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#pragma once
#include <transform.hpp>
namespace vm
namespace handler
enum extention_t
struct profile_t
const char* name;
u8 imm_size;
std::vector<std::vector<u8>> signature;
extention_t extention;
namespace profile
// store a value from the stack into scratch register X (RDI+X)...
// where X is an 8bit immediate value...
inline vm::handler::profile_t sregq =
"SREGQ", 8,
{ 0x48, 0x8B, 0x55, 0x0 }, // mov rdx, [rbp+0]
{ 0x48, 0x83, 0xC5, 0x8 }, // add rbp, 8
{ 0x48, 0x89, 0x14, 0x38 }, // mov [rax+rdi], rdx
inline vm::handler::profile_t sregdw =
"SREGDW", 8,
{ 0x8B, 0x55, 0x00 },
{ 0x48, 0x83, 0xC5, 0x04 },
{ 0x89, 0x14, 0x38 }
inline vm::handler::profile_t sregw =
"SREGW", 8,
{ 0x66, 0x8B, 0x55, 0x00 }, // mov dx, [rbp]
{ 0x48, 0x83, 0xC5, 0x02 }, // add rbp, 0x02
{ 0x66, 0x89, 0x14, 0x38 } // mov [rax+rdi], dx
// load scratch register value onto virtual stack...
inline vm::handler::profile_t lregq =
"LREGQ", 8,
{0x48, 0x8B, 0x14, 0x38}, // mov rdx, [rax+rdi]
{0x48, 0x83, 0xED, 0x08}, // sub rbp, 8
{0x48, 0x89, 0x55, 0x0} // mov [rbp+0], rdx
> 0x00007FF64724445C mov edx, [rax+rdi*1]
> 0x00007FF647244463 sub rbp, 0x04
> 0x00007FF647246333 mov [rbp], edx
inline vm::handler::profile_t lregdw =
"LREGDW", 8,
{ 0x8B, 0x14, 0x38 },
{ 0x48, 0x83, 0xED, 0x04 },
{ 0x89, 0x55, 0x00 }
// load constant value into stack....
inline vm::handler::profile_t lconstq =
"LCONSTQ", 64,
{0x48, 0x83, 0xED, 0x08}, // sub rbp, 8
{0x48, 0x89, 0x45, 0x00} // mov [rbp+0], rax
// load 1 byte constant zero extended into 2bytes on the stack...
inline vm::handler::profile_t lconstbzx =
{0x48, 0x83, 0xED, 0x02}, // sub rbp, 2
{0x66, 0x89, 0x45, 0x00} // mov [rbp+0], ax
inline vm::handler::profile_t lconstbsx =
{ 0x98 },
{ 0x48, 0x83, 0xED, 0x04 },
{ 0x89, 0x45, 0x00 }
// load 4 byte constant value sign extended qword into vsp...
inline vm::handler::profile_t lconstbsx1 =
{0x48, 0x98}, // cdqe
{0x48, 0x83, 0xED, 0x8}, // sub rbp, 8
{0x48, 0x89, 0x45, 0x0}, // mov [rbp+0], rax
// load 4 byte constant value sign extended qword into vsp...
inline vm::handler::profile_t lconstdsx =
{0x48, 0x98}, // cdqe
{0x48, 0x83, 0xED, 0x8}, // sub rbp, 8
{0x48, 0x89, 0x45, 0x0}, // mov [rbp+0], rax
// load 2 byte constant value sign extended qword into vsp...
inline vm::handler::profile_t lconstwsx =
{0x48, 0x98}, // cdqe
{0x48, 0x83, 0xED, 0x8}, // sub rbp, 8
{0x48, 0x89, 0x45, 0x0}, // mov [rbp+0], rax
inline vm::handler::profile_t lconstw =
{ 0x48, 0x83, 0xED, 0x02 }, // sub rbp, 0x02
{ 0x66, 0x89, 0x45, 0x00 } // mov [rbp], ax
inline vm::handler::profile_t lconstdw =
{ 0x48, 0x83, 0xED, 0x04 },
{ 0x89, 0x45, 0x00 }
inline vm::handler::profile_t pushvsp =
{0x48, 0x89, 0xE8}, // mov rax, rbp
{0x48, 0x83, 0xED, 0x08}, // sub rbp, 8
{0x48, 0x89, 0x45, 0x0} // mov [rbp+0], rax
// add two stack values together...
inline vm::handler::profile_t addq =
"ADDQ", 0,
{0x48, 0x1, 0x45, 0x8}, // add [rbp+8], rax
{0x9C}, // pushfq
{0x8F, 0x45, 0x0} // pop qword ptr [rbp+0]
inline vm::handler::profile_t adddw =
"ADDDW", 0,
{ 0x01, 0x45, 0x08 }, // add [rbp+0x08], eax
{ 0x9C }, // pushfq
{ 0x8F, 0x45, 0x00 } // pop [rbp]
// two qwords on the top of the stack together then not the result...
