bug fix - not all code paths were being traced... whoops...

_xeroxz 3 years ago
parent e2173bb4c4
commit e19c711346

@ -93,10 +93,8 @@ namespace vm
return false;
if ( !cc_block )
return false;
code_blocks.push_back( code_block );
if ( cc_block )
code_blocks.push_back( code_block );
// code_blocks.size() will continue to grow as all branches are traced...
// when idx is > code_blocks.size() then we have traced all branches...
@ -110,118 +108,114 @@ namespace vm
case vm::instrs::jcc_type::branching:
if ( std::find( vip_begins.begin(), vip_begins.end(), _code_block.code_block.jcc.block_addr[ 1 ] ) !=
if ( std::find( vip_begins.begin(), vip_begins.end(), _code_block.code_block.jcc.block_addr[ 1 ] ) ==
vip_begins.end() )
std::uintptr_t rbp = 0ull;
std::uint32_t branch_rva =
( _code_block.code_block.jcc.block_addr[ 1 ] - g_vm_ctx->module_base ) + g_vm_ctx->image_base;
// setup object globals so that the tracing will work...
code_block_data_t branch_block{ {}, nullptr, nullptr };
cc_block = &branch_block;
g_vm_ctx = _code_block.g_vm_ctx.get();
// restore register values...
if ( ( err = uc_context_restore( uc_ctx, _code_block.cpu_ctx->context ) ) )
std::printf( "> failed to restore emu context... reason = %d\n", err );
return false;
std::uintptr_t rbp = 0ull;
std::uint32_t branch_rva =
( _code_block.code_block.jcc.block_addr[ 1 ] - g_vm_ctx->module_base ) + g_vm_ctx->image_base;
// restore stack values...
if ( ( err = uc_mem_write( uc_ctx, STACK_BASE, _code_block.cpu_ctx->stack, STACK_SIZE ) ) )
std::printf( "> failed to restore stack... reason = %d\n", err );
return false;
// setup object globals so that the tracing will work...
code_block_data_t branch_block{ {}, nullptr, nullptr };
cc_block = &branch_block;
g_vm_ctx = _code_block.g_vm_ctx.get();
// get the address in rbp (top of vsp)... then patch the branch rva...
if ( ( err = uc_reg_read( uc_ctx, UC_X86_REG_RBP, &rbp ) ) )
std::printf( "> failed to read rbp... reason = %d\n", err );
return false;
// restore register values...
if ( ( err = uc_context_restore( uc_ctx, _code_block.cpu_ctx->context ) ) )
std::printf( "> failed to restore emu context... reason = %d\n", err );
return false;
// patch the branch rva...
if ( ( err = uc_mem_write( uc_ctx, rbp, &branch_rva, sizeof branch_rva ) ) )
std::printf( "> failed to patch branch rva... reason = %d\n", err );
return false;
// restore stack values...
if ( ( err = uc_mem_write( uc_ctx, STACK_BASE, _code_block.cpu_ctx->stack, STACK_SIZE ) ) )
std::printf( "> failed to restore stack... reason = %d\n", err );
return false;
std::printf( "> beginning execution at = 0x%p\n", _code_block.cpu_ctx->rip );
if ( ( err = uc_emu_start( uc_ctx, _code_block.cpu_ctx->rip, 0ull, 0ull, 0ull ) ) )
std::printf( "> error starting emu... reason = %d\n", err );
return false;
// get the address in rbp (top of vsp)... then patch the branch rva...
if ( ( err = uc_reg_read( uc_ctx, UC_X86_REG_RBP, &rbp ) ) )
std::printf( "> failed to read rbp... reason = %d\n", err );
return false;
if ( !cc_block )
return false;
// patch the branch rva...
if ( ( err = uc_mem_write( uc_ctx, rbp, &branch_rva, sizeof branch_rva ) ) )
std::printf( "> failed to patch branch rva... reason = %d\n", err );
return false;
// push back new block that has been traced...
code_blocks.push_back( branch_block );
std::printf( "> beginning execution at = 0x%p\n", _code_block.cpu_ctx->rip );
if ( ( err = uc_emu_start( uc_ctx, _code_block.cpu_ctx->rip, 0ull, 0ull, 0ull ) ) )
std::printf( "> error starting emu... reason = %d\n", err );
return false;
if ( cc_block )
// push back new block that has been traced...
