@ -212,14 +212,10 @@ int __cdecl main( int argc, const char *argv[] )
auto vinstr = &code_block->vinstr[ idx ];
if ( vinstr->mnemonic_t == vm::handler::INVALID )
"> unable to lift to VTIL... unknown virtual instruction handler #%d... "
"please define a vm handler profile for this virtual instruction and try again..."
" you can also create your first contribution to this open source project by submitting"
" a merge request with your changes! :)\n",
std::printf( "[WARNING] vm handler #%d is not implimented, the VTIL output may be incorrect!\n",
vinstr->opcode );
return -1;
const auto result = std::find_if(
@ -229,17 +225,15 @@ int __cdecl main( int argc, const char *argv[] )
if ( result == vm::lifters::all.end() )
"> unable to lift to VTIL... unknown virtual instruction handler lifter for #%d... "
"please define a vm handler lifter for this vm handler and try again..."
" you can also create your first contribution to this open source project by submitting"
" a merge request with your changes! :)\n",
"[WARNING] vm handler #%d lifter is not implimented, the VTIL output may be incorrect!\n",
vinstr->opcode );
return -1;
// lift the virtual instruction...
( *result )->second( rtn, vinstr );
( *result )->second( rtn, vinstr, code_block );