#pragma once #pragma section( ".xmp2" ) #pragma comment( linker, "/section:.xmp2,RWE" ) namespace vm { using u8 = unsigned char; using s8 = signed char; using u16 = unsigned short; using s16 = signed short; using u32 = unsigned int; using s32 = signed int; using u64 = unsigned long long; using s64 = signed long long; using __vmcall_t = void *( * )( ... ); constexpr u8 IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_BASERELOC = 8; constexpr u8 IMAGE_REL_BASED_ABSOLUTE = 0; constexpr u8 IMAGE_REL_BASED_DIR64 = 10; typedef struct _IMAGE_DOS_HEADER { /* 0x0000 */ unsigned short e_magic; /* 0x0002 */ unsigned short e_cblp; /* 0x0004 */ unsigned short e_cp; /* 0x0006 */ unsigned short e_crlc; /* 0x0008 */ unsigned short e_cparhdr; /* 0x000a */ unsigned short e_minalloc; /* 0x000c */ unsigned short e_maxalloc; /* 0x000e */ unsigned short e_ss; /* 0x0010 */ unsigned short e_sp; /* 0x0012 */ unsigned short e_csum; /* 0x0014 */ unsigned short e_ip; /* 0x0016 */ unsigned short e_cs; /* 0x0018 */ unsigned short e_lfarlc; /* 0x001a */ unsigned short e_ovno; /* 0x001c */ unsigned short e_res[ 4 ]; /* 0x0024 */ unsigned short e_oemid; /* 0x0026 */ unsigned short e_oeminfo; /* 0x0028 */ unsigned short e_res2[ 10 ]; /* 0x003c */ long e_lfanew; } IMAGE_DOS_HEADER, *PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER; /* size: 0x0040 */ typedef struct _IMAGE_FILE_HEADER { /* 0x0000 */ unsigned short Machine; /* 0x0002 */ unsigned short NumberOfSections; /* 0x0004 */ unsigned long TimeDateStamp; /* 0x0008 */ unsigned long PointerToSymbolTable; /* 0x000c */ unsigned long NumberOfSymbols; /* 0x0010 */ unsigned short SizeOfOptionalHeader; /* 0x0012 */ unsigned short Characteristics; } IMAGE_FILE_HEADER, *PIMAGE_FILE_HEADER; /* size: 0x0014 */ typedef struct _IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY { /* 0x0000 */ unsigned long VirtualAddress; /* 0x0004 */ unsigned long Size; } IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY, *PIMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY; /* size: 0x0008 */ typedef struct _IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 { /* 0x0000 */ unsigned short Magic; /* 0x0002 */ unsigned char MajorLinkerVersion; /* 0x0003 */ unsigned char MinorLinkerVersion; /* 0x0004 */ unsigned long SizeOfCode; /* 0x0008 */ unsigned long SizeOfInitializedData; /* 0x000c */ unsigned long SizeOfUninitializedData; /* 0x0010 */ unsigned long AddressOfEntryPoint; /* 0x0014 */ unsigned long BaseOfCode; /* 0x0018 */ unsigned __int64 ImageBase; /* 0x0020 */ unsigned long SectionAlignment; /* 0x0024 */ unsigned long FileAlignment; /* 0x0028 */ unsigned short MajorOperatingSystemVersion; /* 0x002a */ unsigned short MinorOperatingSystemVersion; /* 0x002c */ unsigned short MajorImageVersion; /* 0x002e */ unsigned short MinorImageVersion; /* 0x0030 */ unsigned short MajorSubsystemVersion; /* 0x0032 */ unsigned short MinorSubsystemVersion; /* 0x0034 */ unsigned long Win32VersionValue; /* 0x0038 */ unsigned long SizeOfImage; /* 0x003c */ unsigned long SizeOfHeaders; /* 0x0040 */ unsigned long CheckSum; /* 0x0044 */ unsigned short Subsystem; /* 0x0046 */ unsigned short DllCharacteristics; /* 0x0048 */ unsigned __int64 SizeOfStackReserve; /* 0x0050 */ unsigned __int64 SizeOfStackCommit; /* 0x0058 */ unsigned __int64 SizeOfHeapReserve; /* 0x0060 */ unsigned __int64 SizeOfHeapCommit; /* 0x0068 */ unsigned long LoaderFlags; /* 0x006c */ unsigned long NumberOfRvaAndSizes; /* 0x0070 */ struct _IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY DataDirectory[ 16 ]; } IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64, *PIMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64; /* size: 0x00f0 */ typedef struct _IMAGE_NT_HEADERS64 { /* 0x0000 */ unsigned long Signature; /* 0x0004 */ struct _IMAGE_FILE_HEADER FileHeader; /* 0x0018 */ struct _IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 OptionalHeader; } IMAGE_NT_HEADERS64, *PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS64; /* size: 0x0108 */ typedef struct _IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER { /* 0x0000 */ unsigned char Name[ 8 ]; union { union { /* 0x0008 */ unsigned long PhysicalAddress; /* 0x0008 */ unsigned long VirtualSize; }; /* size: 0x0004 */ } /* size: 0x0004 */ Misc; /* 0x000c */ unsigned long VirtualAddress; /* 0x0010 */ unsigned long SizeOfRawData; /* 0x0014 */ unsigned long PointerToRawData; /* 0x0018 */ unsigned long PointerToRelocations; /* 0x001c */ unsigned long PointerToLinenumbers; /* 0x0020 */ unsigned short NumberOfRelocations; /* 0x0022 */ unsigned short NumberOfLinenumbers; /* 0x0024 */ unsigned long