#include "cmake_generator.hpp" #include "error.hpp" #include "literals.hpp" #include #include "fs.hpp" #include #include #include #include namespace cmkr { namespace gen { static std::string to_upper(const std::string &str) { std::string temp; temp.reserve(str.size()); for (auto c : str) { temp.push_back(::toupper(c)); } return temp; } static std::string format(const char *format, tsl::ordered_map variables) { std::string s = format; for (const auto &itr : variables) { size_t start_pos = 0; while ((start_pos = s.find(itr.first, start_pos)) != std::string::npos) { s.replace(start_pos, itr.first.length(), itr.second); start_pos += itr.second.length(); } } return s; } static std::vector expand_cmake_path(const fs::path &name, const fs::path &toml_dir) { std::vector temp; auto extract_suffix = [](const fs::path &base, const fs::path &full) { auto fullpath = full.string(); auto base_len = base.string().length(); auto delet = fullpath.substr(base_len + 1, fullpath.length() - base_len); return delet; }; auto stem = name.filename().stem().string(); auto ext = name.extension(); if (stem == "*") { for (const auto &f : fs::directory_iterator(toml_dir / name.parent_path(), fs::directory_options::follow_directory_symlink)) { if (!f.is_directory() && f.path().extension() == ext) { temp.push_back(extract_suffix(toml_dir, f)); } } } else if (stem == "**") { for (const auto &f : fs::recursive_directory_iterator(toml_dir / name.parent_path(), fs::directory_options::follow_directory_symlink)) { if (!f.is_directory() && f.path().extension() == ext) { temp.push_back(extract_suffix(toml_dir, f.path())); } } } else { temp.push_back(name.string()); } // Normalize all paths to work with CMake (it needs a / on Windows as well) for (auto &path : temp) { std::replace(path.begin(), path.end(), '\\', '/'); } // Sort paths alphabetically for consistent cross-OS generation std::sort(temp.begin(), temp.end()); return temp; } static std::vector expand_cmake_paths(const std::vector &sources, const fs::path &toml_dir) { // TODO: add duplicate checking std::vector result; for (const auto &src : sources) { auto expanded = expand_cmake_path(src, toml_dir); for (const auto &f : expanded) { result.push_back(f); } } return result; } static void create_file(const fs::path &path, const std::string &contents) { if (!path.parent_path().empty()) { fs::create_directories(path.parent_path()); } std::ofstream ofs(path, std::ios::binary); if (!ofs) { throw std::runtime_error("Failed to create " + path.string()); } ofs << contents; } void generate_project(const std::string &type) { const auto name = fs::current_path().stem().string(); if (fs::exists(fs::current_path() / "cmake.toml")) { throw std::runtime_error("Cannot initialize a project when cmake.toml already exists!"); } tsl::ordered_map variables = { {"@name", name}, {"@type", type}, }; if (!fs::is_empty(fs::current_path())) { // Make a backup of an existing CMakeLists.txt if it exists std::error_code ec; fs::rename("CMakeLists.txt", "CMakeLists.txt.bak", ec); // Create an empty cmake.toml for migration purporses create_file("cmake.toml", format(toml_migration, variables)); return; } if (type == "executable") { create_file("cmake.toml", format(toml_executable, variables)); create_file("src/" + name + "/main.cpp", format(cpp_executable, variables)); } else if (type == "static" || type == "shared" || type == "library") { create_file("cmake.toml", format(toml_library, variables)); create_file("src/" + name + "/" + name + ".cpp", format(cpp_library, variables)); create_file("include/" + name + "/" + name + ".hpp", format(hpp_library, variables)); } else if (type == "interface") { create_file("cmake.toml", format(toml_interface, variables)); create_file("include/" + name + "/" + name + ".hpp", format(hpp_interface, variables)); } else { throw std::runtime_error("Unknown project type " + type + "! Supported types are: executable, library, shared, static, interface"); } } struct CommandEndl { std::stringstream &ss; CommandEndl(std::stringstream &ss) : ss(ss) {} void endl() { ss << '\n'; } }; struct RawArg { RawArg() = default; RawArg(std::string