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#pragma once
#include <Windows.h>
#include <vmprofiler.hpp>
#include <vmctx.h>
#include <vm.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include "parser.h"
#define NT_HEADER(x) \
reinterpret_cast<PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS64>( \
reinterpret_cast<PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER>(x)->e_lfanew + x)
namespace vm
struct base_data_t
std::uintptr_t module_base;
std::uintptr_t image_base;
struct vinstr_data
std::uint8_t vm_handler;
std::uint64_t operand;
std::uint8_t imm_size; // size in bits...
class compiler_t
explicit compiler_t(
base_data_t base_data,
vmp2::exec_type_t exec_type,
std::vector<vm::handler_t>* vm_handlers,
zydis_routine_t* calc_jmp
std::pair<bool, std::vector<vinstr_data>*> encode();
std::pair<std::uint64_t, std::vector<std::uint8_t>* > encrypt();
transform::map_t calc_jmp_transforms;
zydis_routine_t* calc_jmp;
std::vector<vm::handler_t>* vm_handlers;
vmp2::exec_type_t exec_type;
std::vector<vinstr_data> vinstrs;
std::vector<std::uint8_t> result_buffer;
std::uintptr_t image_base, module_base;