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#include "compiler.h"
namespace vm
compiler_t::compiler_t( base_data_t base_data, vmp2::exec_type_t exec_type,
std::vector< vm::handler::handler_t > *vm_handlers, zydis_routine_t *calc_jmp,
zydis_routine_t *vm_entry )
: module_base( base_data.module_base ), image_base( base_data.image_base ), exec_type( exec_type ),
vm_handlers( vm_handlers ), calc_jmp( calc_jmp ), vm_entry( vm_entry )
if ( !parse_t::get_instance()->for_each( [ & ]( _vinstr_meta *vinstr ) -> bool {
std::printf( "> vinstr name = %s, has imm = %d, imm = 0x%p\n", vinstr->name.c_str(), vinstr->has_imm,
vinstr->imm );
for ( auto &vm_handler : *vm_handlers )
if ( vm_handler.profile && vm_handler.profile->name == vinstr->name )
return true;
std::printf( "[!] this vm protected file does not have the vm handler for: %s...\n",
vinstr->name.c_str() );
return false;
} ) )
std::printf( "[!] binary does not have the required vm handlers...\n" );
exit( -1 );
if ( !vm::handler::get_operand_transforms( *calc_jmp, calc_jmp_transforms ) )
std::printf( "[!] failed to extract calc_jmp transformations...\n" );
exit( -1 );
if ( !vm::instrs::get_rva_decrypt( *vm_entry, encrypt_vinstrs_rva ) )
std::printf( "[!] failed to extract virtual instruction rva decryption instructions...\n" );
exit( -1 );
if ( !vm::transform::inverse_transforms( encrypt_vinstrs_rva ) )
std::printf( "[!] failed to inverse virtual instruction rva decrypt instructions...\n" );
exit( -1 );
std::pair< bool, std::vector< vinstr_data > * > compiler_t::encode()
parse_t::get_instance()->for_each( [ & ]( _vinstr_meta *vinstr ) -> bool {
for ( auto itr = vm_handlers->begin(); itr != vm_handlers->end(); ++itr )
if ( itr->profile && itr->profile->name == vinstr->name )
{ ( std::uint8_t )( itr - vm_handlers->begin() ), vinstr->imm, itr->profile->imm_size } );
return true;
} );
return { true, &vinstrs };
std::pair< std::uint64_t, std::vector< std::uint8_t > * > compiler_t::encrypt()
const auto end_of_module = NT_HEADER( module_base )->OptionalHeader.SizeOfImage + image_base;
// init decryption key...
// decryption key starts off as the image
// base address of the virtual instructions...
std::uintptr_t decrypt_key = end_of_module, start_addr;
if ( exec_type == vmp2::exec_type_t::backward )
std::for_each( vinstrs.begin(), vinstrs.end(), [ & ]( const vinstr_data &vinstr ) {
( ++decrypt_key ) += vinstr.imm_size ? vinstr.imm_size / 8 : 0;
} );
start_addr = decrypt_key;
// invert the encoded virtual instructions operands if vip advances backward...
if ( exec_type == vmp2::exec_type_t::backward )
std::reverse( vinstrs.begin(), vinstrs.end() );
// loop over the instructions and encrypt them...
for ( auto &vinstr : vinstrs )
std::printf( "> decrypt key = 0x%p\n", decrypt_key );
auto vm_handler_idx = vinstr.vm_handler;
std::tie( vinstr.vm_handler, decrypt_key ) =
vm::instrs::encrypt_operand( calc_jmp_transforms, vinstr.vm_handler, decrypt_key );
if ( !vinstr.imm_size )
result_buffer.push_back( vinstr.vm_handler );
auto transforms = vm_handlers->at( vm_handler_idx ).transforms;
std::tie( vinstr.operand, decrypt_key ) =
vm::instrs::encrypt_operand( transforms, vinstr.operand, decrypt_key );
// operands must be backwards if VIP advances backward...
if ( exec_type == vmp2::exec_type_t::backward )
for ( auto idx = 0u; idx < vinstr.imm_size / 8; ++idx )
result_buffer.push_back( reinterpret_cast< std::uint8_t * >( &vinstr.operand )[ idx ] );
result_buffer.push_back( vinstr.vm_handler );
result_buffer.push_back( vinstr.vm_handler );
for ( auto idx = 0u; idx < vinstr.imm_size / 8; ++idx )
result_buffer.push_back( reinterpret_cast< std::uint8_t * >( &vinstr.operand )[ idx ] );
return { start_addr, &result_buffer };
std::uint64_t compiler_t::encrypt_rva( std::uint64_t rva )
std::printf( "> encrypt virtual instruction rva transformations:\n" );
for ( auto &transform : encrypt_vinstrs_rva )
vm::util::print( transform );
for ( auto &instr : encrypt_vinstrs_rva )
rva = vm::transform::apply( instr.operands[ 0 ].size, instr.mnemonic, rva,
transform::has_imm( &instr ) ? instr.operands[ 1 ].imm.value.u : 0 );
std::printf( "> encrypted rva = 0x%p\n", rva );
return rva;
} // namespace vm