--- layout: page title: cmake.toml permalink: /cmake-toml/ nav_order: 3 --- # cmake.toml This page is supposed to be a reference for the options in the `cmake.toml` file. If you think anything is missing or unclear, please [edit this page](https://github.com/build-cpp/cmkr/edit/main/docs/cmake-toml.md) or open an [issue](https://github.com/build-cpp/cmkr/issues). See the [examples](/examples) section for more real-world examples. ## CMake configuration ```toml [cmake] version = "3.15" cmkr-include = "cmkr.cmake" ``` ## Project configuration ```toml [project] name = "myproject" version = "1.0.0" description = "Description of the project" languages = ["C", "CXX"] cmake-before = """ message(STATUS "CMake injected before the project() call") """ cmake-after = """ message(STATUS "CMake injected after the project() call") """ include-before = ["cmake/before-project.cmake"] include-after = ["cmake/after-project.cmake"] ``` ## Conditions You can specify your own conditions and use them in any `condition` field: ```toml [conditions] arch64 = "CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P EQUALS 8" arch32 = "CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P EQUALS 4" ``` You can also prefix most keys with `condition.` to represent a conditional: ```toml [target] type = "executable" sources = ["src/main.cpp"] windows.sources = ["src/windows_specific.cpp"] ``` This will make the `arch64` and `arch32` conditions available with their respective CMake expressions. The following conditions are predefined (you can override them if you desire): ```toml [conditions] windows = "WIN32" macos = "CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES \"Darwin\"" unix = "UNIX" bsd = "CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES \"BSD\"" linux = "CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES \"Linux\"" gcc = "CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL \"GNU\" OR CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL \"GNU\"" clang = "CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID MATCHES \"Clang\" OR CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID MATCHES \"Clang\"" msvc = "MSVC" ``` ## Subdirectories ```toml [subdir.mysubdir] condition = "linux" cmake-before = """ message(STATUS "CMake injected before the add_subdirectory() call" """ cmake-after = """ message(STATUS "CMake injected after the add_subdirectory() call") """ include-before = ["cmake/before-subdir.cmake"] include-after = ["cmake/after-subdir.cmake"] ``` ## Vcpkg ```toml [vcpkg] version = "2021.05.12" url = "https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/archive/refs/tags/2021.05.12.tar.gz" packages = ["fmt", "zlib"] ``` The vcpkg `version` will automatically generate the `url` from the [official repository](https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/releases). For a custom registry you can specify your own `url` (and omit the `version`). You can browse available packages on [vcpkg.io](https://vcpkg.io/en/packages.html). ## Packages ```toml [find-package] mypackage = { version = "1.0", required = true, config = true, components = ["mycomponent"] } # Alternative syntax [find-package.mypackage] version = "1.0" required = true config = true components = ["mycomponent"] ``` ## FetchContent **Note**: The `[fetch-content]` feature is unpolished and will likely change in a future release. ```toml [fetch-content] gitcontent = { git = "https://github.com/myuser/gitcontent", tag = "v0.1" } svncontent = { svn = "https://svn-host.com/url", rev = "svn_rev" } urlcontent = { url = "https://content-host.com/urlcontent.zip", hash = "123123123123" } # Alternative syntax [fetch-content.gitcontent] git = "https://github.com/myuser/gitcontent" tag = "v0.1" ``` ## Targets ```toml [target.mytarget] condition = "linux" alias = "mytarget::mytarget" type = "static" # executable, library, shared, static, interface, custom headers = ["src/mytarget.h"] sources = ["src/mytarget.cpp"] # The keys below match the target_xxx CMake commands # Keys prefixed with private- will get PRIVATE visibility compile-definitions = [""] private-compile-definitions = [""] compile-features = [""] private-compile-features = [""] compile-options = [""] private-compile-options = [""] include-directories = [""] private-include-directories = [""] link-directories = [""] private-link-directories = [""] link-libraries = [""] private-link-libraries = [""] link-options = [""] private-link-options = [""] precompile-headers = [""] private-precompile-headers = [""] cmake-before = """ message(STATUS "CMake injected before the target") """ cmake-after = """ message(STATUS "CMake injected after the target") """ include-before = "cmake/target-before.cmake" include-after = "cmake/target-after.cmake" # See https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/manual/cmake-properties.7.html#properties-on-targets for a list of target properties [target.mytarget.properties] CXX_STANDARD = 17 CXX_STANDARD_REQUIRED = true FOLDER = "MyFolder" ``` ## Tests and installation (unfinished) **Note**: The `[[test]]` and `[[install]]` are unfinished features and will likely change in a future release. ```toml # You can declare as many as you want like this, but the name has to be unique [[test]] name = "mytest" command = "$" arguments = ["arg1", "arg2"] configurations = ["Debug", "Release", "RelWithDebInfo", "MinSizeRelease"] working-directory = "mytest-dir" ``` ```toml [[install]] targets = ["mytarget", "mytest"] destination = ["bin"] files = ["content/my.png"] dirs = [""] configs = [""] ```