arg) : arg(std::move(arg)) {} std::string arg; }; // Credit: JustMagic struct Command { std::stringstream &ss; int depth = 0; std::string command; bool first_arg = true; bool had_newline = false; bool generated = false; std::string post_comment; Command(std::stringstream &ss, int depth, std::string command, std::string post_comment) : ss(ss), depth(depth), command(std::move(command)), post_comment(std::move(post_comment)) {} ~Command() noexcept(false) { if (!generated) { throw std::runtime_error("Incorrect usage of cmd(), you probably forgot ()"); } } static std::string quote(const std::string &str) { // Don't quote arguments that don't need quoting if (str.find(' ') == std::string::npos && str.find('\"') == std::string::npos && str.find('/') == std::string::npos && str.find(';') == std::string::npos) { return str; } std::string result; result += "\""; for (char ch : str) { switch (ch) { case '\\': case '\"': result += '\\'; default: result += ch; break; } } result += "\""; return result; } static std::string indent(int n) { std::string result; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { result += '\t'; } return result; } template bool print_arg(const std::vector &vec) { if (vec.empty()) { return true; } had_newline = true; for (const auto &value : vec) { print_arg(value); } return true; } template bool print_arg(const tsl::ordered_map &map) { if (map.empty()) { return true; } for (const auto &itr : map) { print_arg(itr); } return true; } template bool print_arg(const std::pair> &kv) { if (kv.second.empty()) { return true; } had_newline = true; print_arg(kv.first); depth++; for (const auto &s : kv.second) { print_arg(s); } depth--; return true; } template bool print_arg(const std::pair &kv) { if (kv.second.empty()) { return true; } had_newline = true; print_arg(kv.first); depth++; print_arg(kv.second); depth--; return true; } bool print_arg(const RawArg &arg) { if (arg.arg.empty()) { return true; } if (had_newline) { first_arg = false; ss << '\n' << indent(depth + 1); } else if (first_arg) { first_arg = false; } else { ss << ' '; } ss << arg.arg; return true; } template bool print_arg(const T &value) { std::stringstream tmp; tmp << value; auto str = tmp.str(); if (str.empty()) { return true; } if (had_newline) { first_arg = false; ss << '\n' << indent(depth + 1); } else if (first_arg) { first_arg = false; } else { ss << ' '; } ss << quote(str); return true; } template CommandEndl operator()(Ts &&...values) { generated = true; ss << indent(depth) << command << '('; (void)std::initializer_list{print_arg(values)...}; if (had_newline) ss << '\n' << indent(depth); ss << ")"; if (!post_comment.empty()) { ss << " # " << post_comment; } ss << "\n"; return CommandEndl(ss); } }; static std::string tolf(const std::string &str) { std::string result; for (char ch : str) { if (ch != '\r') { result += ch; } } return result; }; struct Generator { Generator(parser::Project &project) : project(project) {} Generator(const Generator &) = delete; parser::Project &project; std::stringstream ss; int indent = 0; Command cmd(const std::string &command, const std::string &post_comment = "") { if (command.empty()) throw std::invalid_argument("command cannot be empty"); if (command == "if") { indent++; return Command(ss, indent - 1, command, post_comment); } else if (command == "else" || command == "elseif") { return Command(ss, indent - 1, command, post_comment); } else if (command == "endif") { indent--; } return Command(ss, indent, command, post_comment); } CommandEndl comment(const std::string &comment) { ss << Command::indent(indent) << "# " << comment << '\n'; return CommandEndl(ss); } void endl() { ss << '\n'; } void inject_includes(const std::vector &includes) { if (!includes.empty()) { for (const auto &file : includes) { if (!fs::is_regular_file(file)) { throw std::runtime_error("Include '" + file + "' does not exist"); } cmd("include")(file); } } } void inject_cmake(const std::string &cmake) { if (!cmake.empty()) { if (cmake.back() == '\"') { throw std::runtime_error("Detected additional \" at the end of cmake block"); } auto