jcc's are working good, fixed a bug with RSI-0x1

_xeroxz 3 years ago
parent 2d16994d54
commit c9620caa20

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
#include "qvirt_instrs.h"
qvirt_instrs_t::qvirt_instrs_t( qvminspector_t *vminspector ) : vminspector( vminspector ), ui( &vminspector->ui )
connect( ui->virt_instrs, &QTreeWidget::itemExpanded, this, &qvirt_instrs_t::on_expand );
void qvirt_instrs_t::on_expand( qtree_widget_item_t *item )

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
#pragma once
#include "qvminspector.h"
class qvirt_instrs_t : public QObject
explicit qvirt_instrs_t( qvminspector_t *vminspector );
Ui::QVMProfilerClass *ui;
qvminspector_t *vminspector;
private slots:
void on_expand( qtree_widget_item_t *item );

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
qvminspector_t::qvminspector_t( qwidget_t *parent ) : qmain_window_t( parent ), file_header( nullptr ), vmctx( nullptr )
ui.setupUi( this );
ui.virt_instrs->setColumnWidth( 0, 115 );
ui.virt_instrs->setColumnWidth( 0, 175 );
ui.virt_instrs->setColumnWidth( 1, 140 );
ui.virt_instrs->setColumnWidth( 2, 200 );
ui.virt_instrs->setColumnWidth( 3, 200 );
@ -125,6 +125,117 @@ bool qvminspector_t::init_data()
return true;
void qvminspector_t::add_branch_children( qtree_widget_item_t *item, std::uintptr_t branch_addr )
if ( std::find( code_block_addrs.begin(), code_block_addrs.end(), branch_addr ) != code_block_addrs.end() )
code_block_addrs.push_back( branch_addr );
// for each code block find the one that starts with the desired branch...
for ( auto [ code_block, code_block_num ] = std::tuple{ first_block, 0u };
code_block_num < file_header->code_block_count;
code_block = reinterpret_cast< vmp2::v3::code_block_t * >( reinterpret_cast< std::uintptr_t >( code_block ) +
code_block->next_block_offset ),
++code_block_num )
// skip if this code block begin address is not branch_addr...
if ( code_block->vip_begin != branch_addr && code_block->vip_begin != branch_addr - 2 &&
code_block->vip_begin != branch_addr - 1)
dbg_print( qstring_t( "> code block %1 (block_%2), number of vinstrs = %3..." )
.arg( code_block_num )
.arg( ( code_block->vip_begin - file_header->module_base ) + file_header->image_base, 0, 16 )
.arg( code_block->vinstr_count ) );
// for each virtual instruction inside of this code block...
for ( auto idx = 0u; idx < code_block->vinstr_count; ++idx )
const auto virt_instr = &code_block->vinstr[ idx ];
const auto profile = vm::handler::get_profile( virt_instr->mnemonic_t );
auto virt_instr_entry = new qtree_widget_item_t;
// virtual instruction image base'ed rva... (column 1)...
virt_instr_entry->setText( 0, qstring_t::number( ( virt_instr->trace_data.vip - file_header->module_base ) +
16 ) );
// virtual instruction operand bytes... (column 2)...
qstring_t operand_bytes;
operand_bytes.append( QString( "%1" ).arg( virt_instr->opcode, 0, 16 ) );
// if virt instruction has an imm... grab its bytes...
if ( virt_instr->operand.has_imm )
operand_bytes.append( " - " );
for ( auto _idx = 0u; _idx < virt_instr->operand.imm.imm_size / 8; ++_idx )
operand_bytes.append( QString( "%1 " ).arg(
reinterpret_cast< std::uint8_t * >( &virt_instr->operand.imm.u )[ _idx ], 0, 16 ) );
virt_instr_entry->setText( 1, operand_bytes );
// virtual instruction string, includes imm... (colume 3)...
QString decoded_instr( QString( "%1" ).arg(
profile ? profile->name : QString( "UNK(%1)" ).arg( virt_instr->opcode, 0, 16 ) ) );
if ( virt_instr->operand.has_imm ) // if there is a second operand (imm) put its value...
decoded_instr.append( QString( " %1" ).arg( virt_instr->operand.imm.u, 0, 16 ) );
virt_instr_entry->setText( 2, decoded_instr );
// add comments to the virtual instruction... (colume 4)...
if ( virt_instr->mnemonic_t == vm::handler::LREGQ || virt_instr->mnemonic_t == vm::handler::SREGQ )
virt_instr_entry->setText( 3, QString( "; vreg%1..." )
.arg( virt_instr->operand.imm.u ? ( virt_instr->operand.imm.u / 8 ) -
1 /* zero based vreg... */
: 0u ) );
if ( virt_instr->mnemonic_t == vm::handler::JMP && code_block->jcc.has_jcc )
QString( "; { %1, %2 }" )
.arg( ( code_block->jcc.block_addr[ 0 ] - file_header->module_base ) + file_header->image_base,
0, 16 )
.arg( ( code_block->jcc.block_addr[ 1 ] - file_header->module_base ) + file_header->image_base,
0, 16 ) );
auto branch_entry1 = new qtree_widget_item_t(), branch_entry2 = new qtree_widget_item_t();
const auto block1_addr =
( code_block->jcc.block_addr[ 0 ] - file_header->module_base ) + file_header->image_base;
const auto block2_addr =
( code_block->jcc.block_addr[ 1 ] - file_header->module_base ) + file_header->image_base;
branch_entry1->setText( 0, QString( "%1" ).arg( block1_addr, 0, 16 ) );
branch_entry1->setText( 3, QString( "; block_%1" ).arg( block1_addr, 0, 16 ) );
branch_entry2->setText( 0, QString( "%1" ).arg( block2_addr, 0, 16 ) );
branch_entry2->setText( 3, QString( "; block_%1" ).arg( block2_addr, 0, 16 ) );
add_branch_children( branch_entry1, code_block->jcc.block_addr[ 0 ] );
add_branch_children( branch_entry2, code_block->jcc.block_addr[ 1 ] );
virt_instr_entry->addChildren( { branch_entry1, branch_entry2 } );
// if its a JMP with branches we want to insert the next code block
// instructions into the child widget entries...
item->addChild( virt_instr_entry );
else if ( virt_instr->mnemonic_t == vm::handler::JMP )
// else if this jmp doesnt have two branches add the next code block to it...
item->addChild( virt_instr_entry );
add_branch_children( item, code_block->jcc.block_addr[ 0 ] );
item->addChild( virt_instr_entry );
void qvminspector_t::update_ui()
// for each code block insert their virtual instructions
@ -138,6 +249,7 @@ void qvminspector_t::update_ui()
code_block->next_block_offset ),
++code_block_num )
code_block_addrs.push_back( ( code_block->vip_begin - file_header->module_base ) + file_header->image_base );
dbg_print( qstring_t( "> code block %1 (block_%2), number of vinstrs = %3..." )
.arg( code_block_num )
.arg( ( code_block->vip_begin - file_header->module_base ) + file_header->image_base, 0, 16 )
@ -187,6 +299,7 @@ void qvminspector_t::update_ui()
: 0u ) );
if ( virt_instr->mnemonic_t == vm::handler::JMP && code_block->jcc.has_jcc )
QString( "; { %1, %2 }" )
@ -195,6 +308,29 @@ void qvminspector_t::update_ui()
.arg( ( code_block->jcc.block_addr[ 1 ] - file_header->module_base ) + file_header->image_base,
0, 16 ) );
auto branch_entry1 = new qtree_widget_item_t(), branch_entry2 = new qtree_widget_item_t();
const auto block1_addr =
( code_block->jcc.block_addr[ 0 ] - file_header->module_base ) + file_header->image_base;
const auto block2_addr =
( code_block->jcc.block_addr[ 1 ] - file_header->module_base ) + file_header->image_base;
branch_entry1->setText( 0, QString( "%1" ).arg( block1_addr, 0, 16 ) );
branch_entry1->setText( 3, QString( "; block_%1" ).arg( block1_addr, 0, 16 ) );
branch_entry2->setText( 0, QString( "%1" ).arg( block2_addr, 0, 16 ) );
branch_entry2->setText( 3, QString( "; block_%1" ).arg( block2_addr, 0, 16 ) );
add_branch_children( branch_entry1, code_block->jcc.block_addr[ 0 ] );
add_branch_children( branch_entry2, code_block->jcc.block_addr[ 1 ] );
virt_instr_entry->addChildren( { branch_entry1, branch_entry2 } );
// if its a JMP with branches we want to insert the next code block
// instructions into the child widget entries...
ui.virt_instrs->addTopLevelItem( virt_instr_entry );
ui.virt_instrs->addTopLevelItem( virt_instr_entry );

