
_peFile.buffer().deref<u32>(_peFile.getPEHdr().rvaToOffset(rva)) = PERSES_MUTATE_FULL;
return true;
template<int BitSize>
bool X86BinaryApplication<BitSize>::addRoutineBySymbol(std::string_view symbolName, int marker)
if (_mapSymbols.empty())
return false;
for (auto& symbol : _mapSymbols)
if (symbol.sectionIndex == 0)
if ( == symbolName)
// Calculate address manually, we can't rely on `symbol.address` since
// it may be 0 (IDA Pro .map)
uptr addr = symbol.sectionOffset;
int secIdx = symbol.sectionIndex - 1;
pe::SectionHeader* hdr = &_peFile.getSectionHdr(secIdx);
// Routine's can only be in executable sections.
if (!(hdr->getCharacteristics() & pe::SCN_MEM_EXECUTE))
return false;
// Make absolute
addr += getBaseAddress();
addr += hdr->getVirtualAddress();
return addRoutineByAddress(addr, marker);
return false;
template<int BitSize>
bool X86BinaryApplication<BitSize>::addRoutineBySymbol(const MapSymbol* symbol, int marker)
if (symbol->sectionIndex == 0)
return false;
uptr addr = symbol->sectionOffset;
int secIdx = symbol->sectionIndex - 1;
pe::SectionHeader* hdr = &_peFile.getSectionHdr(secIdx);
// Routine's can only be in executable sections.
if (!(hdr->getCharacteristics() & pe::SCN_MEM_EXECUTE))
return false;
// Make absolute
addr += getBaseAddress();
addr += hdr->getVirtualAddress();
return addRoutineByAddress(addr, marker);
template<int BitSize>
bool X86BinaryApplication<BitSize>::addRoutineByAddress(uptr start, uptr end, int marker)
uptr rva = start - getBaseAddress();
uptr offset = _peFile.getPEHdr().rvaToOffset(rva);
uptr index = 0ull;
uint8_t* fileBuf = _peFile.base();
Routine rtn {};
while (true)
instruction_t insn { };
if (!Disassembler::instance()->decode(&fileBuf[offset + index], &insn))
// logger()->error("Instruction decode failure: rva [ 0x{:X} ]", rva + index);
insn.address = start + index;
if (insn.address == end)
u8 len = insn.decoded.length;
index += len;
if (rtn.empty())
return false;
if (index < ((BitSize == PERSES_64BIT) ? 14 : 25))
return false;
// Wipe out the existing code
_peFile.scrambleVaData(rva, (end-start));
// Assign the flag to the routine (whether to mutate, virtualize, etc..)
// Signal to the linker that we write a detour and don't jump back at all.
_peFile.buffer().deref<u32>(_peFile.getPEHdr().rvaToOffset(rva)) = PERSES_MUTATE_FULL;
return true;
X86BA_TEMPLATE bool X86BinaryApplication<BitSize>::transformRoutines()
if (_routines.empty())
return false;
size_t idx = 0ull;
if (_routines.size() > 100)
logger()->info("Grab a coffee, this may take a while ({} routines)..", _routines.size());
logger()->info("Beginning transform on {} routines..", _routines.size());
// Guesstimate.. Fix this..
_peFile.getRelocDir().extend(((_routines.size() + 0x3) & ~0x3) * 0x100);
for (auto& rtn : _routines)
// Update the title, which we use for to print the cur. progress.
auto s = fmt::format("PERSES: Applying transforms on routine [{}/{}]", idx, _routines.size());
SharedProtectionSchema schema = buildSchema(rtn.getFlag());
// Apply transforms on the routine
return true;
X86BA_TEMPLATE bool X86BinaryApplication<BitSize>::isRelocationPresent(u32 rva)
return std::ranges::find(_originalRelocs, rva) != _originalRelocs.end();
X86BA_TEMPLATE void X86BinaryApplication<BitSize>::removeRelocation(u32 rva)
// Allow the PE ldr to ignore the reloc. at the specified rva (if it exists)
_peFile.getRelocDir().changeRelocationType(rva, pepp::RelocationType::REL_BASED_ABSOLUTE);
X86BA_TEMPLATE void X86BinaryApplication<BitSize>::dumpRoutines()
for (auto& rtn : _routines)
X86BA_TEMPLATE void X86BinaryApplication<BitSize>::linkCode(Routine* origRtn, assembler::CodeHolder& code, const std::vector<RelocationEntry>& relocs, const std::vector<JumpTableEntry>& jumpTable)
if (code.codeSize() == 0)
uptr sectionAddr = _persesAddr ? _persesAddr : (_persesAddr = getBaseAddress() + _peFile.getPEHdr().getNextSectionRva()); // hdr.getVirtualAddress();
uptr curAddr = sectionAddr + _currentSectionOffset;
// Relocate the new routine to the section address.
assembler::Section* section = code.sectionById(0);
assembler::CodeBuffer& buf = section->buffer();
// Set the routine address to the space in the section
if (!buf.empty())
pepp::mem::ByteVector bv;
memcpy(&bv[0],, buf.size());
// Advance the section stream offset.