cmake_lf = tolf(cmake); while (cmake_lf.back() == '\n') cmake_lf.pop_back(); bool did_indent = false; for (char ch : cmake_lf) { if (!did_indent) { ss << Command::indent(indent); did_indent = true; } else if (ch == '\n') { did_indent = false; } ss << ch; } ss << '\n'; } } template void handle_condition(const parser::Condition &value, const Lambda &fn) { if (!value.empty()) { for (const auto &itr : value) { const auto &condition = itr.first; if (!condition.empty()) { if (project.conditions.count(condition) == 0) { // TODO: somehow print line number information here? throw std::runtime_error("Unknown condition '" + condition + "'"); } cmd("if", condition)(RawArg(project.conditions[condition])); } if (!itr.second.empty()) { fn(condition, itr.second); } if (!condition.empty()) { cmd("endif")(); } endl(); } } } }; static bool vcpkg_valid_identifier(const std::string &name) { // prn|aux|nul|con|lpt[1-9]|com[1-9]|core|default auto is_reserved = [](const std::string &s) { if (s == "prn" || s == "aux" || s == "nul" || s == "con" || s == "core" || s == "default") { return true; } if (s.length() == 4 && (s.compare(0, 3, "lpt") == 0 || s.compare(0, 3, "com") == 0) && (s[3] >= '1' && s[3] <= '9')) { return true; } return false; }; // [a-z0-9]+(-[a-z0-9]+)* auto is_identifier = [](const std::string &s) { for (size_t i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { auto c = s[i]; if ((c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= '0' && c <= '9') || (i > 0 && c == '-')) { continue; } return false; } return true; }; return is_identifier(name) && !is_reserved(name); } static std::string vcpkg_escape_identifier(const std::string &name) { // Do a reasonable effort to escape the project name for use with vcpkg std::string escaped; for (char ch : name) { if ((ch & 0x80) != 0) { throw std::runtime_error("Non-ASCII characters are not allowed in [project].name when using [vcpkg]"); } if (ch == '_' || ch == ' ') { ch = '-'; } escaped += std::tolower(ch); } if (!vcpkg_valid_identifier(escaped)) { throw std::runtime_error("The escaped project name '" + escaped + "' is not usable with [vcpkg]"); } return escaped; } void generate_cmake(const char *path, const parser::Project *parent_project) { if (!fs::exists(fs::path(path) / "cmake.toml")) { throw std::runtime_error("No cmake.toml found!"); } parser::Project project(parent_project, path, false); Generator gen(project); // Helper lambdas for more convenient CMake generation auto &ss = gen.ss; auto cmd = [&gen](const std::string &command) { return gen.cmd(command); }; auto comment = [&gen](const std::string &comment) { return gen.comment(comment); }; auto endl = [&gen]() { gen.endl(); }; auto inject_includes = [&gen](const std::vector &includes) { gen.inject_includes(includes); }; auto inject_cmake = [&gen](const std::string &cmake) { gen.inject_cmake(cmake); }; std::string cmkr_url = "https://github.com/build-cpp/cmkr"; comment("This file is automatically generated from cmake.toml - DO NOT EDIT"); comment("See " + cmkr_url + " for more information"); endl(); // Root project doesn't have a parent if (parent_project == nullptr) { cmd("cmake_minimum_required")("VERSION", project.cmake_version).endl(); if (!project.allow_in_tree) { // clang-format off cmd("if")("CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR", "STREQUAL", "CMAKE_BINARY_DIR"); cmd("message")("FATAL_ERROR", "In-tree builds are not supported. Run CMake from a separate directory: cmake -B build"); cmd("endif")().endl(); // clang-format on } comment("Regenerate CMakeLists.txt automatically in the root project"); cmd("set")("CMKR_ROOT_PROJECT", "OFF"); // clang-format off cmd("if")("CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR", "STREQUAL", "CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR"); cmd("set")("CMKR_ROOT_PROJECT", "ON").endl(); if (!project.cmkr_include.empty()) { comment("Bootstrap cmkr"); cmd("include")(project.cmkr_include, "OPTIONAL", "RESULT_VARIABLE", "CMKR_INCLUDE_RESULT"); cmd("if")("CMKR_INCLUDE_RESULT"); cmd("cmkr")(); cmd("endif")().endl(); } comment("Enable folder