// ~(VSP[0] | VSP[1])...
inline vm::handler::profile_t nandq =
"NANDQ", 0,
{0x48, 0x8B, 0x45, 0x0}, // mov rax, [rbp+0]
{0x48, 0x8B, 0x55, 0x8}, // mov rdx, [rbp+8]
{0x48, 0xF7, 0xD0}, // not rax
{0x48, 0xF7, 0xD2}, // not rdx
{0x48, 0x21, 0xD0}, // and rax, rdx
{0x48, 0x89, 0x45, 0x8}, // mov [rbp+8], rax
{0x9C}, // pushfq
{0x8F, 0x45, 0x0} // pop qword ptr [rbp+0]
// leaves the virtual machine...
inline vm::handler::profile_t vmexit =
"VMEXIT", 0,
{0x48, 0x89, 0xec}, // mov rsp, rbp
{0x9d}, // popfq
{0xc3} // ret
inline vm::handler::profile_t jmp =
"JMP", 0,
{ 0x8B, 0x75, 0x00 }, // mov esi, [rbp]
{ 0x48, 0x01, 0xC6 }, // add rsi, rax
{ 0x48, 0x89, 0xF3 }, // mov rbx, rsi
{ 0x48, 0x03, 0x75, 0x00 } // add rsi, [rbp]
inline vm::handler::profile_t readw =
"READW", 0,
{ 0x48, 0x8B, 0x45, 0x00 }, // mov rax, [rbp]
{ 0x48, 0x83, 0xC5, 0x06 }, // add rbp, 0x06
{ 0x36, 0x66, 0x8B, 0x00 }, // mov ax, ss:[rax]
{ 0x66, 0x89, 0x45, 0x00 } // mov [rbp], ax
inline vm::handler::profile_t writeq =
"WRITEQ", 0,
{ 0x48, 0x8B, 0x45, 0x00 }, // mov rax, [rbp]
{ 0x48, 0x8B, 0x55, 0x08 }, // mov rdx, [rbp+0x08]
{ 0x48, 0x83, 0xC5, 0x10 }, // add rbp, 0x10
{ 0x36, 0x48, 0x89, 0x10 }, // mov ss:[rax], rdx
inline vm::handler::profile_t writeq1 =
"WRITEQ", 0,
{ 0x48, 0x8B, 0x45, 0x00 }, // mov rax, [rbp]
{ 0x48, 0x8B, 0x55, 0x08 }, // mov rdx, [rbp+0x08]
{ 0x48, 0x83, 0xC5, 0x10 }, // add rbp, 0x10
{ 0x48, 0x89, 0x10 } // mov [rax], rdx
inline vm::handler::profile_t shrw =
"SHRW", 0,
{ 0x66, 0x8B, 0x45, 0x00 },
{ 0x8A, 0x4D, 0x02 },
{ 0x48, 0x83, 0xED, 0x06 },
{ 0x66, 0xD3, 0xE8 },
{ 0x66, 0x89, 0x45, 0x08 },
{ 0x9C },
{ 0x8F, 0x45, 0x00 }
inline vm::handler::profile_t shrdw =
"SHRDW", 0,
{ 0x8B, 0x45, 0x00 },
{ 0x8A, 0x4D, 0x04 },
{ 0x48, 0x83, 0xED, 0x06 },
{ 0xD3, 0xE8 },
{ 0x89, 0x45, 0x08 },
{ 0x9C },
{ 0x8F, 0x45, 0x00 }
inline vm::handler::profile_t shrq =
"SHRQ", 0,
{ 0x48, 0x8B, 0x45, 0x00 },
{ 0x8A, 0x4D, 0x08 },
{ 0x48, 0x83, 0xED, 0x06 },
{ 0x48, 0xD3, 0xE8 },
{ 0x48, 0x89, 0x45, 0x08 },
{ 0x9C },
{ 0x8F, 0x45, 0x00 },
inline vm::handler::profile_t nanddw =
"NANDDW", 0,
{ 0x48, 0xF7, 0x55, 0x00 }, // not qword ptr [rbp+0]
{ 0x8B, 0x45, 0x00 }, // mov eax, [rbp+0]
{ 0x48, 0x83, 0xED, 0x04 }, // sub rbp, 4
{ 0x21, 0x45, 0x08 }, // and [rbp+8], eax
{ 0x9C }, // pushfq
{ 0x8F, 0x45, 0x00 } // pop qword ptr [rbp+0]
inline vm::handler::profile_t lvsp =
"LVSP", 0,
{ 0x48, 0x8B, 0x6D, 0x00 } // mov rbp, [rbp]
inline std::vector<vm::handler::profile_t*> all =