@ -9,8 +9,8 @@
#include <vmprofiler.hpp>
#include "ia32.hpp"
#include "vmp2.hpp"
#include "ui_qvminspector.h"
#include "vmp2.hpp"
using qmain_window_t = QMainWindow;
using qwidget_t = QWidget;
@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ using qmsg_box_t = QMessageBox;
class qvminspector_t : public qmain_window_t
friend class qvirt_instrs_t;
qvminspector_t( qwidget_t *parent = Q_NULLPTR );
@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ class qvminspector_t : public qmain_window_t
void dbg_print( qstring_t DbgOutput );
void dbg_msg( qstring_t DbgOutput );
void update_ui();
void add_branch_children( qtree_widget_item_t *item, std::uintptr_t branch_addr );
bool init_data();
Ui::QVMProfilerClass ui;
@ -44,4 +45,5 @@ class qvminspector_t : public qmain_window_t
vmp2::v3::file_header *file_header;
vmp2::v3::code_block_t *first_block;
std::vector< std::uintptr_t > code_block_addrs;

@ -103,6 +103,8 @@
<ClCompile Include="qvirt_instrs.cpp" />
<ClCompile Include="qvminspector.cpp" />
<QtRcc Include="DarkStyle\darkstyle.qrc" />
<QtRcc Include="DarkStyle\framelesswindow.qrc" />
<QtRcc Include="qvminspector.qrc" />
@ -112,7 +114,6 @@
<ClCompile Include="DarkStyle\DarkStyle.cpp" />
<ClCompile Include="DarkStyle\framelesswindow\framelesswindow.cpp" />
<ClCompile Include="DarkStyle\framelesswindow\windowdragger.cpp" />
<ClCompile Include="qvminspector.cpp" />
<ClCompile Include="main.cpp" />
@ -168,6 +169,7 @@
<ClInclude Include="..\dependencies\vmprofiler\include\vmp2.hpp" />
<ClInclude Include="..\dependencies\vmprofiler\include\vmprofiler.hpp" />
<ClInclude Include="..\dependencies\vmprofiler\include\vmutils.h" />
<QtMoc Include="qvirt_instrs.h" />
<ClInclude Include="ia32.hpp" />

@ -16,6 +16,9 @@
<ClCompile Include="qvminspector.cpp">
<Filter>Source Files</Filter>
<ClCompile Include="qvirt_instrs.cpp">
<Filter>Source Files</Filter>
<Filter Include="Header Files">
@ -90,6 +93,9 @@
<QtMoc Include="qvminspector.h">
<Filter>Header Files</Filter>
<QtMoc Include="qvirt_instrs.h">
<Filter>Header Files</Filter>
<ClInclude Include="ia32.hpp">
