# cmkr cmkr, pronounced "cmaker", is A CMakeLists.txt generator from TOML. ## Building cmkr requires a C++11 compiler, cmake >= 3.15. ``` git clone https://github.com/moalyousef/cmkr cd cmkr cmake -Bbin cmake --build bin --parallel ``` ## Usage cmkr parses cmake.toml files (using toml11 by Toru Niina) at the project directory. A basic hello world format with the minimum required fields: ```toml [cmake] minimum = "3.15" [project] name = "app" version = "0.1.0" [[bin]] name = "app" type = "exe" sources = ["src/main.cpp"] ``` This project's cmake.toml: ```toml [cmake] minimum = "3.15" [project] name = "cmkr" version = "0.1.3" [fetch-content] toml11 = { git = "https://github.com/ToruNiina/toml11" } filesystem = { git = "https://github.com/gulrak/filesystem" } mpark_variant = { url = "https://github.com/mpark/variant/archive/v1.4.0.tar.gz" } [[bin]] name = "cmkrlib" type = "static" sources = ["src/cmake.cpp", "src/gen.cpp", "src/help.cpp", "src/build.cpp", "src/error.cpp"] include-dirs = ["include"] features = ["cxx_std_11"] link-libs = ["toml11::toml11", "ghc_filesystem"] [[bin]] name = "cmkr" type = "exe" sources = ["src/main.cpp", "src/args.cpp"] link-libs = ["cmkrlib"] [[install]] targets = ["cmkr"] destination = "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/bin" ``` Currently supported fields: ```toml [cmake] # required for top-level project minimum = "3.15" # required subdirs = [] # optional bin-dir = "bin" # optional cpp-flags = [] # optional c-flags = [] # optional link-flags = [] # optional generator = "Ninja" # optional, only valid when run using: cmkr build config = "Release" # optional, only valid when run using: cmkr build arguments = ["CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=/path/to/toolchain"] # optional, valid when run using: cmkr build [settings] # optional CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE = "Release" TOML_BUILD_TESTS = false # optional TOML_BUILD_DOCS = { value = false, comment = "builds dependency docs", cache = true, force = true } # optional OLD_VERSION = "0.1.1" # optional [project] # required per project name = "app" # required version = "0.1.0" # required [find-package] # optional, runs find_package, use "*" to ignore version Boost = { version = "1.74.0", required = false, components = ["system"] } # optional spdlog = "*" [fetch-content] # optional, runs fetchContent toml11 = { git = "https://github.com/ToruNiina/toml11", tag = "v3.5.0" } # optional [options] # optional APP_BUILD_STUFF = false # optional APP_OTHER_STUFF = { comment = "does other stuff", value = false } # optional [[bin]] # required, can define several binaries name = "app" # required type = "exe" # required (exe || lib || shared || static || interface) sources = ["src/*.cpp"] # required, supports globbing include-dirs = ["include"] # optional alias = "" # optional features = [] # optional defines = [] # optional link-libs = [] # optional properties = { PROPERTY1 = "property1", ... } # optional [[test]] # optional, can define several name = "test1" # required command = "app" # required arguments = ["arg1", "arg2"] # optional [[install]] # optional, can define several targets = ["app"] # optional files = ["include/*.h"] # optional dirs = [] # optional configs = [] # optional (Release|Debug...etc) destination = "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/bin" # required ``` The cmkr executable can be run from the command-line: ``` Usage: cmkr [arguments] arguments: init [exe|lib|shared|static|interface] Starts a new project in the same directory. gen Generates CMakeLists.txt file. build Run cmake and build. install Run cmake --install. Needs admin privileges. clean Clean the build directory. help Show help. version Current cmkr version. ``` The build command invokes cmake and the default build-system on your platform (unless a generator is specified), it also accepts extra cmake build arguments: ``` cmkr build --config Release ``` ## Binary types ### exe Executable binary. ### lib Library, can be static or shared depending on the BUILD_SHARED_LIBS variable. ### static Static library/archive. ### shared Shared/dynamic library. ### interface Header-only library. ## Roadmap - Support more cmake fields. - Support conditional cmake args somehow!