_currentSectionOffset += bv.size() + 0xA;
// Bind the address so the compile method can re-route code to mutated routines.
_proutines[origRtn->getAddress()] = std::make_pair(curAddr, std::move(bv));
// Build new relocation block information
int relocSize = std::count_if(relocs.begin(), relocs.end(), [](const RelocationEntry& re) { return re.length == 0; });
u32 rva = (curAddr - getBaseAddress());
// We *could* handle this in one loop, but to be consistent with compiler relocation outputs
// and have some actual readable code, we do it this way. Actual PE relocation handling will happen
// at compile time (x86BinaryApplication::compile).
for (auto& re : relocs)
if (re.length)
// On x64, we need to apply the other "relocs" (rip-relative fixes)
// after the code has been embedded
_newRelocs.back().stream = curAddr;
if (re.offset == 0ul)
// TODO: Figure out why this happened
// NOTE: We will only create relocation blocks with VA's that are
// aligned to PAGE_SIZE, which is consistent with the output of a
// compiler (MSVC).
u32 rvaAligned = rva & ~0xfff;
u32 compRva = rva + re.offset;
u32 compRvaAligned = compRva & ~0xfff;
RelocationEntry newEntry = re;
// Check if the relocation offset intersects with the next page block
if (compRvaAligned != rvaAligned)
// Append to the next block if so
newEntry.offset = (compRva - compRvaAligned);
// Add the remaining amount to the offset since we can ensure
// that the RVA of the block is the same.
newEntry.offset += (rva & 0xfff);
// Fixup existing jump tables
// - NOTE: On x64, the jump tables entries are RVAs to the block.
if constexpr (BitSize == PERSES_64BIT)
curAddr -= getBaseAddress();
for (auto& jte : jumpTable)
// printf("** Fixing JTE at 0x%llx - new: 0x%llx\n", getBaseAddress() + jte.rva, jte.newOffset + curAddr);
_peFile.buffer().deref<u32>(_peFile.getPEHdr().rvaToOffset(jte.rva)) =
jte.newOffset + curAddr;
X86BA_TEMPLATE void X86BinaryApplication<BitSize>::compile()
uptr imageBase = _peFile.getImageBase();
logger()->debug("Compiling/placing {} mutated routines.", _proutines.size());
// Append all relocations
for (auto it = _relocBlocks.begin(); it != _relocBlocks.end(); ++it)
u32 rva = it->first;
std::vector<RelocationEntry> const &entries = it->second;
if (entries.empty())
// Pad the amount of relocs to ensure 32bit alignment
size_t relocEntrySize = (entries.size() + 0x3) & ~0x3;
size_t numHandled = 0ull;
// Create the BlockStream and add all relocatables.
pe::BlockStream bs = _peFile.getRelocDir().createBlock(rva, relocEntrySize);
if (!bs.valid())
// printf("relocEntrySize: 0x%llx entries\n", relocEntrySize);
for (auto& entry : entries)
bs.append(entry.type, entry.offset);
// Pad.
for (size_t handled = numHandled; handled < relocEntrySize; ++handled)
bs.append(pe::RelocationType::REL_BASED_ABSOLUTE, 0);
pe::SectionHeader& reloc = _peFile.getSectionHdr(".reloc");
std::uint32_t fileAlignment = _peFile.getPEHdr().getOptionalHdr().getFileAlignment();
u32 sizeOfBlocksSum = _peFile.getRelocDir().getTotalBlockSize();
// Thanks to JustMagic for helping me catch this slipup - the PE loader will NOT apply relocations
// unless the reloc. section's size attributes fit the sum(all SizeOfBlock)
if (sizeOfBlocksSum != reloc.getVirtualSize())
if (sizeOfBlocksSum < reloc.getVirtualSize())
u32 delta = reloc.getVirtualSize() - sizeOfBlocksSum;
// We can't reduce the size of the reloc. section, because in
// `linkCode` we've already established the PERSES section address.
// We must work with what we've already set and expand.
