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#pragma once
#include <transform.hpp>
#include <vmprofiles.hpp>
namespace vm::handler
/// <summary>
/// handler_t contains all the information for a vm handler such as its immidate value size (zero if there is no
/// imm), the transformations applied to the imm to decrypt it (if any), a pointer to the profile (nullptr if
/// there is none), and other meta data...
/// </summary>
struct handler_t
/// <summary>
/// imm size in bits, zero if no imm...
/// </summary>
u8 imm_size;
/// <summary>
/// transformations to decrypt imm...
/// </summary>
vm::transform::map_t transforms;
/// <summary>
/// pointer to the profile, nullptr if none...
/// </summary>
vm::handler::profile_t *profile;
/// <summary>
/// native instructions of the vm handler... (calc_jmp/check_vsp is removed from this)...
/// </summary>
zydis_routine_t instrs;
/// <summary>
/// linear virtual address to the vm handler...
/// </summary>
std::uintptr_t address;
/// <summary>
/// given a vm handler returns true if the vm handler decrypts an operand...
/// </summary>
/// <param name="vm_handler">const reference to a vm handler...</param>
/// <returns>returns true if the vm handler decrypts an operand, else false...</returns>
bool has_imm( const zydis_routine_t &vm_handler );
/// <summary>
/// gets the imm size of a vm handler...
/// </summary>
/// <param name="vm_handler">const reference to a vm handler...</param>
/// <returns>returns the imm size, otherwise returns an empty optional value...</returns>
std::optional< std::uint8_t > imm_size( const zydis_routine_t &vm_handler );
/// <summary>
/// gets a vm handler, puts all of the native instructions inside of the vm_handler param...
/// </summary>
/// <param name="vm_entry">reference to a zydis_routine_t containing the native instructions of a vm
/// entry...</param> <param name="vm_handler">reference to a zydis_routine_t that will get filled with the
/// native instructions of the vm handler...</param> <param name="handler_addr">linear virtual address to the
/// first instruction of the vm handler...</param> <returns>returns true if the native instructions of the vm
/// handler was extracted...</returns>
bool get( zydis_routine_t &vm_entry, zydis_routine_t &vm_handler, std::uintptr_t handler_addr );
/// <summary>
/// get all 256 vm handlers...
/// </summary>
/// <param name="module_base">linear virtual address of the module base...</param>
/// <param name="image_base">image base from optional nt header... <a
/// href="">IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64</a>...</param>
/// <param name="vm_entry">zydis_routine_t containing the deobfuscated and flattened vm entry native
/// instructions...</param> <param name="vm_handler_table">linear virtual address to the vm handler
/// table...</param> <param name="vm_handlers">vector of handler_t's that will be filled with the vm
/// handlers...</param> <returns>returns true if all vm handlers were extracted, else false...</returns>
bool get_all( std::uintptr_t module_base, std::uintptr_t image_base, zydis_routine_t &vm_entry,
std::uintptr_t *vm_handler_table, std::vector< handler_t > &vm_handlers );
/// <summary>
/// get operand decryption instructions given a vm handler...
/// </summary>
/// <param name="vm_handler">reference to a zydis_routine_t containing the deobfuscated and flattened vm handler
/// native instructions...</param> <param name="transforms">reference to a transform::map_t that will get filled
/// up with the transforms needed to decrypt operands...</param> <returns>returns true if the transformations
/// were extracted successfully</returns>
bool get_operand_transforms( zydis_routine_t &vm_handler, transform::map_t &transforms );
/// <summary>
/// get a vm handler profile given a handler_t...
/// </summary>
/// <param name="vm_handler">reference to a handler_t structure that contains all the information of a given vm
/// handler...</param> <returns>returns a pointer to the vm profile, else a nullptr...</returns>
vm::handler::profile_t *get_profile( handler_t &vm_handler );
/// <summary>
/// get a vm handler profile given the mnemonic of the vm handler...
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mnemonic">mnemonic of the vm handler...</param>
/// <returns>returns a pointer to the profile if the given menmonic is implimented, else a nullptr...</returns>
vm::handler::profile_t *get_profile( vm::handler::mnemonic_t mnemonic );
namespace table
/// <summary>
/// get the linear virtual address of the vm handler table give a deobfuscated, flattened, vm entry...
/// </summary>
/// <param name="vm_entry">deobfuscated, flattened, vm entry...</param>
/// <returns>returns the linear virtual address of the vm handler table...</returns>
std::uintptr_t *get( const zydis_routine_t &vm_entry );
/// <summary>
/// get the single native instruction used to decrypt vm handler entries...
/// </summary>
/// <param name="vm_entry">reference to the deobfuscated, flattened, vm entry...</param>
/// <param name="transform_instr"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
bool get_transform( const zydis_routine_t &vm_entry, zydis_decoded_instr_t *transform_instr );
/// <summary>
/// encrypt a linear virtual address given the transformation that is used to decrypt the vm handler table
/// entry... this function will apply the inverse of the transformation so you dont need to get the inverse
/// yourself...
/// </summary>
/// <param name="transform_instr">reference to the transformation native instruction...</param>
/// <param name="val">value to be encrypted (linear virtual address)</param>
/// <returns>returns the encrypted value...</returns>
std::uint64_t encrypt( zydis_decoded_instr_t &transform_instr, std::uint64_t val );
/// <summary>
/// decrypts a vm handler table entry...
/// </summary>
/// <param name="transform_instr">transformation extracted from vm_entry that decrypts vm handler table
/// entries...</param> <param name="val">encrypted value to be decrypted...</param> <returns>returns the
/// decrypted value...</returns>
std::uint64_t decrypt( zydis_decoded_instr_t &transform_instr, std::uint64_t val );
} // namespace table
} // namespace vm::handler