updated code

xerox 4 years ago
parent 490299f877
commit 693aca7b3d

@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ namespace driver
namespace util
inline bool delete_service_entry(const std::string& service_name)
__forceinline auto delete_service_entry(const std::string& service_name) -> bool
HKEY reg_handle;
static const std::string reg_key("System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\");
@ -49,10 +49,11 @@ namespace driver
return ERROR_SUCCESS == RegDeleteKeyA(reg_handle, service_name.data()) && ERROR_SUCCESS == RegCloseKey(reg_handle);;
return ERROR_SUCCESS == RegDeleteKeyA(reg_handle, service_name.data()) &&
ERROR_SUCCESS == RegCloseKey(reg_handle);;
inline bool create_service_entry(const std::string& drv_path, const std::string& service_name)
__forceinline auto create_service_entry(const std::string& drv_path, const std::string& service_name) -> bool
HKEY reg_handle;
std::string reg_key("System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\");
@ -67,10 +68,7 @@ namespace driver
if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS)
return false;
// set type to 1 (kernel)
constexpr std::uint8_t type_value = 1;
std::uint8_t type_value = 1;
result = RegSetValueExA(
@ -83,10 +81,7 @@ namespace driver
if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS)
return false;
// set error control to 3
constexpr std::uint8_t error_control_value = 3;
std::uint8_t error_control_value = 3;
result = RegSetValueExA(
@ -99,10 +94,7 @@ namespace driver
if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS)
return false;
// set start to 3
constexpr std::uint8_t start_value = 3;
std::uint8_t start_value = 3;
result = RegSetValueExA(
@ -115,9 +107,6 @@ namespace driver
if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS)
return false;
// set image path to the driver on disk
result = RegSetValueExA(
@ -133,8 +122,7 @@ namespace driver
return ERROR_SUCCESS == RegCloseKey(reg_handle);
// this function was coded by paracord: https://githacks.org/snippets/4#L94
inline bool enable_privilege(const std::wstring& privilege_name)
__forceinline auto enable_privilege(const std::wstring& privilege_name) -> bool
HANDLE token_handle = nullptr;
if (!OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES | TOKEN_QUERY, &token_handle))
@ -156,7 +144,7 @@ namespace driver
return true;
inline std::string get_service_image_path(const std::string& service_name)
__forceinline auto get_service_image_path(const std::string& service_name) -> std::string
HKEY reg_handle;
DWORD bytes_read;
@ -184,12 +172,13 @@ namespace driver
inline bool load(const std::string& drv_path, const std::string& service_name)
__forceinline auto load(const std::string& drv_path, const std::string& service_name) -> bool
if (!util::enable_privilege(L"SeLoadDriverPrivilege"))
return false;
if (!util::create_service_entry("\\??\\" + std::filesystem::absolute(std::filesystem::path(drv_path)).string(), service_name))
if (!util::create_service_entry("\\??\\" +
std::filesystem::absolute(std::filesystem::path(drv_path)).string(), service_name))
return false;
std::string reg_path("\\Registry\\Machine\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\");
@ -213,7 +202,7 @@ namespace driver
return false;
inline std::tuple<bool, std::string> load(const std::vector<std::uint8_t>& drv_buffer)
__forceinline auto load(const std::vector<std::uint8_t>& drv_buffer) -> std::tuple<bool, std::string>
static const auto random_file_name = [](std::size_t length) -> std::string
@ -232,7 +221,7 @@ namespace driver
const auto service_name = random_file_name(16);
const auto file_path = std::filesystem::temp_directory_path().string() + random_file_name(16);
const auto file_path = std::filesystem::temp_directory_path().string() + service_name;
std::ofstream output_file(file_path.c_str(), std::ios::binary);
output_file.write((char*)drv_buffer.data(), drv_buffer.size());
@ -241,13 +230,13 @@ namespace driver
return { load(file_path, service_name), service_name };
inline std::tuple<bool, std::string> load(const std::uint8_t* buffer, const std::size_t size)
__forceinline auto load(const std::uint8_t* buffer, const std::size_t size) -> std::tuple<bool, std::string>
std::vector<std::uint8_t> image(buffer, buffer + size);
return load(image);
inline bool unload(const std::string& service_name)
__forceinline auto unload(const std::string& service_name) -> bool
std::string reg_path("\\Registry\\Machine\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\");
reg_path += service_name;
@ -269,11 +258,15 @@ namespace driver
const bool unload_drv = !reinterpret_cast<nt_unload_driver_t>(lp_nt_unload_drv)(&driver_reg_path_unicode);
const auto image_path = std::filesystem::temp_directory_path().string() + service_name;
const bool delete_reg = util::delete_service_entry(service_name);
const bool delete_drv = std::filesystem::remove(image_path);
catch (std::exception& e) {}
catch (std::exception& e)
std::printf("[!] failed to delete vulnerable driver...\n");
return unload_drv && delete_reg;
return false;