// __debugbreak();
pe::SectionHeader& hdr = _peFile.getSectionHdr(".perses");
_peFile.appendSection(".perses", _currentSectionOffset + 0x1000,
pe::SectionCharacteristics::SCN_MEM_READ | pe::SectionCharacteristics::SCN_MEM_EXECUTE | pepp::SectionCharacteristics::SCN_CNT_CODE, &hdr);
for (auto it = _proutines.begin(); it != _proutines.end(); ++it)
uptr origAddr = it->first;
u32 rva = origAddr - getBaseAddress();
uptr newAddress = it->second.first;
pepp::mem::ByteVector& rtn = it->second.second;
uptr origOffset = _peFile.getPEHdr().rvaToOffset(rva);
uptr newOffset = _peFile.getPEHdr().rvaToOffset(newAddress - getBaseAddress());
pepp::mem::ByteVector detourStub;
size_t detourAddOffset = 0;
size_t addInsnOffset = 0;
size_t originalRoutineSize = 0;
u32 rtnSize = rtn.size();
// printf("** DEBUG: Original routine address: 0x%llx => 0x%llx **\n", origAddr, newAddress);
originalRoutineSize = _peFile.buffer().deref<u32>(origOffset);
// Travel backwards on markered routines.
if (originalRoutineSize != PERSES_MUTATE_FULL)
originalRoutineSize = _peFile.buffer().deref<u32>(origOffset);
if constexpr (BitSize == PERSES_64BIT)
detourAddOffset = 9;
addInsnOffset = 5;
0xE8, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x48, 0x81, 0x04, 0x24, 0xAD, 0xDE, 0x00, 0x00,
if (originalRoutineSize != PERSES_MUTATE_FULL)
originalRoutineSize += PERSES_MARKER_SIZE /*+5 for the end marker*/;
if constexpr (BitSize == PERSES_32BIT)
if (originalRoutineSize == PERSES_MUTATE_FULL)
detourAddOffset = 8;
addInsnOffset = 5;
0xE8, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x81, 0x04, 0x24, 0xEF, 0xBE, 0xAD, 0xDE,
detourAddOffset = 20;
addInsnOffset = 17;
0xE8, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x81, 0x04, 0x24, 0x0D, 0x0D, 0x0D, 0x0D,
0xE8, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x81, 0x04, 0x24, 0xEF, 0xBE, 0xAD, 0xDE,
// Since the mutated routine doesn't use flags,
// we just abuse the value to store the original routine size for our return address.
detourStub.deref<u32>(8) = originalRoutineSize + PERSES_MARKER_SIZE /*+5 for the end marker*/;
detourStub.deref<u32>(detourAddOffset) = (newAddress - getBaseAddress()) - (rva + addInsnOffset);
if constexpr (BitSize == PERSES_64BIT)
size_t rtnOffset = rtn.size();
u64 newRva = newAddress - getBaseAddress();
if (originalRoutineSize != PERSES_MUTATE_FULL)
u64 dst = (rva + originalRoutineSize + PERSES_MARKER_SIZE);
u64 cur = (newRva + rtnOffset + 5);
// Add the RET instruction
if (newOffset < 0x400)
logger()->critical("newOffset in invalid boundaries : 0x{:X}\n", newOffset);
// Write the mutated routine into the new section
memcpy(&_peFile.base()[newOffset],, rtn.size());
// Write the detour
memcpy(&_peFile.base()[origOffset],, detourStub.size());
// Fix up RIP-relative stuff
if constexpr (BitSize == PERSES_64BIT)
logger()->info("[x64] Fixing {} RIP relative instructions.", _newRelocs.size());
for (auto& re : _newRelocs)
// Dumb down to RVAs
//printf("ptr: 0x%llx\n", re.absolute);
//printf("base: 0x%x\n", re.base);
//printf("offset: 0x%x\n", re.offset);
u64 ptr = re.absolute - getBaseAddress();
u64 newInsn = ( - getBaseAddress()) + (re.base);
//printf("WriteOffset: 0x%llx\n", newInsn + (re.offset - re.base));
u32 writeOffset = _peFile.getPEHdr().rvaToOffset(newInsn + (re.offset - re.base));
if (writeOffset != 0)
// Fixup the relative.
