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210 lines
7.1 KiB

#include <iostream>
#include <Windows.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <filesystem>
#include "vmtracer.hpp"
#include "vmp2.hpp"
#include "cli-parser.hpp"
extern "C" void __lconstbzx(void);
extern "C" u64 __mbase;
#define NT_HEADER(x) \
reinterpret_cast<PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS64>( \
reinterpret_cast<PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER>(x)->e_lfanew + x)
inline std::vector<vmp2::entry_t> traces;
inline vmp2::file_header trace_header;
int __cdecl main(int argc, const char** argv)
argparse::argument_parser_t parser(
"um-tracer", "usermode virtual instruction tracer");
.names({ "--bin", "--vmpbin" })
.description("path to a binary protected with VMProtect 2")
.names({ "--table", "--vmtable" })
.description("relative virtual address to the vm handler table")
.names({ "--base", "--imagebase" })
.description("image base from OptionalHeader::ImageBase")
.names({ "--out", "--output" })
.description("name and/or path to output file")
auto err = parser.parse(argc, argv);
if (err)
std::cout << err << std::endl;
return -1;
if (parser.exists("help"))
return 0;
the vm_handlers are encrypted/encoded with a basic
math operation... typically a NOT, XOR, NEG, etc...
You can determine what type of encryption your binary
is using by first finding where the LEA r12, vm_handlers
is located, then follow the usage of r12 until you see
MOV GP, [r12 + rax * 8], then follow the usage of the GP...
For example:
.vmp1:00000001401D1015 lea r12, vm_handlers
.vmp1:00000001401D0C0A mov rdx, [r12+rax*8]
.vmp1:00000001401D0C10 ror rdx, 25h
R12 and RAX always seem to be used for this vm handler index...
You could signature scan for LEA r12, ? ? ? ? and find the vm handler
table really easily by manually inspecting each result...
vm::decrypt_handler_t _decrypt_handler =
[](u64 val) -> u64
return val ^ 0x7F3D2149;
vm::encrypt_handler_t _encrypt_handler =
[](u64 val) -> u64
return val ^ 0x7F3D2149;
vm::handler::edit_entry_t _edit_entry =
[](u64* entry_ptr, u64 val) -> void
DWORD old_prot;
VirtualProtect(entry_ptr, sizeof val,
*entry_ptr = val;
VirtualProtect(entry_ptr, sizeof val,
old_prot, &old_prot);
const auto module_base =
// used in LCONSTBZX hook...
__mbase = module_base;
const auto handler_table_rva = std::strtoul(
parser.get<std::string>("table").c_str(), nullptr, 16);
const auto image_base = std::strtoull(
parser.get<std::string>("base").c_str(), nullptr, 16);
const auto handler_table_ptr =
module_base + handler_table_rva);
the VM handler table is an array of 256 QWORD's... each encrypted differently per-binary...
each one of these is an encrypted RVA to a virtual instruction...
.vmp1:00000001401D25D3 vm_handlers dq 3A28FA000000028h, 3A40E4000000028h, 3A2F5C000000028h
.vmp1:00000001401D25D3 dq 3A1096000000028h, 3A3DBC000000028h, 3A1DDA000000028h
.vmp1:00000001401D25D3 dq 3A6032000000028h, 2 dup(3A40E4000000028h), 3A2B5A000000028h
.vmp1:00000001401D25D3 dq 3A4004000000028h, 3A2810000000028h, 3A446A000000028h
.vmp1:00000001401D25D3 dq 3A39B6000000028h, 3A6728000000028h, 3A6032000000028h
.vmp1:00000001401D25D3 dq 3A34F0000000028h, 3A46F2000000028h, 3A0170000000028h
.vmp1:00000001401D25D3 dq 3A0952000000028h, 3A4004000000028h, 3A494E000000028h
.vmp1:00000001401D25D3 dq 3A35C2000000028h, 3A4A1E000000028h, 3A37D8000000028h
.vmp1:00000001401D25D3 dq 3A1482000000028h, 3A6492000000028h, 3A2948000000028h
.vmp1:00000001401D25D3 dq 3A2D1C000000028h, 2 dup(3A6ABE000000028h), 3A068A000000028h
.vmp1:00000001401D25D3 dq 3A3F52000000028h, 3A118E000000028h, 3A27BE000000028h
// .... many more ...
vm::handler::table_t handler_table(handler_table_ptr, _edit_entry);
// set all vm handler callbacks to just
// print the rolling decrypt key and handler idx...
for (auto idx = 0u; idx < 256; ++idx)
[](vm::registers* regs, u8 handler_idx) -> void
vmp2::entry_t entry;
entry.decrypt_key = regs->rbx;
entry.handler_idx = handler_idx; = regs->rsi;
memcpy(&entry.regs, &regs->r15, sizeof entry.regs);
memcpy(&entry.vregs, (void*)regs->rdi, sizeof entry.vregs);
for (auto idx = 0u; idx < sizeof(entry.vsp) / 8; ++idx)
entry.vsp.qword[idx] = reinterpret_cast<u64*>(regs->rbp)[idx];
std::printf("> TID = %d, handler idx = %d, decryption key = 0x%p\n",
GetCurrentThreadId(), handler_idx, regs->rbx);
vm::tracer_t tracer(
// change vm handler 0x55 (LCONSTBZX) to our implimentation of it...
auto _meta_data = handler_table.get_meta_data(0x55);
_meta_data.virt = reinterpret_cast<u64>(&__lconstbzx);
handler_table.set_meta_data(0x55, _meta_data);
std::ofstream vmp2_file(parser.get<std::string>("out"), std::ios::binary);
memcpy(&trace_header.magic, "VMP2", sizeof "VMP2" - 1);
trace_header.epoch_time = time(nullptr);
trace_header.entry_offset = sizeof trace_header;
trace_header.advancement = vmp2::exec_type_t::forward;
trace_header.version = vmp2::version_t::v1;
trace_header.module_base = module_base;
// patch vm handler table...
// call entry point...
auto result = reinterpret_cast<int (*)()>(
NT_HEADER(module_base)->OptionalHeader.AddressOfEntryPoint + module_base)();
std::printf("result = %d\n", result);
// unpatch vm handler table...
// write vmp2 file to disk...
trace_header.entry_count = traces.size();
vmp2_file.write((char*)&trace_header, sizeof trace_header);
for (auto& trace : traces)
vmp2_file.write((char*)&trace, sizeof trace);
std::printf("> finished vm trace...\n");