Theodosius  v3.0
Jit linker, mapper, obfuscator, and mutator
Namespaces | Classes | Typedefs
theo Namespace Reference

The outer most encompassing namespace of this project. More...


 the namespace that contains all of the decomposition related code.
 this is the main namespace for obfuscation related things.
 this namespace encompasses all recomposition related code.


class  theo_t
 the main class which encapsulates a symbol table, decomp, and recomp objects. This class is a bridge that connects all three: decomp, obf, recomp. More...


using lnk_fns_t = std::tuple< recomp::allocator_t, recomp::copier_t, recomp::resolver_t >
 tuple of functions used by theo to allocate, copy, and resolve symbols. More...

Detailed Description

The outer most encompassing namespace of this project.

Typedef Documentation

◆ lnk_fns_t

tuple of functions used by theo to allocate, copy, and resolve symbols.