code_blocks.push_back( branch_block );
// drop down and execute the absolute case as well since that
// will trace the first branch...
case vm::instrs::jcc_type::absolute:
if ( std::find( vip_begins.begin(), vip_begins.end(), _code_block.code_block.jcc.block_addr[ 0 ] ) !=
if ( std::find( vip_begins.begin(), vip_begins.end(), _code_block.code_block.jcc.block_addr[ 0 ] ) ==
vip_begins.end() )
std::uintptr_t rbp = 0ull;
std::uint32_t branch_rva =
( _code_block.code_block.jcc.block_addr[ 0 ] - g_vm_ctx->module_base ) + g_vm_ctx->image_base;
// setup object globals so that the tracing will work...
code_block_data_t branch_block{ {}, nullptr, nullptr };
cc_block = &branch_block;
g_vm_ctx = _code_block.g_vm_ctx.get();
std::uintptr_t rbp = 0ull;
std::uint32_t branch_rva =
( _code_block.code_block.jcc.block_addr[ 0 ] - g_vm_ctx->module_base ) + g_vm_ctx->image_base;
// restore register values...
if ( ( err = uc_context_restore( uc_ctx, _code_block.cpu_ctx->context ) ) )
std::printf( "> failed to restore emu context... reason = %d\n", err );
return false;
// setup object globals so that the tracing will work...
code_block_data_t branch_block{ {}, nullptr, nullptr };
cc_block = &branch_block;
g_vm_ctx = _code_block.g_vm_ctx.get();
// restore stack values...
if ( ( err = uc_mem_write( uc_ctx, STACK_BASE, _code_block.cpu_ctx->stack, STACK_SIZE ) ) )
std::printf( "> failed to restore stack... reason = %d\n", err );
return false;
// restore register values...
if ( ( err = uc_context_restore( uc_ctx, _code_block.cpu_ctx->context ) ) )
std::printf( "> failed to restore emu context... reason = %d\n", err );
return false;
// get the address in rbp (top of vsp)... then patch the branch rva...
if ( ( err = uc_reg_read( uc_ctx, UC_X86_REG_RBP, &rbp ) ) )
std::printf( "> failed to read rbp... reason = %d\n", err );
return false;
// restore stack values...
if ( ( err = uc_mem_write( uc_ctx, STACK_BASE, _code_block.cpu_ctx->stack, STACK_SIZE ) ) )
std::printf( "> failed to restore stack... reason = %d\n", err );
return false;
// patch the branch rva...
if ( ( err = uc_mem_write( uc_ctx, rbp, &branch_rva, sizeof branch_rva ) ) )
std::printf( "> failed to patch branch rva... reason = %d\n", err );
return false;
// get the address in rbp (top of vsp)... then patch the branch rva...
if ( ( err = uc_reg_read( uc_ctx, UC_X86_REG_RBP, &rbp ) ) )
std::printf( "> failed to read rbp... reason = %d\n", err );
return false;
std::printf( "> beginning execution at = 0x%p\n", _code_block.cpu_ctx->rip );
if ( ( err = uc_emu_start( uc_ctx, _code_block.cpu_ctx->rip, 0ull, 0ull, 0ull ) ) )
std::printf( "> error starting emu... reason = %d\n", err );
return false;
// patch the branch rva...
if ( ( err = uc_mem_write( uc_ctx, rbp, &branch_rva, sizeof branch_rva ) ) )
std::printf( "> failed to patch branch rva... reason = %d\n", err );
return false;
if ( !cc_block )
return false;
std::printf( "> beginning execution at = 0x%p\n", _code_block.cpu_ctx->rip );
if ( ( err = uc_emu_start( uc_ctx, _code_block.cpu_ctx->rip, 0ull, 0ull, 0ull ) ) )
std::printf( "> error starting emu... reason = %d\n", err );
return false;
// push back new block that has been traced...
code_blocks.push_back( branch_block );
if ( cc_block )
// push back new block that has been traced...
code_blocks.push_back( branch_block );
case vm::instrs::jcc_type::switch_case:
@ -277,11 +271,9 @@ namespace vm
return false;
if ( !cc_block )
return false;
// push back new block that has been traced...
code_blocks.push_back( branch_block );
if ( cc_block )
// push back new block that has been traced...
code_blocks.push_back( branch_block );
