Theodosius v3.0
Jit linker, symbol mapper, and obfuscator
Namespaces | Data Structures
theo::obf Namespace Reference

this is the main namespace for obfuscation related things. More...


namespace  transform
 this namespace encompasses the code for transforming relocations.

Data Structures

class  engine_t
 singleton obfuscation engine class. this class is responsible for keeping track of the registered passes and the order in which to execute them. More...
class  hello_world_pass_t
 hello world pass example of how to inherit pass_t. More...
class  jcc_rewrite_pass_t
 jcc rewrite pass which rewrites rip relative jcc's so that they are position independent. More...
class  next_inst_pass_t
 This pass is used to generate transformations and jmp code to change RIP to the next instruction. More...
class  pass_t
 the pass_t class is a base clase for all passes made. you must override the pass_t::run virtual function and declare the logic of your pass there. More...
class  reloc_transform_pass_t
 this pass is like the next_inst_pass, however, relocations are encrypted with transformations instead of the address of the next instruction. this pass only runs at the instruction level and appends transformations into the reloc_t object of the instruction symbol. More...

Detailed Description

this is the main namespace for obfuscation related things.