support"); cmd("set_property")("GLOBAL", "PROPERTY", "USE_FOLDERS", "ON"); cmd("endif")().endl(); // clang-format on fs::path cmkr_include(project.cmkr_include); if (!project.cmkr_include.empty() && !fs::exists(cmkr_include) && cmkr_include.is_relative()) { create_file(cmkr_include, resources::cmkr); } } // clang-format off comment("Create a configure-time dependency on cmake.toml to improve IDE support"); cmd("if")("CMKR_ROOT_PROJECT"); cmd("configure_file")("cmake.toml", "cmake.toml", "COPYONLY"); cmd("endif")().endl(); // clang-format on // TODO: remove support and replace with global compile-features if (!project.cppflags.empty()) { ss << "set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} \""; for (const auto &flag : project.cppflags) { ss << flag << " "; } ss << "\")\n\n"; } // TODO: remove support and replace with global compile-features if (!project.cflags.empty()) { ss << "set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS ${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} \""; for (const auto &flag : project.cflags) { ss << flag << " "; } ss << "\")\n\n"; } // TODO: remove support and replace with global linker-flags if (!project.linkflags.empty()) { ss << "set(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS ${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS} \""; for (const auto &flag : project.linkflags) { ss << flag << " "; } ss << "\")\n\n"; } gen.handle_condition(project.include_before, [&](const std::string &, const std::vector &includes) { inject_includes(includes); }); gen.handle_condition(project.cmake_before, [&](const std::string &, const std::string &cmake) { inject_cmake(cmake); }); if (!project.project_name.empty()) { auto languages = std::make_pair("LANGUAGES", project.project_languages); auto version = std::make_pair("VERSION", project.project_version); auto description = std::make_pair("DESCRIPTION", project.project_description); cmd("project")(project.project_name, languages, version, description).endl(); } gen.handle_condition(project.include_after, [&](const std::string &, const std::vector &includes) { inject_includes(includes); }); gen.handle_condition(project.cmake_after, [&](const std::string &, const std::string &cmake) { inject_cmake(cmake); }); if (!project.contents.empty()) { cmd("include")("FetchContent").endl(); for (const auto &content : project.contents) { cmd("message")("STATUS", "Fetching " + content.name + "..."); ss << "FetchContent_Declare(\n\t" << content.name << "\n"; for (const auto &arg : content.arguments) { ss << "\t" << arg.first << "\n\t\t" << arg.second << "\n"; } ss << ")\n"; cmd("FetchContent_MakeAvailable")(content.name).endl(); } } if (!project.vcpkg.packages.empty()) { // Allow the user to specify a url or derive it from the version auto url = project.vcpkg.url; if (url.empty()) { if (project.vcpkg.version.empty()) { throw std::runtime_error("You need either [vcpkg].version or [vcpkg].url"); } url = "https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/archive/refs/tags/" + project.vcpkg.version + ".tar.gz"; } // Show a nicer error than vcpkg when specifying an invalid package name for (const auto &package : project.vcpkg.packages) { if (!vcpkg_valid_identifier(package.name)) { throw std::runtime_error("Invalid [vcpkg].packages name '" + package.name + "' (needs to be lowercase alphanumeric)"); } } // CMake to bootstrap vcpkg and download the packages // clang-format off cmd("if")("CMKR_ROOT_PROJECT", "AND", "NOT", "CMKR_DISABLE_VCPKG"); cmd("include")("FetchContent"); cmd("message")("STATUS", "Fetching vcpkg..."); cmd("FetchContent_Declare")("vcpkg", "URL", url); cmd("FetchContent_MakeAvailable")("vcpkg"); cmd("include")("${vcpkg_SOURCE_DIR}/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake"); cmd("endif")(); endl(); // clang-format on // Generate vcpkg.json (sorry for the ugly string handling, nlohmann compiles very slowly) std::ofstream ofs("vcpkg.json", std::ios::binary); if (!ofs) { throw std::runtime_error("Failed to create a vcpkg.json manifest file!"); } ofs << R"({ "$cmkr": "This file is automatically generated from cmake.toml - DO NOT