@ -42,3 +42,39 @@ __forceinline auto load_drv() -> std::pair <HANDLE, std::string>
return { vdm::drv_handle, key };
### vdm::unload_drv
This code probably wont change, its just a wrapper function for `driver::unload` , but it also closes the driver handle before trying to unload the driver...
__forceinline bool unload_drv(HANDLE drv_handle, std::string drv_key)
return CloseHandle(drv_handle) & & driver::unload(drv_key);
### vdm::read_phys
Most drivers expose mapping of physical memory. This means you will need to map the physical memory, memcpy it, then unmap it. This allows support
for drivers that actually only offer physical read and write and not physical map/unmap.
__forceinline bool read_phys(void* addr, void* buffer, std::size_t size)
// code to read physical memory. most drivers offer map/unmap physical
// so you will need to map the physical memory, memcpy, then unmap the memory
### vdm::write_phys
This function is going to probably contain the same code as `vdm::read_phys` except the memcpy dest and src swapped...
__forceinline bool write_phys(void* addr, void* buffer, std::size_t size)
// code to write physical memory... same code as vdm::read_phys
// except memcpy dest and src are swapped.