`cmkr`, pronounced "cmaker", is a modern build system based on [CMake](https://cmake.org/) and [TOML](https://toml.io). It was originally created by [Mohammed Alyousef](https://github.com/MoAlyousef).
**NOTE**: The documentation is currently a work-in-progress due to breaking changes since `0.1.4`. For examples you can check the [cmkr GitHub topic](https://github.com/topics/cmkr) and the [tests](https://github.com/build-cpp/cmkr/tree/main/tests).
The easiest way to get started is to use the [cmkr_for_beginners](https://github.com/build-cpp/cmkr_for_beginners) template repository. Either open it in [Gitpod](https://gitpod.io/#https://github.com/build-cpp/cmkr_for_beginners), or clone the repository and run:
Alternatively you can check out the [cmkr topic](https://github.com/topics/cmkr) or the [build-cpp organization](https://github.com/build-cpp) for more examples and templates.