You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

276 lines
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#pragma once
#include <transform.hpp>
#include <vmhandlers.hpp>
#define VMP_MAGIC '2PMV'
namespace vmp2
enum class exec_type_t
enum class version_t
3 years ago
v1 = 0x101,
v2 = 0x102,
v3 = 0x103,
v4 = 0x104
3 years ago
namespace v1
3 years ago
struct file_header
u32 magic; // VMP2
u64 epoch_time;
u64 module_base;
exec_type_t advancement;
version_t version;
3 years ago
u32 entry_count;
u32 entry_offset;
3 years ago
struct entry_t
3 years ago
u8 handler_idx;
u64 decrypt_key;
u64 vip;
u64 r15;
u64 r14;
u64 r13;
u64 r12;
u64 r11;
u64 r10;
u64 r9;
u64 r8;
u64 rbp;
u64 rdi;
u64 rsi;
u64 rdx;
u64 rcx;
u64 rbx;
u64 rax;
u64 rflags;
u64 raw[ 16 ];
} regs;
u64 qword[ 0x28 ];
u8 raw[ 0x140 ];
} vregs;
3 years ago
u64 qword[ 0x20 ];
u8 raw[ 0x100 ];
} vsp;
} // namespace v1
namespace v2
struct file_header
3 years ago
u32 magic; // VMP2
u64 epoch_time;
version_t version;
3 years ago
u64 module_base;
u64 image_base;
u64 vm_entry_rva;
exec_type_t advancement;
u32 module_offset;
u32 module_size;
u32 entry_count;
u32 entry_offset;
struct entry_t
3 years ago
u8 handler_idx;
u64 decrypt_key;
u64 vip;
u64 r15;
u64 r14;
u64 r13;
u64 r12;
u64 r11;
u64 r10;
u64 r9;
u64 r8;
u64 rbp;
u64 rdi;
u64 rsi;
u64 rdx;
u64 rcx;
u64 rbx;
u64 rax;
u64 rflags;
u64 raw[ 16 ];
} regs;
u64 qword[ 0x28 ];
u8 raw[ 0x140 ];
} vregs;
u64 qword[ 0x20 ];
u8 raw[ 0x100 ];
} vsp;
} // namespace v2
} // namespace vmp2
namespace vm
namespace instrs
struct virt_instr_t
vm::handler::mnemonic_t mnemonic_t;
std::uint8_t opcode; // aka vm handler idx...
// can be used to look at values on the stack...
vmp2::v2::entry_t trace_data;
bool has_imm;
std::uint8_t imm_size; // size in bits...
std::int64_t s;
std::uint64_t u;
} imm;
} operand;
enum class jcc_type
struct jcc_data
bool has_jcc;
jcc_type type;
std::vector< std::uintptr_t > block_addr;
struct code_block_t
std::uintptr_t vip_begin;
jcc_data jcc;
std::vector< virt_instr_t > vinstrs;
} // namespace instrs
} // namespace vm
namespace vmp2
namespace v3
struct file_header
u32 magic; // VMP2
u64 epoch_time;
version_t version;
u64 module_base;
u64 image_base;
u64 vm_entry_rva;
u32 module_offset;
u32 module_size;
u32 code_block_offset;
u32 code_block_count;
struct code_block_t
std::uintptr_t vip_begin;
std::uintptr_t next_block_offset;
vm::instrs::jcc_data jcc;
// serialized from std::vector<virt_instr_t>...
std::uint32_t vinstr_count;
vm::instrs::virt_instr_t vinstr[];
} // namespace v3
} // namespace vmp2
#pragma pack( push, 1 )
namespace vmp2
namespace v4
struct file_header
u32 magic; // VMP2
u64 epoch_time;
version_t version;
u64 module_base;
u64 image_base;
u64 vm_entry_rva;
u32 module_offset;
u32 module_size;
u32 rtn_count;
u32 rtn_offset;
struct code_block_t
std::uintptr_t vip_begin;
std::uintptr_t next_block_offset;
std::uint32_t vinstr_count;
bool has_jcc;
vm::instrs::jcc_type jcc_type;
std::uint32_t num_block_addrs;
std::uintptr_t branch_addr[ 1 ];
vm::instrs::virt_instr_t vinstr[ 1 ];
struct rtn_t
u32 size;
u32 vm_enter_offset;
u32 code_block_count;
vmp2::v4::code_block_t code_blocks[ 1 ];
} // namespace v4
#pragma pack( pop )
} // namespace vmp2