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#pragma once
namespace perses
template<int BitSize = 32>
class X86BinaryApplication
X86BinaryApplication() = delete;
X86BinaryApplication(std::string_view filePath);
void loadFromFile(std::string_view filePath);
SharedProtectionSchema buildSchema(int flag);
bool scanForMarkers();
bool addRoutineByAddress(uptr address, int marker);
bool addRoutineBySymbol(std::string_view symbolName, int marker);
bool addRoutineBySymbol(const MapSymbol* symbol, int marker);
bool addRoutineByAddress(uptr start, uptr end, int marker);
bool transformRoutines();
bool isRelocationPresent(u32 rva);
void removeRelocation(u32 rva);
void dumpRoutines();
void linkCode(Routine* origRtn, assembler::CodeHolder& code, const std::vector<RelocationEntry>& relocs, const std::vector<JumpTableEntry>& jumpTable);
void compile();
bool linkMapFile(MapFileType type, std::filesystem::path filePath);
bool hasMapFile() const;
bool inquireJumpTable(instruction_t* insn, uptr begin, uptr end, int entryCount, std::vector<JumpTableEntry>& entries);
bool parseFunctionList(std::filesystem::path path);
assembler::Environment getEnvironment();
uptr getBaseAddress() { return _peFile.getImageBase(); }
pe::Image<BitSize>& getImage() { return _peFile; }
std::vector<MapSymbol>& getSymbols() { return _mapSymbols; }
const std::vector<Routine>& getRoutines() const { return _routines; }
const std::set<u32>& getOriginalRelocs() const { return _originalRelocs; }
std::vector<Routine> _routines;
std::map<uptr, std::pair<uptr, pepp::mem::ByteVector>> _proutines;
pe::Image<BitSize> _peFile;
std::set<u32> _originalRelocs;
std::vector<RelocationEntry> _newRelocs;
std::map<u32, std::vector<RelocationEntry>> _relocBlocks;
size_t _currentSectionOffset{};
std::filesystem::path _filePath;
std::vector<MapSymbol> _mapSymbols;
std::vector<MapSymbol> _mapFuncSymbols;
MapFileType _mapType;
uptr _persesAddr{};