Characteristics; } IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER, *PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER; /* size: 0x0028 */ typedef struct _IMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION { unsigned int VirtualAddress; unsigned int SizeOfBlock; } IMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION, *PIMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION; constexpr auto entry_rva = 0x1000; enum class calls : u32 { get_world = 0xBFFD6FE9, get_hello = 0xBFFD6FDD }; template < class T, class U > struct _pair_t { T first; U second; }; inline _pair_t< u8, calls > call_map[ 2 ] = { { 0, calls::get_world }, { 1, calls::get_hello } }; struct _gen_data { u8 bin[ 0x100000 ]; // this will the vmp binary... u8 map_area[ 0x10000 ]; // map the binary into this space... u8 __%s_vinstrs[%d] = {}; u8 __vmcall_shell_code[ 2 ][ 15 ] = { { 0x68, 0xE9, 0xD6, 0xFF, 0x0B, // push xxxx 0x68, 0xE9, 0xD6, 0xFF, 0x0B, // push xxxx 0xE9, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 // jmp rip+xxxx }, { 0x68, 0xE9, 0xD6, 0xFF, 0x0B, // push xxxx 0x68, 0xE9, 0xD6, 0xFF, 0x0B, // push xxxx 0xE9, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 // jmp rip+xxxx } }; bool init() { static const auto _memcpy = []( void *dest, const void *src, size_t len ) -> void * { char *d = ( char * )dest; const char *s = ( char * )src; while ( len-- ) *d++ = *s++; return dest; }; const auto dos_header = reinterpret_cast< IMAGE_DOS_HEADER * >( bin ); const auto nt_headers = reinterpret_cast< PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS64 >( bin + dos_header->e_lfanew ); _memcpy( map_area, bin, nt_headers->OptionalHeader.SizeOfHeaders ); auto sections = reinterpret_cast< PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER >( ( u8 * )&nt_headers->OptionalHeader + nt_headers->FileHeader.SizeOfOptionalHeader ); // map sections... for ( u32 i = 0; i < nt_headers->FileHeader.NumberOfSections; ++i ) { PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER section = §ions[ i ]; _memcpy( ( void * )( map_area + section->VirtualAddress ), ( void * )( bin + section->PointerToRawData ), section->SizeOfRawData ); } // handle relocations... const auto reloc_dir = &nt_headers->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[ IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_BASERELOC ]; if ( reloc_dir->VirtualAddress ) { auto reloc = reinterpret_cast< IMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION * >( map_area + reloc_dir->VirtualAddress ); for ( auto current_size = 0u; current_size < reloc_dir->Size; ) { u32 reloc_count = ( reloc->SizeOfBlock - sizeof( IMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION ) ) / sizeof( u16 ); u16 *reloc_data = ( u16 * )( ( u8 * )reloc + sizeof( IMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION ) ); u8 *reloc_base = map_area + reloc->VirtualAddress; for ( auto idx = 0; idx < reloc_count; ++idx, ++reloc_data ) { u16 data = *reloc_data; u16 type = data >> 12; u16 offset = data & 0xFFF; switch ( type ) { case IMAGE_REL_BASED_ABSOLUTE: break; case IMAGE_REL_BASED_DIR64: { u64 *rva = ( u64 * )( reloc_base + offset ); *rva = ( u64 )( map_area + ( *rva - nt_headers->OptionalHeader.ImageBase ) ); break; } default: break; } } current_size += reloc->SizeOfBlock; reloc = ( IMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION * )reloc_data; } } // fix shellcode up... for ( auto idx = 0u; idx < ( sizeof( __vmcall_shell_code ) / 15 ); ++idx ) { // first push encrypted rva value... *reinterpret_cast< u32 * >( &__vmcall_shell_code[ idx ][ 1 ] ) = static_cast< u32 >( call_map[ idx ].second ); // second push encrypted rva value... *reinterpret_cast< u32 * >( &__vmcall_shell_code[ idx ][ 6 ] ) = static_cast< u32 >( call_map[ idx ].second ); // signed rip relative rva to vm entry... *reinterpret_cast< u32 * >( &__vmcall_shell_code[ idx ][ 11 ] ) = reinterpret_cast< s32 >( ( map_area - ( reinterpret_cast< u64 >( &__vmcall_shell_code[ idx ] ) + 15 ) ) + entry_rva ); } return true; // only a bool so i can use static/call init only once... } }; __declspec( allocate( ".xmp2" ) ) inline _gen_data gen_data; template < calls e_call, class T, class... Ts > auto call( Ts... args ) -> T { static auto __init_result = gen_data.init(); __vmcall_t vmcall = nullptr; for ( auto idx = 0u; idx < sizeof( call_map ) / sizeof( _pair_t< u8, calls > ); ++idx ) if ( call_map[ idx ].second == e_call ) vmcall = reinterpret_cast< __vmcall_t >( &gen_data.__vmcall_shell_code[ idx ] ); return reinterpret_cast< T >( vmcall( args... ) ); } } // namespace vm int main() { vm::call< vm::calls::get_hello, void * >(); }