You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

125 lines
4.7 KiB

#include <Windows.h>
#include <cli-parser.hpp>
#include <vmp_rtn.hpp>
#include <vmprofiler.hpp>
#include <xtils.hpp>
using namespace llvm;
int main( int argc, const char *argv[] )
argparse::argument_parser_t parser( "vmdevirt", "virtual instruction pseudo code generator" );
parser.add_argument().name( "--vmp2file" ).required( true ).description( "path to .vmp2 file..." );
auto err = parser.parse( argc, argv );
if ( err )
std::cout << err << std::endl;
return -1;
if ( parser.exists( "help" ) )
return 0;
std::vector< std::uint8_t > vmp2file;
const auto umtils = xtils::um_t::get_instance();
if ( !umtils->open_binary_file( parser.get< std::string >( "vmp2file" ), vmp2file ) )
std::printf( "[!] failed to open vmp2 file...\n" );
return -1;
const auto file_header = reinterpret_cast< vmp2::v4::file_header * >( );
if ( file_header->version != vmp2::version_t::v4 )
std::printf( "[!] invalid vmp2 file version... this build uses v3...\n" );
return -1;
auto first_rtn = reinterpret_cast< vmp2::v4::rtn_t * >( reinterpret_cast< std::uintptr_t >( file_header ) +
file_header->rtn_offset );
std::vector< std::pair< std::uint32_t, std::vector< vm::instrs::code_block_t > > > virt_rtns;
for ( auto [ rtn_block, rtn_idx ] = std::pair{ first_rtn, 0ull }; rtn_idx < file_header->rtn_count;
++rtn_idx, rtn_block = reinterpret_cast< vmp2::v4::rtn_t * >(
reinterpret_cast< std::uintptr_t >( rtn_block ) + rtn_block->size ) )
virt_rtns.push_back( { rtn_block->vm_enter_offset, {} } );
for ( auto [ code_block, block_idx ] = std::pair{ &rtn_block->code_blocks[ 0 ], 0ull };
block_idx < rtn_block->code_block_count;
++block_idx, code_block = reinterpret_cast< vmp2::v4::code_block_t * >(
reinterpret_cast< std::uintptr_t >( code_block ) + code_block->next_block_offset ) )
auto block_vinstrs = reinterpret_cast< vm::instrs::virt_instr_t * >(
reinterpret_cast< std::uintptr_t >( code_block ) + sizeof vmp2::v4::code_block_t +
( code_block->num_block_addrs * 8 ) );
vm::instrs::code_block_t _code_block{ code_block->vip_begin };
_code_block.jcc.has_jcc = code_block->has_jcc;
_code_block.jcc.type = code_block->jcc_type;
for ( auto idx = 0u; idx < code_block->num_block_addrs; ++idx )
std::printf( "> branch addr = 0x%p\n", code_block->branch_addr[ idx ] );
_code_block.jcc.block_addr.push_back( code_block->branch_addr[ idx ] );
for ( auto idx = 0u; idx < code_block->vinstr_count; ++idx )
_code_block.vinstrs.push_back( block_vinstrs[ idx ] );
virt_rtns.back().second.push_back( _code_block );
LLVMContext llvm_ctx;
Module llvm_module( "", llvm_ctx );
vm::ctx_t vm_ctx( reinterpret_cast< std::uintptr_t >( file_header ) + file_header->module_offset,
file_header->image_base, file_header->module_size, file_header->vm_entry_rva );
if ( !vm_ctx.init() )
std::printf( "> failed to init vm::ctx_t... this can be for many reason... make sure you are using the correct "
"vmemu version for this project...\n" );
return false;
vm::vmp_rtn_t vmp_rtn( &llvm_ctx, &llvm_module, &vm_ctx, virt_rtns[ 0 ].second[ 0 ].vip_begin,
virt_rtns[ 0 ].second );
auto func = vmp_rtn.lift();
llvm_module.print( llvm::outs(), nullptr );
TargetOptions opt;
llvm::SmallVector< char, 128 > buff;
llvm::raw_svector_ostream dest( buff );
legacy::PassManager pass;
auto target_triple = sys::getDefaultTargetTriple();
llvm_module.setTargetTriple( target_triple );
std::string error;
auto Target = TargetRegistry::lookupTarget( target_triple, error );
auto reloc_model = Optional< Reloc::Model >();
auto target_machine = Target->createTargetMachine( target_triple, "generic", "", opt, reloc_model );
llvm_module.setDataLayout( target_machine->createDataLayout() );
target_machine->addPassesToEmitFile( pass, dest, nullptr, CGFT_ObjectFile ); llvm_module );
std::printf( "> obj size = %d\n", buff.size() );