EDIT", "$cmkr-url": "https://github.com/build-cpp/cmkr", "$schema": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/microsoft/vcpkg/master/scripts/vcpkg.schema.json", "dependencies": [ )"; const auto &packages = project.vcpkg.packages; for (size_t i = 0; i < packages.size(); i++) { const auto &package = packages[i]; const auto &features = package.features; if (!vcpkg_valid_identifier(package.name)) { throw std::runtime_error("Invalid vcpkg package name '" + package.name + "'"); } for (const auto &feature : features) { if (!vcpkg_valid_identifier(feature)) { throw std::runtime_error("Invalid vcpkg package feature '" + feature + "'"); } } if (features.empty()) { ofs << " \"" << package.name << '\"'; } else { ofs << " {\n"; ofs << " \"name\": \"" << package.name << "\",\n"; ofs << " \"features\": ["; for (size_t j = 0; j < features.size(); j++) { const auto &feature = features[j]; ofs << '\"' << feature << '\"'; if (j + 1 < features.size()) { ofs << ','; } } ofs << "]\n"; ofs << " }"; } if (i + 1 < packages.size()) { ofs << ','; } ofs << '\n'; } auto escape = [](const std::string &str) { std::string result; for (auto ch : str) { if (ch == '\\' || ch == '\"') { result += '\\'; } result += ch; } return result; }; ofs << " ],\n"; ofs << " \"description\": \"" << escape(project.project_description) << "\",\n"; ofs << " \"name\": \"" << escape(project.project_name) << "\",\n"; ofs << R"( "version-string": "")" << '\n'; ofs << "}\n"; } if (!project.packages.empty()) { comment("Packages"); for (const auto &dep : project.packages) { auto version = dep.version; if (version == "*") version.clear(); auto required = dep.required ? "REQUIRED" : ""; auto config = dep.config ? "CONFIG" : ""; auto components = std::make_pair("COMPONENTS", dep.components); cmd("find_package")(dep.name, version, required, config, components).endl(); } } if (!project.options.empty()) { comment("Options"); for (const auto &opt : project.options) { cmd("option")(opt.name, opt.comment, opt.val ? "ON" : "OFF"); } endl(); } if (!project.settings.empty()) { comment("Settings"); for (const auto &set : project.settings) { std::string set_val; if (set.val.index() == 1) { set_val = mpark::get<1>(set.val); } else { set_val = mpark::get<0>(set.val) ? "ON" : "OFF"; } if (set.cache) { auto typ = set.val.index() == 1 ? "STRING" : "BOOL"; auto force = set.force ? "FORCE" : ""; cmd("set")(set.name, set_val, typ, set.comment, force); } else { cmd("set")(set.name, set_val); } } endl(); } auto add_subdir = [&](const std::string &dir) { // clang-format off comment(dir); cmd("set")("CMKR_CMAKE_FOLDER", "${CMAKE_FOLDER}"); cmd("if")("CMAKE_FOLDER"); cmd("set")("CMAKE_FOLDER", "${CMAKE_FOLDER}/" + dir); cmd("else")(); cmd("set")("CMAKE_FOLDER", dir); cmd("endif")(); // clang-format on cmd("add_subdirectory")(dir); cmd("set")("CMAKE_FOLDER", "${CMKR_CMAKE_FOLDER}").endl(); }; // generate_cmake is called on the subdirectories recursively later if (!project.project_subdirs.empty()) { gen.handle_condition(project.project_subdirs, [&](const std::string &, const std::vector &subdirs) { for (const auto &dir : subdirs) { add_subdir(dir); } }); endl(); } for (const auto &subdir : project.subdirs) { if (!subdir.condition.empty()) { const auto &condition = subdir.condition; if (project.conditions.count(condition) == 0) { throw std::runtime_error("Unknown condition '" + condition + "' for [subdir." + subdir.name + "]"); } gen.cmd("if", condition)(RawArg(project.conditions[condition])); } gen.handle_condition(subdir.include_before, [&](const std::string &, const std::vector &includes) { inject_includes(includes); }); gen.handle_condition(subdir.cmake_before, [&](const std::string &, const std::string &cmake) { inject_cmake(cmake); }); add_subdir(subdir.name); gen.handle_condition(subdir.include_after, [&](const std::string &, const std::vector &includes) { inject_includes(includes); }); gen.handle_condition(subdir.cmake_after, [&](const std::string &, const std::string &cmake) { inject_cmake(cmake); }); if (!subdir.condition.empty()) { cmd("endif")(); } } if (!project.targets.empty()) { for (const auto &target : project.targets) { comment("Target " + target.name); if (!target.condition.empty()) { const auto &condition = target.condition; if (project.conditions.count(condition) == 0) { throw std::runtime_error("Unknown condition '" + condition + "' for [target." + target.name + "]"); } gen.cmd("if", condition)(RawArg(project.conditions[condition])); } cmd("set")("CMKR_TARGET", target.name); gen.handle_condition(target.include_before, [&](const std::string &, const std::vector &includes) { inject_includes(includes); }); gen.handle_condition(target.cmake_before, [&](const std::string &, const std::string &cmake) { inject_cmake(cmake); }); auto sources_var = target.name + "_SOURCES"; bool added_toml = false; cmd("set")(sources_var, RawArg("\"\"")).endl(); gen.handle_condition(target.sources, [&](const std::string &condition, const std::vector &condition_sources) { auto sources = expand_cmake_paths(condition_sources, path); if (sources.empty()) { auto source_key = condition.empty() ? "sources" : (condition + ".sources"); throw std::runtime_error(target.name + " " + source_key + " wildcard found 0 files"); } // Do not add cmake.toml twice if (!added_toml && std::find(sources.begin(), sources.end(), "cmake.toml") != sources.end()) { added_toml = true; } cmd("list")("APPEND", sources_var, sources); }); if (!added_toml && target.type != parser::target_interface) { cmd("list")("APPEND", sources_var, std::vector{"cmake.toml"}).endl(); } cmd("set")("CMKR_SOURCES", "${" + sources_var + "}"); std::string add_command; std::string target_type; std::string target_scope; switch (target.type) { case parser::target_executable: add_command = "add_executable"; target_type = ""; target_scope = "PRIVATE"; break; case parser::target_library: add_command = "add_library"; target_type = ""; target_scope = "PUBLIC"; break; case parser::target_shared: add_command = "add_library"; target_type = "SHARED"; target_scope = "PUBLIC"; break; case parser::target_static: add_command = "add_library"; target_type = "STATIC"; target_scope = "PUBLIC"; break; case parser::target_interface: add_command = "add_library"; target_type = "INTERFACE"; target_scope = "INTERFACE"; break; case parser::target_custom: // TODO: add proper support, this is hacky add_command = "add_custom_target"; target_type = "SOURCES"; target_scope = "PUBLIC"; break; case parser::target_object: // NOTE: This is properly supported since 3.12 add_command = "add_library"; target_type = "OBJECT"; target_scope = "PUBLIC"; break; default: throw std::runtime_error("Unimplemented enum value"); } cmd(add_command)(target.name, target_type).endl(); // clang-format off cmd("if")(sources_var); cmd("target_sources")(target.name, target.type == parser::target_interface ? "INTERFACE" : "PRIVATE", "${" + sources_var + "}"); cmd("endif")().endl(); // clang-format on // The first executable target will become the Visual Studio startup project if (target.type == parser::target_executable) { cmd("get_directory_property")("CMKR_VS_STARTUP_PROJECT", "DIRECTORY", "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}", "DEFINITION", "VS_STARTUP_PROJECT"); // clang-format off cmd("if")("NOT", "CMKR_VS_STARTUP_PROJECT"); cmd("set_property")("DIRECTORY", "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}", "PROPERTY", "VS_STARTUP_PROJECT", target.name); cmd("endif")().endl(); // clang-format on } if (!target.sources.empty()) { cmd("source_group")("TREE", "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}", "FILES", "${" + sources_var + "}").endl(); } if (!target.alias.empty()) { cmd("add_library")(target.alias, "ALIAS", target.name); } auto target_cmd = [&](const char *command, const parser::ConditionVector &cargs, const std::string &scope) { gen.handle_condition(cargs, [&](const std::string &, const std::vector &args) { cmd(command)(target.name, scope, args); }); }; target_cmd("target_compile_definitions", target.compile_definitions, target_scope); target_cmd("target_compile_definitions", target.private_compile_definitions, "PRIVATE"); target_cmd("target_compile_features", target.compile_features, target_scope); target_cmd("target_compile_features", target.private_compile_features, "PRIVATE"); target_cmd("target_compile_options", target.compile_options, target_scope); target_cmd("target_compile_options", target.private_compile_options, "PRIVATE"); target_cmd("target_include_directories", target.include_directories, target_scope); target_cmd("target_include_directories", target.private_include_directories, "PRIVATE"); target_cmd("target_link_directories", target.link_directories, target_scope); target_cmd("target_link_directories", target.private_link_directories, "PRIVATE"); target_cmd("target_link_libraries", target.link_libraries, target_scope); target_cmd("target_link_libraries", target.private_link_libraries, "PRIVATE"); target_cmd("target_link_options", target.link_options, target_scope); target_cmd("target_link_options", target.private_link_options, "PRIVATE"); target_cmd("target_precompile_headers", target.precompile_headers, target_scope); target_cmd("target_precompile_headers", target.private_precompile_headers, "PRIVATE"); if (!target.properties.empty()) { gen.handle_condition(target.properties, [&](const std::string &, const tsl::ordered_map &properties) { cmd("set_target_properties")(target.name, "PROPERTIES", properties); }); } gen.handle_condition(target.include_after, [&](const std::string &, const std::vector &includes) { inject_includes(includes); }); gen.handle_condition(target.cmake_after, [&](const std::string &, const std::string &cmake) { inject_cmake(cmake); }); cmd("unset")("CMKR_TARGET"); cmd("unset")("CMKR_SOURCES"); if (!target.condition.empty()) { cmd("endif")(); } endl(); } } if (!project.tests.empty()) { cmd("enable_testing")().endl(); for (const auto &test : project.tests) { auto name = std::make_pair("NAME", test.name); auto configurations = std::make_pair("CONFIGURATIONS", test.configurations); auto dir = test.working_directory; if (fs::is_directory(fs::path(path) / dir)) { dir = "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/" + dir; } auto working_directory = std::make_pair("WORKING_DIRECTORY", dir); auto command = std::make_pair("COMMAND", test.command); auto arguments = std::make_pair("", test.arguments); cmd("add_test")(name, configurations, working_directory, command, arguments).endl(); } } if (!project.installs.empty()) { for (const auto &inst : project.installs) { auto targets = std::make_pair("TARGETS", inst.targets); auto dirs = std::make_pair("DIRS", inst.dirs); std::vector files_data; if (!inst.files.empty()) { files_data = expand_cmake_paths(inst.files, path); if (files_data.empty()) { throw std::runtime_error("[[install]] files wildcard did not resolve to any files"); } } auto files = std::make_pair("FILES", inst.files); auto configs = std::make_pair("CONFIGURATIONS", inst.configs); auto destination = std::make_pair("DESTINATION", inst.destination); auto component = std::make_pair("COMPONENT", inst.targets.empty() ? "" : inst.targets.front()); cmd("install")(targets, dirs, files, configs, destination, component); } } // Generate CMakeLists.txt auto list_path = fs::path(path) / "CMakeLists.txt"; auto should_regenerate = [&list_path, &ss]() { if (!fs::exists(list_path)) return true; std::ifstream ifs(list_path, std::ios::binary); if (!ifs.is_open()) { throw std::runtime_error("Failed to read " + list_path.string()); } std::string data((std::istreambuf_iterator(ifs)), std::istreambuf_iterator()); return data != ss.str(); }(); if (should_regenerate) { create_file(list_path, ss.str()); } auto generate_subdir = [path, &project](const fs::path &sub) { // Skip generating for subdirectories that have a cmake.toml with a [project] in it fs::path subpath; for (const auto &p : sub) { subpath /= p; if (parser::is_root_path((path / subpath).string())) { return; } } subpath = path / sub; if (fs::exists(subpath / "cmake.toml")) { generate_cmake(subpath.string().c_str(), &project); } }; for (const auto &itr : project.project_subdirs) { for (const auto &sub : itr.second) { generate_subdir(sub); } } for (const auto &subdir : project.subdirs) { generate_subdir(subdir.name); } } } // namespace gen } // namespace cmkr