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#pragma once
#include "types.h"
#pragma section(".pdpt", read, write)
#pragma section(".pd", read, write)
#pragma section(".pt", read, write)
typedef union _virt_addr_t
void* value;
u64 offset : 12;
u64 pt_index : 9;
u64 pd_index : 9;
u64 pdpt_index : 9;
u64 pml4_index : 9;
u64 reserved : 16;
} virt_addr_t, * pvirt_addr_t;
typedef union _pml4e
u64 value;
u64 present : 1; // Must be 1, region invalid if 0.
u64 ReadWrite : 1; // If 0, writes not allowed.
u64 user_supervisor : 1; // If 0, user-mode accesses not allowed.
u64 PageWriteThrough : 1; // Determines the memory type used to access PDPT.
u64 page_cache : 1; // Determines the memory type used to access PDPT.
u64 accessed : 1; // If 0, this entry has not been used for translation.
u64 Ignored1 : 1;
u64 page_size : 1; // Must be 0 for PML4E.
u64 Ignored2 : 4;
u64 pfn : 36; // The page frame number of the PDPT of this PML4E.
u64 Reserved : 4;
u64 Ignored3 : 11;
u64 nx : 1; // If 1, instruction fetches not allowed.
} pml4e, * ppml4e;
typedef union _pdpte
u64 value;
u64 present : 1; // Must be 1, region invalid if 0.
u64 rw : 1; // If 0, writes not allowed.
u64 user_supervisor : 1; // If 0, user-mode accesses not allowed.
u64 PageWriteThrough : 1; // Determines the memory type used to access PD.
u64 page_cache : 1; // Determines the memory type used to access PD.
u64 accessed : 1; // If 0, this entry has not been used for translation.
u64 Ignored1 : 1;
u64 page_size : 1; // If 1, this entry maps a 1GB page.
u64 Ignored2 : 4;
u64 pfn : 36; // The page frame number of the PD of this PDPTE.
u64 Reserved : 4;
u64 Ignored3 : 11;
u64 nx : 1; // If 1, instruction fetches not allowed.
} pdpte, * ppdpte;
typedef union _pde
u64 value;
u64 present : 1; // Must be 1, region invalid if 0.
u64 rw : 1; // If 0, writes not allowed.
u64 user_supervisor : 1; // If 0, user-mode accesses not allowed.
u64 PageWriteThrough : 1; // Determines the memory type used to access PT.
u64 page_cache : 1; // Determines the memory type used to access PT.
u64 accessed : 1; // If 0, this entry has not been used for translation.
u64 Ignored1 : 1;
u64 page_size : 1; // If 1, this entry maps a 2MB page.
u64 Ignored2 : 4;
u64 pfn : 36; // The page frame number of the PT of this PDE.
u64 Reserved : 4;
u64 Ignored3 : 11;
u64 nx : 1; // If 1, instruction fetches not allowed.
} pde, * ppde;
typedef union _pte
u64 value;
u64 present : 1; // Must be 1, region invalid if 0.
u64 rw : 1; // If 0, writes not allowed.
u64 user_supervisor : 1; // If 0, user-mode accesses not allowed.
u64 PageWriteThrough : 1; // Determines the memory type used to access the memory.
u64 page_cache : 1; // Determines the memory type used to access the memory.
u64 accessed : 1; // If 0, this entry has not been used for translation.
u64 Dirty : 1; // If 0, the memory backing this page has not been written to.
u64 PageAccessType : 1; // Determines the memory type used to access the memory.
u64 Global : 1; // If 1 and the PGE bit of CR4 is set, translations are global.
u64 Ignored2 : 3;
u64 pfn : 36; // The page frame number of the backing physical page.
u64 reserved : 4;
u64 Ignored3 : 7;
u64 ProtectionKey : 4; // If the PKE bit of CR4 is set, determines the protection key.
u64 nx : 1; // If 1, instruction fetches not allowed.
} pte, * ppte;
namespace pg_table
__declspec(allocate(".pdpt")) inline pdpte pdpt[512];
__declspec(allocate(".pd")) inline pde pd[512];
__declspec(allocate(".pt")) inline pte pt[512];