_peFile.buffer().deref<u32>(writeOffset) = (ptr - (newInsn + re.length));
// Incase we somehow messed up, ensure all offsets in gs_retGadgets in MutationLight are actually RET.
for (auto addr : getKnownRetGadgets())
addr -= getBaseAddress();
u32 offset = _peFile.getPEHdr().rvaToOffset(addr);
_peFile.base()[offset] = 0xc3;
_filePath.replace_extension(_peFile.isDll() ? ".perses.dll" : _peFile.isSystemFile() ? ".perses.sys" : ".perses.exe");
logger()->info("Compiling to {}", _filePath.string());
X86BA_TEMPLATE bool X86BinaryApplication<BitSize>::linkMapFile(MapFileType type, std::filesystem::path filePath)
MapFileParser* parser = nullptr;
// TODO: Add LLVM support.
switch (type)
case MapFileType::kIDAPro:
parser = new IDAMapFileParser();
case MapFileType::kMSVC:
parser = new MSVCMapFileParser();
return false;
if (parser != nullptr)
if (parser->parse(filePath))
_mapType = type;
_mapSymbols = std::move(parser->getSymbols());
delete parser;
return true;
return false;
template<int BitSize>
bool perses::X86BinaryApplication<BitSize>::hasMapFile() const
return !_mapSymbols.empty();
template<int BitSize>
bool X86BinaryApplication<BitSize>::inquireJumpTable(instruction_t* insn, uptr begin, uptr end, int entryCount, std::vector<JumpTableEntry>& entries)
// NOTE: This was only tested on MSVC (VS2022), so this may have to be tweaked
// to support the output of different compilers.
int entryIdx = 0;
if constexpr (BitSize == PERSES_32BIT)
if (!insn->isOperandType(0, ZYDIS_OPERAND_TYPE_MEMORY) || !insn->operands[0].mem.disp.has_displacement)
return false;
u64 dst = insn->operands[0].mem.disp.value;
u32 rva = dst - getBaseAddress();
u32 offset = getImage().getPEHdr().rvaToOffset(rva);
u32 scale = std::max<u32>((u32)insn->operands[1].mem.scale, sizeof(u32));
// Try to force `end` value if we were supplied null.
if (!end)
end = dst;
if (end < begin)
end = begin + 0x100;
u32 jmpTableEntry = getImage().buffer().deref<u32>(offset);
while (jmpTableEntry >= getBaseAddress() &&
jmpTableEntry <= getBaseAddress() + getImage().buffer().size())
if (entryCount != 0)
if (entryIdx >= entryCount)
if (jmpTableEntry >= begin && jmpTableEntry <= end)
entries.emplace_back(rva, jmpTableEntry, 0ul);
offset += scale;
rva += scale;
jmpTableEntry = getImage().buffer().deref<u32>(offset);
return !entries.empty();
// * Below is a disassembly listing of a jump table compiled with MSVC x64 (VS2022)
// *
// - lea rax, cs:140000000h
// - mov ecx, ds:(jpt_1400010ED - 140000000h)[rax+rcx*4]
// - add rcx, rax
// - jmp rcx ; switch jump
// *
ZydisRegister base = insn->operands[1].mem.base;
ZydisRegister index = insn->operands[1].mem.index;
u32 scale = (u32)insn->operands[1].mem.scale;
// This is an RVA already
u64 dispRva = insn->operands[1].mem.disp.value;
u32 dispOffset = getImage().getPEHdr().rvaToOffset(dispRva);
// Try to force `end` value if we were supplied null.
if (!end)
end = getBaseAddress() + dispRva;
if (end < begin)
end = begin + 0x100;
// Not a relative JMP.
if (base == ZYDIS_REGISTER_RIP || dispOffset == 0ul)
return false;
u32 entry = getImage().buffer().deref<u32>(dispOffset);
while (entry >= (begin - getBaseAddress()) && entry <= (end - getBaseAddress()))
if (entryCount != 0)
if (entryIdx >= entryCount)
entries.emplace_back(dispRva, entry, 0ul);
dispRva += scale;
dispOffset += scale;
entry = getImage().buffer().deref<u32>(dispOffset);
return !entries.empty();
return false;
template<int BitSize>
bool X86BinaryApplication<BitSize>::parseFunctionList(std::filesystem::path path)
if (!std::filesystem::exists(path))
return false;
std::ifstream infile(path);
std::string line;
int count = 0;
while (std::getline(infile, line))
size_t idx = line.find(':');
std::string startStr = line.substr(0, idx);
std::string endStr = line.substr(idx + 1);
uptr start = strtoull(startStr.c_str(), nullptr, 16);
uptr end = strtoull(endStr.c_str(), nullptr, 16);
if (addRoutineByAddress(start, end, PERSES_MARKER_MUTATION))
return !_routines.empty();
X86BA_TEMPLATE assembler::Environment X86BinaryApplication<BitSize>::getEnvironment()
static auto env32 { assembler::Environment(assembler::Arch::kX86) };
static auto env64 { assembler::Environment(assembler::Arch::kX64) };
if constexpr (BitSize == PERSES_64BIT)
return env64;
return env32;