vmassembler is a small C++ project which uses [flex](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flex_(lexical_analyser_generator)) and [bison](https://www.gnu.org/software/bison/manual/) to parse `.vasm` files and assemble virtual instructions. The project inherits [vmprofiler](https://githacks.org/vmp2/vmprofiler) which is used to identify vm handler's, provide them with a name, immidate value size, and other meta data to aid in assembling virtual instructions.
@ -18,4 +24,7 @@ The repo contains the following notable folders and files:
In order to use the virtual instruction assembler you must first have a few values at hand. The required values are listed below:
* `vm_entry rva` - relative virtual address to a vm_entry...
* `image base` - image base value from optional headers...
* `image base` - image base value from optional headers...
* a path to a vasm file is required...
* `advancement` - which way the virtual instruction pointer advances...
* `out path` - a path to where the vmasm file will be stored...