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#include <vmp_rtn_t.hpp>
namespace vm
vmp_rtn_t::vmp_rtn_t( std::uintptr_t rtn_begin, std::vector< vm::instrs::code_block_t > vmp2_code_blocks,
std::shared_ptr< llvm::IRBuilder<> > &ir_builder, llvm::Module *llvm_module )
: ir_builder( ir_builder ), vmp2_code_blocks( vmp2_code_blocks ), rtn_begin( rtn_begin ),
llvm_module( llvm_module )
// create virtual registers in the first code block...
ir_builder->SetInsertPoint( llvm_code_blocks[ 0 ].second );
flags = ir_builder->CreateAlloca( ir_builder->getInt64Ty(), nullptr, "flags" );
stack = ir_builder->CreateAlloca( llvm::PointerType::get( ir_builder->getInt8Ty(), 0ull ), nullptr, "sp" );
ir_builder->CreateStore( llvm_fptr->getArg( 0 ), stack );
void vmp_rtn_t::create_virtual_registers( void )
for ( auto idx = 0u; idx < 24; ++idx )
// allocate virtual register space...
ir_builder->CreateAlloca( llvm::IntegerType::get( ir_builder->getContext(), 64 ), nullptr,
( std::string( "vreg" ) + std::to_string( idx ) ).c_str() ) );
void vmp_rtn_t::create_routine( void )
// function has no arguments and returns void... maybe change this in the future as i learn
// more and more LLVM...
auto func_ty =
llvm::FunctionType::get( llvm::PointerType::getInt8PtrTy( ir_builder->getContext() ),
{ llvm::PointerType::getInt8PtrTy( ir_builder->getContext() ) }, false );
// convert the rtn_begin address to a hex string and prepend "rtn_" to it...
std::stringstream rtn_name;
rtn_name << "rtn_" << std::hex << rtn_begin;
llvm_fptr = llvm::Function::Create( func_ty, llvm::GlobalValue::LinkageTypes::ExternalLinkage,
rtn_name.str().c_str(), *llvm_module );
for ( const auto &vmp2_code_block : vmp2_code_blocks )
// create basic block name... block_xxxxxxxx format...
std::stringstream blk_name;
blk_name << "blk_" << std::hex << vmp2_code_block.vip_begin;
{ vmp2_code_block.vip_begin,
llvm::BasicBlock::Create( ir_builder->getContext(), blk_name.str().c_str(), llvm_fptr ) } );
} // namespace vm