#include <vmprofiler.hpp>
namespace vm
namespace instrs
std::pair<std::uint64_t, std::uint64_t> decrypt_operand(transform::map_t& transforms,
std::uint64_t operand, std::uint64_t rolling_key)
const auto generic_decrypt_0 = &transforms[transform::type::generic0];
const auto key_decrypt = &transforms[transform::type::rolling_key];
const auto generic_decrypt_1 = &transforms[transform::type::generic1];
const auto generic_decrypt_2 = &transforms[transform::type::generic2];
const auto generic_decrypt_3 = &transforms[transform::type::generic3];
const auto update_key = &transforms[transform::type::update_key];
if (generic_decrypt_0->mnemonic != ZYDIS_MNEMONIC_INVALID)
operand = transform::apply(
generic_decrypt_0->mnemonic, operand,
// check to see if this instruction has an IMM...
transform::has_imm(generic_decrypt_0) ?
generic_decrypt_0->operands[1].imm.value.u : 0);
// apply transformation with rolling decrypt key...
operand = transform::apply(key_decrypt->operands[0].size,
key_decrypt->mnemonic, operand, rolling_key);
// apply three generic transformations...
operand = transform::apply(
generic_decrypt_1->mnemonic, operand,
// check to see if this instruction has an IMM...
transform::has_imm(generic_decrypt_1) ?
generic_decrypt_1->operands[1].imm.value.u : 0);
operand = transform::apply(
generic_decrypt_2->mnemonic, operand,
// check to see if this instruction has an IMM...
transform::has_imm(generic_decrypt_2) ?
generic_decrypt_2->operands[1].imm.value.u : 0);
operand = transform::apply(
generic_decrypt_3->mnemonic, operand,
// check to see if this instruction has an IMM...
transform::has_imm(generic_decrypt_3) ?
generic_decrypt_3->operands[1].imm.value.u : 0);
// update rolling key...
auto result = transform::apply(update_key->operands[0].size,
update_key->mnemonic, rolling_key, operand);
// update decryption key correctly...
switch (update_key->operands[0].size)
case 8:
rolling_key = (rolling_key & ~0xFFull) + result;
case 16:
rolling_key = (rolling_key & ~0xFFFFull) + result;
rolling_key = result;
return { operand, rolling_key };
std::pair<std::uint64_t, std::uint64_t> encrypt_operand(transform::map_t& transforms,
std::uint64_t operand, std::uint64_t rolling_key)
transform::map_t inverse;
inverse_transforms(transforms, inverse);
const auto generic_decrypt_0 = &inverse[transform::type::generic0];
const auto key_decrypt = &inverse[transform::type::rolling_key];
const auto generic_decrypt_1 = &inverse[transform::type::generic1];
const auto generic_decrypt_2 = &inverse[transform::type::generic2];
const auto generic_decrypt_3 = &inverse[transform::type::generic3];
const auto update_key = &inverse[transform::type::update_key];
auto result = transform::apply(update_key->operands[0].size,
update_key->mnemonic, rolling_key, operand);
// make sure we update the rolling decryption key correctly...
switch (update_key->operands[0].size)
case 8:
rolling_key = (rolling_key & ~0xFFull) + result;
case 16:
rolling_key = (rolling_key & ~0xFFFFull) + result;
rolling_key = result;
operand = transform::apply(
generic_decrypt_3->mnemonic, operand,
// check to see if this instruction has an IMM...
transform::has_imm(generic_decrypt_3) ?
generic_decrypt_3->operands[1].imm.value.u : 0);
operand = transform::apply(
generic_decrypt_2->mnemonic, operand,
// check to see if this instruction has an IMM...
transform::has_imm(generic_decrypt_2) ?
generic_decrypt_2->operands[1].imm.value.u : 0);
operand = transform::apply(
generic_decrypt_1->mnemonic, operand,
// check to see if this instruction has an IMM...
transform::has_imm(generic_decrypt_1) ?
generic_decrypt_1->operands[1].imm.value.u : 0);
operand = transform::apply(key_decrypt->operands[0].size,
key_decrypt->mnemonic, operand, rolling_key);
if (generic_decrypt_0->mnemonic != ZYDIS_MNEMONIC_INVALID)
operand = transform::apply(
generic_decrypt_0->mnemonic, operand,
// check to see if this instruction has an IMM...
transform::has_imm(generic_decrypt_0) ?
generic_decrypt_0->operands[1].imm.value.u : 0);
return { operand, rolling_key };
bool get_rva_decrypt(
const zydis_routine_t& vm_entry, std::vector<zydis_decoded_instr_t>& transform_instrs)
// find mov esi, [rsp+0xA0]
auto result = std::find_if(vm_entry.begin(), vm_entry.end(),
[](const zydis_instr_t& instr_data) -> bool
if (instr_data.instr.mnemonic == ZYDIS_MNEMONIC_MOV &&
instr_data.instr.operand_count == 2 &&
instr_data.instr.operands[0].reg.value == ZYDIS_REGISTER_ESI &&
instr_data.instr.operands[1].mem.base == ZYDIS_REGISTER_RSP &&
instr_data.instr.operands[1].mem.disp.has_displacement &&
instr_data.instr.operands[1].mem.disp.value == 0xA0)
return true;
return false;
if (result == vm_entry.end())
return false;
// find the next three instruction with ESI as the dest...
for (auto idx = 0u; idx < 3; ++idx)
result = std::find_if(++result, vm_entry.end(),
[](const zydis_instr_t& instr_data) -> bool
return instr_data.instr.operands[0].reg.value == ZYDIS_REGISTER_ESI;
if (result == vm_entry.end())
return false;
return true;